The Child of Woe
How'd we get to this point?
Time seemed to have rewund like a VHS video, rewinding previous events until it stopped to the shot of a door with a plaque labeled 'Principal Weems'.
This time, we see Wednesday sitting inside the said principal's office with her parents. The room was lined to the brim with polished wood and dozens upon dozens of books amidst the shelves. as the room itself was lit by fire in the firepit inside the office along with a few chandeliers.
"Wednesday is certainly a unique name" Principal Weems states "I'm guessing it was the day you were born?"
Principal Weems is at her desk with a file containing all of Wednesday's information as she sat in a grey trenchcoat and well-combed platinum blonde hair.
"I was born on Friday the 13th" Wednesday Retorted "Her name comes from a line from my favorite nursery rhyme, 'Wednesday's child is full of woe.'" Morticia added.
"You always had a unique perspective on the world, Morticia." Weems complimented as Morticia merely hums in gratitude "Did your mother tell you we were roommates back in the day?" she added.
"And you graduated with your sanity intact? Impressive" Wednesday spat, this prompts Weems to dive back to Wednesday's file. "You've certainly had a very interesting educational journey.. Eight schools in five years" Weems listed
"They haven't built one strong enough to hold me" Wednesday said "I bet this place won't be any different"
"What our daughter is trying to say is that she greatly appreciates the opportunity" Gomez chimed, hoping to salvage the conversation "Nevermore doesn't usually accept students mid-term, but given Wednesday's perfect grades and your family's long history with the school, I've spoken with the board and we've made an exception" Weems said bringing joy to Morticia and Gomez as they held hands behind Wednesday.
"Larissa, what about Wednesday's, um... therapy sessions?" Morticia brought up "The court ordered them"
"Hmm. The school has a relationship with a therapist in Jericho" Weems said "One of our students is currently assigned to her, but I think she can fit you in her schedule. She can meet her twice a week"
"Did you hear that, my little storm cloud? You're in excellent hands" Gomez stated "We'll see if she survives the first session" Wednesday retorts "I've assigned you to your mother's old dorm. Ophelia Hall."
A chorus of gasps and cheers is emitted from Morticia as she smiles towards Wednesday
"Refresh my memory. Ophelia's the one who kills herself after being driven mad by her family, correct?" Wednesday inquired, Gomez looked to be in deep thought as Morticia merely nods to her question. Having answered her question, Wednesday looked back to the principal who bore a wide smile on her face.
"Shall we go meet your roommate?"
The door to the Ophelia hall opened, with Weems taking the lead followed by the Addams Family into Wednesday's new dorm room. However, once they stepped foot inside, they were greeted by a barrage of color plastered on the glass window decorated with plushies and colorful carpets, among other things on one side of the room.
The amount of color shocked the Addams family, with Morticia herself letting out an audible gasp.
"It's so...vivid" Gomez complimented, albeit a bit begrudgingly a girl in the room then stood up from her chair, wearing the Nevermore signature uniform as she skips towards Wednesday.
"Howdy, roomie!" The girl greeted "Wednesday, this is Enid Sinclair" Weems introduced "Are you okay? You look a little pale" The girl, now named Enid, checked up on Wednesday. "Wednesday always looks half-dead" Gomez assured "Oh. Welcome to Ophelia Hall!" Enid greeted once again before going over to Wednesday for a hug, only for her to pull back instantly.
"Not a hugger. Got it" Enid deduced "Please excuse Wednesday. She's allergic to color." Morticia states "Oh wow, what happens to you?" Enid asks "I break out into hives and then the flesh peels off my bones." Wednesday stated flatly.
"Luckily, we've special ordered you a uniform" Wemms chuckled, breaking the awkward tension that had filled the room "Enid, please take Wednesday to the registrar's office to pick it up along with her schedule" Wemms ordered "and give her a tour along the way"
Enid's smile beams across her face as she shook in her feet excitedly. Wednesday turned and glared at her parents, first at Gomez then at Morticia, before walking between the two as she exits, with Enid following after her.
