chapter fourteen
. . .
WEEKS HAD gone by since Ricky's threat and I had gotten several notices and emails from the court. I had tried and tried to convince Ricky to let me go, just until I could earn some more money in order to help my parents.
It was impossible. His mind was set and he showed no mercy.
"Ricky please," I begged helplessly, "Just let me earn some more money and I promise you can do whatever you want with me."
He scoffed, rolling his eyes, "You are so pathetic, my God,"
"I still have feelings for you," I regretted it the second the words escaped my lips, the look on his face said it all.
"Well forget them. Forget everything you had with me, Everly," he replied in a hard tone, not meeting my eyes.
"It's hard to forget someone who gave you so much to remember."
Thanks to Gabriel, he had helped me prepare everything just for this date. He himself went to Ricky's office to try and convince him, he ended up coming home with a black eye. Ever since then, Gabriel had been knocking himself out to make sure that I was proved innocent.
"Gabriel is this formal enough for court?" I asked nervously, patting down on my dark blue pencil skirt.
He grinned, "It's perfect, like always,"
I sent him a small smile, blushing slightly, "I-It's really happening,"
He nodded solemnly, "Yeah I guess it is,"
A look of determination flashed on his face, "You are not guilty,"
That was a lie, I, in fact, was very much guilty.
. . .
I watched in absolute terror as the courtroom began to fill up with familiar faces. Ricky's parents, Rose, my parents, and obviously Ricky himself. I didn't spot Gwen anymore, which made me wonder whether or not she even knew about Ricky and me.
I met Ricky's eyes from across the room and I swear my heart skipped a beat. It was a feeling of opia, something I couldn't explain. It reminds me of a word I learned once in English class back in high school.
Mamihlapinatapai. Two people looking at each other each the other will do what both desire but neither is willing to do
"Hey, you're going to be just fine," Gabriel assured, sitting down behind me, next to my parents. I glanced at both of my parents, they gave me a weak smile back.
I turned back around to face the front, letting out a breath. I closed my eyes tightly, feeling my heart thumping fast and loud.
The dance floor glowed with blue and green lights shooting from the ceiling. The gymnasium had been turned into a nightclub, full of energetic teens. I had always dreamed of homecoming night, how it would be a perfect night.
I glanced at Ricky from across the gym, he grinned at me, raising his glass slightly. I smiled back, raising my glass back.
I turned my head to look at Ricky, not being able to stop myself. He was already staring at me, his mouth was set in a firm line. His eyes were dull, full of no life.
"Alright Everly, they've got a good case but we're gonna make sure ours is better," my lawyer, Cristina commanded in an orotund voice. I nodded numbly, looking at my pale hands in silence.
"You have a dimple," Ricky pointed out, laughter lacing his voice. He traced the dimple with his thumb, the smile never leaving his face.
"I noticed," I replied back, pushing the rim of my glasses up my nose. He laughed at my foul tone, his smile never fading away.
"Oh come on, why the long face?" he asked mischievously, "I said I was sorry!"
"You ate all the ice-cream! The whole freaking tub!" I yelled, glaring at him, "Who eats a whole tub of ice-cream that doesn't even belong to them?!"
"Me?" Ricky asked, blinking innocently.
"We are here today to determine a case filed against Everly Clark. The parties have stipulated to call each witness once at which time, each side will have a chance to examine that witness. You're testifying remember this is not a popularity contest," Judge Rodgers started, her voice booming over the courtroom.
"Ricardo Hans," she glanced at him, before turning to me, "Everly Clark, things said here will undoubtedly be harsh and cannot be unsaid. I will be asking this one time, and one time only, are you sure you want to proceed?"
"Yes, your honor I'm sure," Ricky revealed, his voice hard. Judge Rodgers nodded, turning her head to me in a questioning gaze.
"I'm sure your honor," I replied back, staring straight ahead.
She nodded firmly, "Then, this court is now in session to determine whether or not Everly Clark is guilty or innocent relating to the fact of the Hans family business."
Judge Rodgers hit the gavel, signaling for the case to start.
I gulped nervously, closing my eyes once again.
. . .
Witnesses had all gone up to the stands, from both sides. Everyone on Ricky's side repeated the same things over again, how I dated him for several years and then disappeared after wrecking their family. His sisters' words were the harshest of them all.
"Everly Clark, would you please come up to the stands?" Judge Rodgers asks, a neutral expression painted on her face.
I nodded, standing up and walking over to the stands slowly. I could feel the glares of every single person in that room as I made my way to the front.
"Everly Clark, please explain to us what exactly happened on the night of your disappearance," Ricky's judge commanded.
I looked down, biting my lip hard.
You need to do this.
I looked back up, "I admit it, I stole the enterprise file, I ruined their family business, I was the cause of all this,"
Gasps abrupted from all around the room, which made me want to scream considering the fact that they all already knew this from the start. I took a quick glance at Ricky, his jaw was clenched and he refused to look up.
"My parent's had been gambling for quite a while, I was oblivious to the fact that they were so obsessed that they had used up all of my college allowance as well as their savings. They ended up borrowing some man's money and never paid him back," I explained, ignoring the pleading glances my parents sent my way.
"The man- Scottie. He had shown up at our doorstep, angered by the fact that he hadn't gotten his money back yet. He had two other men with him, they all looked dangerous, God so dangerous," I paused, taking a deep breath, "And in truth, he was dangerous."
"My parents had nothing at this point, they couldn't pay him back. They begged and begged to give him more time but he had refused over and over again. However, his eyes fell on me and he changed his mind immediately,"
My parents looked at the floor, clearly ashamed, "He decided if he got to, h-have me for his pleasure he would give us twenty-four more hours,"
"I tried. I tried so hard to get him from touching me," my voice cracked, making me feel vulnerable and alone, "I was too weak, Scottie he, he-"
Say it, Everly, say it.
"Listen, Evy, you have to speak up," Ricky pleaded, his eyes soft.
"You can't let people steal this scholarship from you. You deserve this and everyone knows it, you go up there and claim that scholarship,"
"Ricky you know I can't do public speaking," I frowned, biting my lip, "I-I get all nervous and screw up!"
"Be brave Ev," he mumbled softly, "You are so talented and you need to show people that,"
"You got this baby."
"I was raped by Scottie that night," I announced, my voice loud, not breaking once.
. . .
an: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hi guys i hope you enjoyed this chapter! i hope you all have an amazing day and take care of yourselves! xx
brb im gonna go cry bc i have so many tests heLP
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