.page fifteen
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thefrick_23: wtf fmod
viewer_discretion_330: @qwerty_thekid what was deleted?
qwerty_thekid: idk i just logged on from your @ what's happening on this forum?
thefrick_23: u tell us bro!
qwerty_thekid: the system is acting strangely, give me a second to catch up to you guys, reading fast
wrong_dumbo_30: 2 a them weren't deleted just username >>>not right, right?
Xiao_raptureglass: @latchkey_lex_2000 you still there? All of your posts loaded instantaneously. Reading them now, but keep going.
latchkey_lex_2000: Looking for higher ground not much breath available to voice text
aptly_under_smell: Where are you?
latchkey_lex_2000: climbing to the bluff
!_astronutbag_!: !!! HOLY shit are you guys seeing these pics he uploaded??/ Look at those dates!
thefrick_23: the fuckin tatoo? Did they cut off their own fickin skin???????????
chimpokomon_shoe_42: I'm I don't know what to say. The phones man. Those phhones were under that lake?
$Horndog$: Look at those dates THO! 1828, 1903, 1772, 1969, 1651 !!!! He's been taking people for centuries. Lerosy exists?
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viewer_discretion_330: I have yet to rule out a fugazi on this #whoislerosy
kush_recker: its no joke bruv
really_white_dad: anything yet with the username's being hidden and deleted content, moderator?
ominous_debt: yeah fmod wtf
qwerty_thekid: I'm not doing it... no one is
latchkey_lex_2000: I'm at the summit or whatever this is out of breath ill just take photos for now help me look through them to see if there is anything out there the moon should help you see details my lex is out here I know it help me pleaes
latchkey_lex_2000: [photo attachment: high elevation view of woodland area.] West1
latchkey_lex_2000: [photo attachment: high elevation view of woodland area.] West02
latchkey_lex_2000: [photo attachment: high elevation view of woodland area.] West03
latchkey_lex_2000: [photo attachment: high elevation view of woodland area.] West-4
latchkey_lex_2000: [photo attachment: high elevation view of woodland area.] West005
latchkey_lex_2000: [photo attachment: high elevation view of woodland area.] west6
latchkey_lex_2000: [photo attachment: high elevation view of woodland area.] west 07
wrong_dumbo_30: HOLY SHIT!! STOP stoptopto 2nd photo!!!! He's out there!!!
littlejohn_777: West 02?
thefrick_23: where at?
$Horndog$: just abov the tree line holy shit — you can see his torso and hat
chimpokomon_shoe_42: netx to him next to him!!! the tops of their heads
Elendil_rolls_5: what is that? I just see white stuff
aptly_under_smell: it's the top of their fucking heads man. Their under sheets! THERe are like five of them out there
$Horndog$: little girls there is a curcle a them around the guy oh danmitt
latchkey_lex_2000: I'm scanning back, hold on
!_astronutbag_!: photosopp running - zooming in to see cleareer
!_astronutbag_!: [photo attachment: high elevation view of woodland clearing, man in slouched jester hat staring at camera, no expression, five shrouded figures encircled]
latchkey_lex_2000: Alexa he has her I'M COMING HONEY
horoscopy_959: Yes...go...
accounting_snazzy: run...
ominous_debt: get outa there man
oppenheimers_jungle: run the other way
love_0_is_0_blind: FLAGGGGGGGGGGG
Deloris_bean_1951: ***ANGRY FACE AT YOU***
Deloris_bean_1951: ****H8R FAAAAAACCCEEEEEE****
!_astronutbag_!: I'm loggin ov man the devils on here god prote ct me
brain_deluted: is that it? what now
Trekkie_thief: now is the wonder
Deloris_bean_1951: ring around Lerosy
Deloris_bean_1951: PoCKet FuLl Of PoSiE
Deloris_bean_1951: ASHeS ASHeS
Deloris_bean_1951: ASHES!! A S H E S!!
Deloris_bean_1951: A S H E SSSSS!!!
Deloris_bean_1951: THEY ALLLLLL FALL DOWNNNN!!!
shoot_loading...: STOP IT! Stop fucking with us
$Horndog$: this aint right
really_white_dad: that picture...his face...I can't unsee it
thefrick_23: I'm logging out
Deloris_bean_1951: no you dooooon't youre not
Deloris_bean_1951: youre not
Deloris_bean_1951: GoINg
Deloris_bean_1951: ANYWHERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
apollo_11_lies: Is he still there??? Heloo
13_Across: ??????
brain_deluted: Yeah common Don't stop writing now, dude
latchkey_lex_2000: I'm here I've made it down the cliff
latchkey_lex_2000: That guy from the picture I don't know where he is he's not out here anymore wait he's deeper in the clearing the girls aren't there I can see him clearly now hes backing into the woods I'm gonna snap a picture in case I lose him this has to get to the authorities
Trekkie_thief: there is no authority over him
latchkey_lex_2000: [photo attachment: blurry image of darkened forest floor, an open clearing 100 feet from view, man is visible in the moonlight, face too blurred to assess, wearing dark clothes and a drooping leather jester's hat, standing very near the treeline]
Baristarexia: my god
aptly_under_smell: its blurry but lookes similar to the one from earlier
Deloris_bean_1951: stop
Deloris_bean_1951: TaKiNg
Deloris_bean_1951: PICTUReS!!!