In the main hall of the school, Enid and Wednesday were walking down the stairs as Enid broke down the history of Nevermore.
"Nevermore was founded in 1791 to educate people like us. Outcasts, freaks, monsters, fill in your favorite marginalized group here" Enid listed "You can save the sanitized sales pitch" Wednesday cuts as she looks around before turning to face Enid.
"I don't plan on staying here for long" Wednesday declared "Why not?" Enid asks "This was my parents idea" Wednesday turns to the side and was met by a team photo of the former members of the fencing team, and at the center, was Wednesday's mother.
"Oh look, there's my mother smirking at me" Wednesday quipped "It's all a part of their nefarious, yet completely obvious plan." She adds "What plan?"
"To turn me into a version of themselves" Wednesday states matter-a-factly "In that case, perhaps you can clear something up."
"Rumor's been swirling around that you killed a kid at your old school, and your parents pulled strings to get you off" Enid speculated "Actually, it was two kids, but who's counting?" As the two were about to leave to the next area, Wednesday had sense something deep within her.
Turning around, Wednesday was only met with a large group of students crowding around the main entrance.
Following after Enid, the two had entered the main hangout area. "Welcome to the quad!" She says as Wednesday with her clear observation saw the area's side bearing more than Four.
"This is a Pentagon" Wednesday corrected "The whole snarky Goth girl thing might have worked at normie school, but here things are different." Enid broke down as she began to lead WEdnesday around "Let me give you a wiki on Nevermore's social scene."
"I'm not interested in participating in tribal adolescent clichés" Wednesday spat "Well, then use it to fill your obviously bottomless pit of disdain." Enid retorts
"There are many flavors of outcasts here, but the four main cliques are Fangs, Furs, Stoners and Scales." She listed "Those are the Fangs, AKA vampires." Enid points toward a table filled with students wearing sunglasses "Some of them have literally been here for decades"
Enid then points to another table, this time with students with wild and curly hair.
"That bunch of knuckleheads, are Furs, AKA werewolves. Like me!" The werewolves then howled loudly into the air, "Full moons get pretty loud around here. That's when Furs wolf out." she adds "I suggest you pick up noise-canceling headphones."
"I'm assuming scales are sirens?" Wednesday deducted as she stares at a trio of students sitting by the fountain "You catch on quick" Enid complimented before pointing to one of the three students "And that girl, Bianca Barclay, is the closest thing Nevermore has to royalty."
Bianca is a dark-skinned female with greenish-blue eyes. She wears greenish-blue earrings, which are rather similar to her eye color, and has dark hair and a buzzed head.
"Although her crown's been slipping lately." Enid chimed as she looks to the side along with Wednesday "She used to date our resident tortured artist, Xavier Thorpe." The boy in question was painting on the wall but looked back as he felt someone watching him. "But they broke up at the beginning of the semester. Reason unknown."
Wednesday felt the feeling once more, the sensation doubled as she now felt a sense of familiarity to the feeling. Looking to the side, she saw the grass crunch, confirming her suspicion.
"Fascinating..." Wednesday said absentmindedly going after the trail. "I know, right? My vlog is, like, the number one source for Nevermore gossip." Enid boasted, unaware that Wednesday had already left her.
"Yo, Enid! You're not gonna believe the dirt I heard about your new roommate." A boy walked up to enid, wearing a purple beanie to go along with his uniform "She eats human flesh. Chowed down on that kid she murdered." The boy warned as a snake peeks out off his beanie "You better watch your back."
Enid then backs up, expecting to reveal Wednesday, only to find no one in her place.
"Wait, what?"
