Chapter 5 Surprises
Hope everyone like's the story so far this chapter is one of my favorites because it shows Will's affectionate side and Haylie feels like she can be herself around him.
The next morning I woke up and picked up my phone and was happy to see three unread messages but became puzzled when I unlocked my phone it surprised me to see one message from Will which read Will: Morning Beautiful can't wait to see you at school today. I have a surprise for you. I sent back a quick Haylie: Love you 2 can you tell me what it is? Then a I saw the other two from an old friend from my academy years. His name is Roman, Roman Leka Dushku he was sweet to me he was like a brother everyone always thought we were dating it was quite amusing we went along with it for about a month before we got bored, his text's read Roman: Hey Haylie it's Roman guess who is starting school with you next week :D. Roman: Haylie My schedule is similar to yours so you can help me with my English hopefully. My mouth dropped wide open Roman was coming to my school to stay this time. I sent a quick text to Roman saying Haylie: OMG Roman that is sooo awesome :D. I got up and got ready for school curling my hair and putting on my Lavender Aeropostle shirt and my black skinny jeans and laced up my Lavender vans. When I finished getting ready I looked at the clock and it read 7:00 and my phone read I had a new text from Will. Will: No beautiful of course I cannot tell you, it would not be surprise if I did that. Just wait. I smiled at this "Typical Will tell me and then not tell me." I finished getting ready and went downstairs to ask Hannibal a question about A&P seeing he is a licensed doctor I could ask him anything about what I didn't understand in school. But as I got closer to the bottom of the stairs I could hear what sounded a lot like a session going on which was odd because this was two hours before Hannibal started seeing patients. I decided to just leave them alone and not to be a bother to whoever this was. So I just went straight to the kitchen and skipped the good morning to my uncle. About ten minutes later I heard mystery man get up and say goodbye as did Hannibal, then Hannibal came into the kitchen and looked surprised to see me "Oh Haylie you were so quiet I did not even realize you were awake." I blushed and said "I did not want to be a bother to you and your patient so I decided to stay in here." He laughed a little at what I said "Oh my dear Haylie he is not a patient he is a friend and future colleague his name is Mason." I thought about it they would only need another Investigator if there was a serious crime or mystery going on that he was not telling me about "Hannibal I have to go can we talk later ?" "Of course Haylie have a great day I love you." "Love you to."
* * *
(Will's P.O.V)
I took a deep breath and prepared myself for what I was about to do, I was about to ask my parents to meet Haylie today which I was mentally hoping they would say yes to I really liked her she was so special to me and I wanted my parents to know that. "Mom, Dad ?" "Yes William ?" My mom was always nice but I am only 16 almost 17 this was a stretch but I love her and they need to know that. "I met this girl and I was wondering if she could come over and meet you guys, and before you say no I ju-" My dad cut me off saying "Will calm down of course she can come over, if she means that much to you of course she sounds lovely." "I agree with your father William I can tell you really like her. We can not wait to meet her. Now go before your late."
On my way to school I stopped and picked up a single Lavender Rose not just because it it Haylie's second favorite color but it signified love at first sight and enchantment, and I did fall in love at first sight with that beautiful blue eyed girl who made my world complete. As I walked into the building I looked at Haylie and my heart almost stopped she matched the rose color perfectly. I thought to myself "Gosh how did I get so lucky to fall in love with such a beautiful angel straight out of heaven ?"
* * *
(Haylie's P.O.V)
As I was putting my books away I turned my head and saw the sweetest boy in the world and I thought to myself "How, How did I get so lucky to have him be mine ?" Will came up and wrapped his arms around my waist from behind and I looked down and saw a beautiful lavender rose in his hand. "Was this the surprise because I do not think it could get any better then this." He laughed and kissed my neck before saying "No it is even better." "What is it, Will just tell me already." I begged "OK, OK fine I will tell you, Haylie Manson will you come over tonight to meet my parents ?" I looked at him for a moment before answering "Of course Will I would love to." He spun me around to face him and then he lightly brushed his lips against mine causing me to smile. But only to be interrupted by none other then the police escorting Blake down the hall and he said "Are you happy now Haylie, are you ?!" he seemed so mad then he turned to Will and said "I hope you enjoy having a SLUT for a girlfr-" He was cut off by will punching him and knocking him to the floor then continuing to hit him. The police proceeded to pull Will off then I got my hands on him and said "Will it is fine do not stoop to his level, I choose you not him." he seemed to untense and then looked at Blake one last time before turning to me and saying very shallow like "Let's go to class Haylie."