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latchkey_lex_2000: hi daddy
chimpokomon_shoe_42: ohfcuk
Buck_the_beav: no no noooonnnonononono
accounting_snazzy: ring around Lerosy
horoscopy_959: go to him Will!
accounting_snazzy: pocket full
accounting_snazzy: pocket FUUULLLL
latchkey_lex_2000: I'm jogging after him the forest is suddenly strangely quiet he was further away than I thought
love_0_is_0_blind: Posies Posies he's got your Posies
Buck_the_beav: Pops, get out of there man
kush_recker: yeah turn around
Sherbrooke_climber: there is nowhere left to turn
Stanford_prof: you all know hes DEAD DEAD DEAD
sweet_homebody: move will. faster, dear! ever faster!
latchkey_lex_2000: I've reached the clearing there is one of those fairy rings its large very thick with mushrooms I'm walking around it checking the woods
blakely_cake1: peek a boo where are you Will
latchkey_lex_2000: I seeee yooooou daaaaaaddddyyyy
puppymillscandie: ring around Lerosy
crispy_shifflett: Pops? Pops talkt o us
wrong_dumbo_30: You there pops?
viewer_discretion_330: shit man he's fucked
latchkey_lex_2000: There's no one here I looked everywhere no one
217place: go back to the ring Will
Xiao_raptureglass: STOP you're frightening him!!
Deloris_bean_1951: hE ShOUlD Be FrIgHTenEd
latchkey_lex_2000: I'm back at the ring of mushrooms stepping inside it feels wrong so wrong is this all real is this where my daughter went where is he WHERE ARE YOU YOU MOTHER FUCKER GIVE ME BACK MY DAUGHTER
love_0_is_0_blind: silly silly
kush_recker: Where is he? The guy with the hat couldn't have just vanished
Baristarexia: He's waiting for something! Why aren't you understanding this?
chimpokomon_shoe_42: She's dead. Save yourself.
Trekkie_thief: Will, he let you see him. You only saw Lerosy because you believe.
puppymillscandie: Yes. I was wrong. I should have gone to him. He's there for you.
Deloris_bean_1951: There's only one way you can see your DaUgHtEr WWWWWIIIIlLLLlLLLLLLL
blakely_cake1: Lerosy is real, you know it
latchkey_lex_2000: I know I know he's real I believe and its too late
sweet_homebody: nope nope nope...it's just right...babyboy
horoscopy_959: let him love you
really_white_dad: WTF? Stop encouraging this!
horoscopy_959: let him give you unending love
covert_lampshadey: What in god's name are we reading?
Miss_Schirmers_room: He was chosen, don't you get it?
Miss_Schirmers_room: You know what to do, Will
sweet_homebody: Yes, Listen To Your Heart, Dear
puppymillscandie: Oh I'm so jealous of you!!
latchkey_lex_2000: Okay Okay I know what to do
Deloris_bean_1951: YYAAAAAASSSS
wrong_dumbo_30: Get the hell out of there man BOOK IT
latchkey_lex_2000: Lerosy. Please.
username hidden: I am here.
love_0_is_0_blind: @accounting_snazzy @sweet_homebody @Miss_Schirmers_room @Deloris_bean_1951 @puppymillscandie @horoscopy_959 @Stanford_prof @Sherbrooke_climber @Trekkie_thief @217place @blakely_cake1 - - - - Ring Around Lerosy
latchkey_lex_2000: I need to see you. I have to know what happened to my daughter. Please hear me.
username hidden: Write the words
latchkey_lex_2000: I love her, Lerosy. I truly do. I didn't realize it until right now. Her name is Abbie.
love_0_is_0_blind: @accounting_snazzy @sweet_homebody @Miss_Schirmers_room @Deloris_bean_1951 @puppymillscandie @horoscopy_959 @Stanford_prof @Sherbrooke_climber @Trekkie_thief @217place @blakely_cake1 - - - - Pocket Full Of Posies
latchkey_lex_2000: I can't find you
username hidden: Do you believe?
love_0_is_0_blind: @accounting_snazzy @sweet_homebody @Miss_Schirmers_room @Deloris_bean_1951 @puppymillscandie @horoscopy_959 @Stanford_prof @Sherbrooke_climber @Trekkie_thief @217place @blakely_cake1 - - - - Ashes Ashes
username hidden: Do you believe in me, Will?
latchkey_lex_2000: Yes.
username hidden: Turn around
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