"I thought I felt a despair-ridden spirit" Wednesday declared, this prompted Enid and the boy to turn to the middle of the quad where Wednesday stood in front of a random patch of grass "I guess I was right"
Everyone watched in confusion as Wednesday seemingly confronted no-one. Worried that she might gain a reputation for being crazy, Enid went to step in and stop Wednesday only for her to reach her arm forward with her index and middle finger extended.
"Reveal yourself to me!" Wednesday commanded as she folded her arm so her fingers were at the side of her face.
Wednesday then flicked her arm outward once again, her fingers glowed as a name suddenly appeared before everyone. A blind light then engulfs everyone, causing them to cover their eyes, apart from Wednesday, as the wind violently picks up.
When the light dimmed and the wind lost its strength, everyone uncovered their eyes and was surprised to see Y/n sitting on the grass with his soda can and paper bag filled with snacks.
His disheveled hair lost its luscious black color in exchange for (f/c) hair color with blonde highlights. His outfit consists of his own style of the Nevermore uniform, ditching the blazer and vest for a purple shirt that's unbuttoned near his neck, tapered slacks, and converse shoes.
As Y/n pulls back after rubbing his eyes, he looked around, seeing everyone staring, specifically at Him and Wednesday.
Huh, so that's how
"Great, you know I was enjoying not being seen" Y/n groaned as he performed a handstand before landing on his feet "I suppose I should thank YOU for ruining my day, as always" he spat with venom in every syllable.
"Funny, I thought I bring light to your otherwise miserable world" Wednesday responds "That's what you usually say in your poems"
"You mean the poems you used to feed the fire that you used to cauterize me?" Y/n corrects "Yeah, truly an act of love"
"Holy shit..." The boy muttered as Enid walked over and stood beside her new roommate.
"Still a slob I see" Wednesday said as she spots the bag of chips and a can of soda on the grass "And you're still a bitch" Y/n retorted. The two glared at one another, with Y/n staring Wednesday down as he towers over her, as she reciprocates with a glare of her own with her chin held up.
"I bet you feel lonely every night with no one to cuddle. Still wish I was around?" Wednesday taunted as she stepped closer to Y/n "Why? Kept getting your ass handed to you during monster hunting?" Y/n replied as he took a step forward himself, getting up close to one another.
"Okay, enough!" Enid stepped in and separated the two before turning to Y/n "Who the hell are you anyway? Showing up out of nowhere and picking a fight with a transfer"
"The names Y/n" he introduced, Enid's eyes immediately widened as she now stood before Y/n shocked "THE GHOST OF NEVERMORE!" Enid declared.
"The what?" Wednesday questioned "There's a rumor around Nevermore about a student no one sees or heard of, attending classes" Enid stated "His name kept appearing in the teacher's student records. There are even times when students hear a voice in the strike of midnight, hearing vulgar noises and the phrase 'Moe~'"
"Sounds about right" Y/n confirmed "Woah..." Wednesday, Enid, and Y/n turned back to the boy in a beanie as he stared mesmerized by Wednesday "You're in black and white. Like a living Instagram filter" The boy commented, confusing Wednesday
"Ignore him. Gorgons spent too much time getting stoned" Enid said as he pushes the boy away "He's cute but clueless" she added.
"Ajax, right?" Y/n inquired as Enid nods "That guy knows some good stuff, always hitting the right spots"
"It's a small school. There wasn't much online about you two. You should really get on Insta, Snapchat, and TikTok" Enid suggested "I find social media to be a soul-sucking void of meaningless affirmation" Wednesday states, Enid then turns to Y/n for his response
"I prefer to be anonymous, thanks" Y/n said, picking up his stuff before he and Wednesday parted ways.
"And then she just walked in like she owned the place, whisks away my invisibility, and revealed my true form in front of hundreds of people. It was embarrassing" Y/n vented. He's seen laying back, but this time on a different couch as he shared his feelings with Dr. Kinbott.