* * *
(Hannibal's P.O.V)
I walked into the building just in time to fall into place with Jack and Alana. "Morning Jack and Doctor. Bloom good to see you back how is your arm feeling that was quite a fall." "It is just fine Hannibal, but I am going to be leaving again soon, how is Haylie she should stop by sometime everyone misses her." I looked at her and wondered why she would be leaving again and then I saw her uninjured left hand lingering on her lower abdomen and then I asked, "Alana, are you pregnant by any chance ?" She blushed and said "Yes I am me and Officer Foss are going to have our first baby, how did you know ?" "I could tell by how you were holding your lower stomach." "Oh well it is a surprise for everyone." "Yes it is indeed, a big day." Just then Alana's phone went off like crazy and she answered, listened for a minute and then closed it and sat down against the wall trying not to cry. "Dr.Bloom what is it ?" Jack said "It, It, It's Toby he is in the hospital he was stabbed." I gave her a look of sympathy because I knew Haylie would be the same way she loved Toby so much telling her would be hard. "Hannibal ?" "Yes Jack ?" "Come on we have a new guy to find." I picked Alana up off the floor and gave her a hug "If you ever want to talk my door is always open for friends." She gave me a smile and I could tell she was really forcing this smile "Come talk to me later, I do not mind if you cry but let's not cry in front of the students." This time her smile was a little more sincere and we walked off to the office to get ready for the lectures.
* * *
(Haylie's P.O.V)
As Will was driving me home all I could think about was tonight and what his parents would think of me I mean Will does not even know half of my past how can this work ? "Haylie ?" "Yes Will." "I will pick you up at 7:30 OK ?" "Of course see you then my lovely prince." "Wear something casual." And with that he kissed me and walked off to his car. I slipped inside and went to the loft of the library to read it was right above Hannibal's meeting area so we built a door that goes right into my room with a lock. So I sat down and started to read I was halfway through a book when I checked the time it was 7:00. I jumped off the couch and started getting ready I pulled on a white shirt jeans I put on my long gray coat fuzzy black boots my white beret and pink scarf and made sure my hair and make-up looked OK. I looked at the clock and it read 7:25 just as the doorbell rang. I ran down and saw Will so I sent Hannibal a text saying Haylie: Hannibal went out to friends house probably be back before you but just in case. and he sent back a quick Hannibal: have fun I love you. And with that me and Will got in his car and drove off, halfway there my stomach started getting in knots because I was worried about his parents would think of me. And if they found out what would Will think.
* * *
(Will's P.O.V)
I looked at Haylie and saw she was incredibly pale and I was starting to wonder if she was feeling the least bit well. "Haylie are you feeling alright ?" "Huh, ya Will I am fine just nerves is all, are you sure they will like me at all ?" He gave me a soft smile and said "Haylie when I told them about you their faces lit up they were happy for me of course they will like you." As I finished I pulled off into my driveway and kept glancing at my girlfriend making sure she was OK. I put the car in park and took a look at Haylie and said "Are you ready for this ?" "No, but it is now or never." I gave her a smile and ran around to open her door for her and took her hand in mine and walked to the door, as I opened it my 5 month German Shepard Jacobi came running at us Haylie slipped off her shoes as did I and asked "Is it OK if I pet him ?" "Ya of course he is really sweet just protective of his girlfriend kind of like me." and with that Jasmine came running in she was from another litter and 2 weeks younger then Jacobi. I saw how Haylie's face lit up and realized she was an animal person "Maybe you two could be my ticket to calming her nerves." I thought to myself but I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard my Mom call " William dear is that you ?" And I saw the smile go straight off of Haylie's face
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