"Really?" Dr. Kinbott inquired "No. I quite like the attention really" Y/n shrugged "But the way she just ripped the curtain like some sort of trick trumped my one and only reveal and-"
"No, I meant. You really BROKE into my home, WOKE me up, for a therapy session?" Dr. Kinbott questioned with stress evident in her voice as she stood in her pajamas and a white robe. "Well...when you put it that way I sound like an insane person" Y/n commented "But what am I supposed to do? You're my therapist, I can't just cheat on you with another"
"Y/n!" Dr. Kinbott snapped, surprising Y/n. She then takes a deep breath in, taking the moment to regain her composure before exhaling "Fine. But I'm considering this a favor, okay? You owe me" She offered "Deal" Y/n accepts without a second thought.
"Alright then. So where were we?" Dr. Kinbott asked, returning to their previous discussion "We were talking about how she just up and stole my Mojo, weren't you listening?" Y/n questioned a bit arrogantly "Right..." Dr. Kinbott then cleared her throat.
"Have you perhaps tried to...reconcile with her?" Dr. Kinbott suggested " YOU perhaps need psychiatric help?" Y/n accused "No. I'm simply suggesting that-"
"I mean, we are talking about someone who has tormented me to the brink of insanity!" Y/n cuts her off "I mean seriously? Reconcile? With her!? Now that's just ridiculous doc, even for you" He then turns to Dr. Kinbott, who in turn shit a glare towards Y/n.
"Y/n. What did I say about questioning my practices?" Dr. Kinbott scolds "...That it's correct and you have a degree to prove it" Y/n responds, with his arrogant tone slowly de-escalating "Good. Now, when I say to reconcile with this person. I of course don't mean you should do it overnight" she corrects.
"These situations take time, and any progress is good progress. Just, try...that's all I ask" she suggests once more "Fine...but if I find out she's planning other ways to fuck with me. I'm throwing that suggestion out the window" Y/n replies. "Fair enough"
"Then cool. Glad we had this talk" Y/n thanks, shifting his tone once again. "It certainly was...just call first, before coming over" Dr. Kinbott sighed "Oh know I can't promise that. Goodnight!" And with that, Y/n left to go back to Nevermore.
"Ahh crap, I forgot I misplaced my collector's piece...I wonder where I put it..."
We travel back to Ophelia hall, where Wednesday is seen peeling off half of the color stickers on the glass window.
"What the hell did you do to my room!?" Enid exclaimed as she barged into the room, which itself was divided into two by a layer of tape. "Dividing OUR room equally" Wednesday corrected "It looks like a rainbow vomited on your side" she added "I-"
"Silence would be appreciated. This is my writing time" Wednesday declared as she walks over to her desk and to her typewriter "Your writing time?" Enid questioned
"I devote an hour a day to my novel" She replied "Perhaps if you did the same, your vlog might be coherent. I've read serial killer diaries with better punctuation"
"I write in my voice. It's my truth. It's what my followers love" Enid reasoned "Your followers are clearly imbeciles" Wednesday hissed "They respond to your stories with insipid little pictures"
"Uh, you mean, emojis? It's how people express their feelings I realize that's a foreign concept to you" Enid remarks, prompting Wednesday to shoot up from her chair before walking over to Enid, but still keeping to her side of the tape
"When I look at you, the following emojis come to mind. Rope, shovel, hole" Wednesday listed before walking back to her desk "By the way, there are two D's in Addams. If you're going to gossip about me, at least spell my name correctly"
This angered Enid even further. As she was about to reach over and press a button on her wristwatch, Wednesday chimed in once again.
"Also, I've taken the liberty of opening some of your figurines. They're almost morbid to see. Almost" Wednesday said as she held out a box that the figurine was held in "Figurines? I don't own any figurines, only plushies" Enid replied "Then who owns the figure from Pure White Lover Bizarre Jelly?"
The door to their dorm then opens, prompting the two to look over to their supposed visitor to be, none other than Y/n.
"Hey, weird question. But do you happen to have a collector's edition figure for Pure-" Y/n immediately paused, seeing in Wednesday's hand was the main goal of his search. With a shocked gasp, Y/n sped across the room, snatching the box from Wednesday's hand before standing in the middle of the room.
"Thi-This was mint in box" Y/n stated, albeit a bit shaky "" Y/n drops to his knees, gloom-stricken as he stared at the box with dead eyes.
"I never took you for the sedimental type" Wednesday comments as the sound of a typewriter could be heard in the background "You...Bitch! That was mint in box!!" Y/n exclaimed, standing to his feet and facing Wednesday "I never thought you'd indulge yourself in that putrid fantasy of females wearing awfully detailed witch costumes" she claimed."But I guess you are at that age"
"It's called being 'Moe' not like you'll understand" Y/n stated "Wearing the only two colors you wore since you kept shitting your diaper. Some rain of sunshine you were" Y/n clapped back. This irked Wednesday to the brink of her patience, forcing her to leave her desk once again and walk over to the male as he did the same.
"You're just an obsessive little poltergeist" Wednesday dissed "Well you're just an array of sunshine today, are you?" Y/n rebutted.
"I should put a bullet in you, but that would just be a waste of ammo"
"Your eyes just imbue me with so much love"
Enid stared at the interaction, confused. On one hand, there was Wednesday berating Y/n with insults and mean comments, while on the other hand, Y/n showered Wednesday with flirtatious and complimentary comments. But little did she know that Wednesday hated being complimented. Especially if it came from Y/n.
Shrugging off, Enid then presses the button on her wrist and a song plays.
As the song played, Enid dances, blocking out the two as they continue to argue. Little by little the music starts to irritate them more than each other.
"Turn that off!!!" Wednesday and Y/n said collectively as they glared at Enid. In response, Enid extends her claws from her fingertips, showing off their sharp, yet colorful, tips.
"Rawr! Don't mess with me" Enid threatened playfully "This kitty's got claws, and I'm not afraid to use them"
Wednesday retaliates by summoning Y/n to her hands, twirling him around before placing his blade mere inches from her neck.
Suddenly the door to the dorm room opened, prompting Enid to retract her claws and Wednesday to revert Y/n back to his human form.
"Good evening, girls!" a woman greets as she enters. The woman has long, wavy auburn hair, and brown eyes, wearing black cat-eye glasses and a floral dress and cardigan along with a pair of muddy red boots. "Ohh, sorry about the mud"
The woman then shuts the door behind her, and when she turned around she was surprised to see Y/n standing inside the room behind Wednesday. "Oh my, didn't expect you'd bring a boy over on your first day" The woman comments "but I digress, I'm just making sure that Wednesday is settling in"
Taking her eyes off Y/n and Wednesday, the woman looked around the room, seeing it bordered perfectly in half by the tape. She then looks down, making sure that her feet were on either side of the tape before addressing the tension in the room.
"Ahh, is this a bad time?" the woman inquired "I'm Ms. Thornhill, your dorm mom" the woman introduced "Apologies, I wasn't here to greet you when you arrived. I trust Enid has given you the old Nevermore welcome"
"She's been smothering me with hospitality. I hope to return the favor." Wednesday began, bringing a smile to Enid's face "In her sleep" she finishes, wiping Enid's smile entirely.
"Well, here's a little welcome gift from my conservatory." Ms. Thornhill then hands over a black flower to which Wednesday accepts "I try to match the right flower to each of my girls. When I read your personal statement in your application, I immediately thought of this one" Thornhill stated
"The Black Dahlia" Wednesday named "Oh, you know it?" Ms. Thornhill asked intriguingly "Of course. It's named after my favorite unsolved murder" she replied "Thank you"
"Okey-dokey. Before I leave, I want to go over a few house rules. Lights off at 10:00, no loud music, and no boys, ever." Ms. Thronhill listed "But I'm sure you two can be responsible adults"
"Like I'd hit that" Y/n scoffed to the side, prompting Wednesday to stomp Y/n on the foot, causing him to whimper as he hops on his unhurt foot while nursing his other.
"Passes to Jericho are a privilege, not a right" Ms. Thornhill stated "It's a brisk 25-minute walk, or there's a shuttle on the weekends"
"The locals are a tad bit wary about Nevermore, so please don't go making any waves, or perpetuating any outcast stereotypes." She adds "That means keep your claws to yourself, and no smothering people in their sleep. Are we clear?" Enid, Wednesday merely stared at Ms. Thornhill with Y/n still nursing his foot. "Great talk"
The sound of grunting filled the room, foils hitting against one another as Nevermore students wore protective suits as they indulge in their practices of Fencing.
One pair of students are in an assault, each dishing out clean strikes to which they counter to varying degrees of success.
In one bout, a fencer took to the offensive, rushing his opponent with a flurry of strikes, forcing their opponent on the back foot. It was when the final strike from the fencer is when their opponent made a counter-attack, dropping their weapon close to their side. They then casually walked up to the fencer before in one instant, lunged and struck the fencer in the chest, earning him the win.
"Damn! Well played" The fencer congratulates. With their fight over, the fencer took off their mask to reveal Ajax with his black beanie. "In fairness, your form is getting better" the fencer comments as they took of their helmet, revealing Y/n's multicolored hair.
With an arm held out, Y/n helps Ajax to his feet before dusting off his suit.
"Yeah, right. I've only seen you fencing today. And you've been attending for a while Ajax said "I have a knack of observing people, I guess" Y/n replied.
The doors to the training grounds swung open, looking out the corner of his eye, Y/n spots Wednesday walking through the room, in her all-black fencing uniform.
As Wednesday scans the room, one fencer fell to the floor as their opponent's foil struck his suit.
"Coach! Coach, she tripped me!" The fencer protested as they removed their mask, revealing a distressed-looking student "It was a clean strike, Rowan" The coach responds. "Maybe if you whined less and practiced more, you wouldn't suck" Rowan's opponent, who unmasked turned out to be Bianca, dissed
"Seriously, Coach, when am I gonna get real competition?" Bianca boasted "Anyone else want to challenge me?"
"I do" Wednesday calls out from behind Bianca "Oh, you must be the psychopath they let in" Bianca smiled "You must be the self-appointed Queen Bee" Wednesday replied " "Interesting thing about bees. Pull out their stingers, they drop dead"
The onlookers who have stopped to watch the scene unfold gasps in shock.
"I gotta ask, what's the deal with you and the new girl?" Ajax inquired "Feels like you two have history"
"She's my ex" Y/n replied non-chalantly, surprising Ajax "Wo-Seriously!? You two?" Ajax confirmed "I know. Hard to believe it myself"
"Rowan doesn't need you to come to his defense. He's not helpless, he's lazy" Bianca reasoned as Rowan wore his glasses and took a puff from his inhaler. "Are we doing this or not?"
Accepting the challenge, Bianca puts on her mask as Wednesday took her position opposite from her.
"En grade!"
With their Epee at the ready, the two begin to clash. Lunging and countering every strike, feet rapidly shuffling back and forth.
In a turnabout, Bianca puts Wednesday on the back foot, instantly hitting her with a flurry of attacks. Seeing an opening, Wednesday ducked under Bianca's attack to her head and dropped close to the ground, and struck Bianca in the chest.
"Point to Wednesday"
The two then took a moment to reset, spacing apart to let Wednesday stand back up.
Resuming their bout, Wednesday took a turn on the offensive, opening with a relentless flurry of attacks. As Wednesday went for a finishing strike, Bianca reached overhead and struck Wednesday on her helmet.
"The score is even"
Satisfied with her victory, Bianca took off her mask to reveal her wide grin as Wednesday maintained her emotionless expression.
"That first point was clearly beginner's luck" Bianca sneered "Let's finish this"
Bianca circled around Wednesday, flaunting her smile to try and irritate Wednesday.
"For the final point, I'd like to invoke a military challenge" Wednesday proposed "No masks. No tips. Winner draws first blood" The crowd was left in awe at the proposal, as they looked toward Bianca for her response.
"It's your decision, Bianca" The coach assures. Bianca looks back at Wednesday, who merely tilts her head to the side. "...Let's see if you bleed in black and white"
Tossing her mask to the side, Bianca readied her Epee as she went into her stance. Wednesday on the other hand, instead of assuming a stance of her own, she discards BOTH her mask and weapon before holding her hand out.
"Oh boy..." Y/n grimaced. His name then flashed through his suit, surprising Ajax, as Y/n was engulfed in light before flying towards Wednesday's hand in his spear form. Wednesday then twirls Y/n in her hands before getting up close to his blade.
"Transform into your Rapier form" Wednesday whispered "Oh, what? You think you just cause told me to do it means it could convince me to turn?" Y/n protests. Wednesday in turn twirls Y/n one more time before slamming the spearhead on the ground.
"Ow! Okay, fine. You make a compelling argument" Y/n groaned rhetorically. In another flash of Light, the spear starts to morph, shortening its handle as the blade itself lengthens, and the ribbon that laced the spear starts to stiffen in place.
With a flick of her weapon, Wednesday revealed Y/n's new form, a Saber. Exchanging his long polearm handle for a short one-handed handle. His dark blade lengthened to a sword as the ribbon that was once decorated near the tip had turned into a handguard around the handle.
"Shall we dance?" Wednesday provoked as she assumed her stance with Y/n.
Taking the initiative once more, Wednesday started the bout sporadically, opening with a lunge into a spin-move twirl to block the counter-attack before leading Bianca around the room, using every element to her advantage.
Wednesday dropped to the floor and goes to sweep Bianca's foot, forcing her to an even more awkward position to attack. But Bianca quickly readjusts herself and goes to attack Wednesday who skillfully blocks her attacks with Y/n.
After blocking another attack, Wednesday lunges to Bianca's feet forcing her off her feet once more as Wednesday relentlessly continues her assault.
With Wednesday's unpredictable movements, Bianca had a hard time keeping up and predicting her opponent's movements. Every dodge she seemingly took, lead to Wednesday riding out that momentum into another attack fluidly.
But when Bianca had Wednesday on a sword lock, she kick's Wednesday's hand away, taking her off her form, and went for a killing blow to the head.
Y/n's blade glowed a faint dark hue as the sword seemingly shot upwards, blocking Bianca's attack. Confused, Wednesday uses this to her advantage and shoves Bianca's weapon upwards before taking a step back.
With her feet digging into the smooth wooden floor, Wednesday lunges for Bianca's head.
Blood dripped to the floor as a weapon was stained with blood. Wednesday's blood.
"Huh...Looks like your face finally got that splash of color it so desperately needed" Bianca quipped as she breathed heavily, her boastful attitude soon dissipates when she felt a warm sensation trickle down her face.
Touching it, Bianca pulls her hand back to see that she had bled from the corner of her eyebrow. Seeing the outcome of the battle, Wednesday clicked her tongue before exiting her stance and letting Y/n transform back.
However, when Y/n did return to his human form, his appearance had altered. His short messy hair has turned long and well-combed that reached up to his back, and his highlights turned from blonde to a cyan blue, which was paired with a thin pair of glasses. Giving him a distinguished look.
"Ay, ay...whatever have you gotten yourself into?" Y/n ponders as he looked towards Wednesday who couldn't bother to give a response as she storms out of the room. "Help her to the infirmary, get her treated" the coach ordered Y/m "Of course, sir" Y/n bids before going after Wednesday.
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