chapter four
. . .
Everly Clark
"EVERLY COME on just press submit!" Gabriel whined, placing his head in his hands.
I licked my lips and looked at the submission form for the Light Art walk. The mouse of my laptop had been hovering over the submit button for about five minutes straight.
"Everly," Gabriel said again in a low tone.
"Fine, fine," I mumbled and quickly hit the submit button. I then closed my eyes tightly, silently praying.
Oh God, oh God, this will determine my career!
"Oh my, would you look at that the computer didn't explode when you pressed submit!" Gabriel retorts sarcastically.
I rolled my eyes, "You can leave now,"
He put his hands up in mock surrender, "Of course, it was a pleasure talking to you!"
He then shot me a grin, winked at me and walked out the door. I finally let out the breath I was holding and looked back at my laptop.
Could this really be the one thing that would make my career? Could I finally be noticed now, would my artwork be noticed now?
This painting was one I was proud of. It told a tragic love story, exactly how mine had gone. Happy, so happy in the beginning but it ended in flames. It burned and crashed completely. The remains are all ashes, just ashes to remind me that this isn't some nightmare. I really was in love at one point in my life.
I picked up my phone and called the Light Art Walk to double check the times and everything.
"Hello, this is Carrie from Light Inc. speaking, how may I help you today?" a lady spoke on the other side of the phone.
"H-Hi um, I submitted my form for the uh, um thing," I paused, taking a deep breath, "And, I was just trying to figure out the uh important details?"
The lady smacked her lips, "Uhm hun, the submission was due three weeks ago, I am afraid I can't help you with this!"
I clenched my jaw angrily, "N-No! I mean, please try and figure out something, anything I just really want to be in this!"
"Sorry hun, no can do!" she chirped happily.
Ugh! Why is she so chirpy, I mean she has the nerve to be happy!
"No! Listen uh whatever your name is, talk to your boss or your bosses boss for all I care! Just get me into this art walk!" I exclaimed, a feeling of anger taking over me.
"Ugh I have a manicure I have to get to hun, I'll just transfer the line to Mrs.Light and you can talk to her," she replied, still happy.
"Great, thank you," I replied, sighing in relief. I waited anxiously for this Mrs.Light lady to pick up, my foot tapping the ground.
The sound of the waiting telephone music finally came to an end, "Gwen Light speaking, how may I help you?"
I stiffened and quickly straightened my back, "H-Hey, um I just talked to uh Cassie, or Carrie I think the name was and she sent me to you,"
The lady who was so called Gwen laughed, "Oh, that's just Carrie, she is a little unusual but we accept everyone here! Anyway, what was it that you needed?"
"Well, I submitted my form for the art walk earlier today and well I really wanted to join this," I begged, desperation lacing my voice.
"Hm, well the more the merrier. I suppose that one more talented artist won't do much harm, you can go ahead to the banquet hall and deliver your artwork; just tell them I sent you,"
My eyes widened, "Oh wow, I mean thank you! Thank you so much!"
Gwen laughed lightly again, "It's no worries and can I get your name?"
"Yes, I'm Everly, Everly Clark," I responded, feeling my nerves on fire.
"Great, then I'll see you soon!" she responded happily.
After the call had ended, I hugged my phone to my chest tightly. Looks like luck was on my side today.
. . .
"No listen to me, Gwen Light sent me!" I whined pathetically at the two guards in front of me.
The tall and bulky one sneered at me, "Yeah and I'm a millionaire,"
The short and chubby one snorted loudly next to him, before sending me an evil smirk, "And I'm the president,"
The tall one glared at him, "Shut the hell up Rob, you aren't funny!"
I gritted my teeth together and held myself back from strangling them both.
"But, I have an offer," the bulky man licked his lips, "How about you be mine for tonight?"
The chubby one grinned next to me, a mischievous glint in his eyes. It didn't take a genius to figure out where he was getting at. The sun was shining down on me, but chills still managed to take over my body. The hairs rose on the back of my neck while goosebumps filled my arms.
My throat closed up, making it harder and harder for me to breathe. Unwanted memories clogged up in my head, as the bulky one placed his hand on my shoulder; slowly bringing it down.
Scottie traced his hand down my bare body, acting as if I wasn't sobbing my heart out. I whimpered in pain and misery as I felt my own body giving up on me.
"Don't quiet down, I like screamers," he warned angrily. I looked at him in pure fear and hatred, my body not moving.
I wanted to run. I wanted to fight, I wanted to do something. But all I did was sat there, silently staring.
I opened my mouth to say something, but his face, Scottie's face appeared in front of me. Nine years later and he was still haunting me.
"Am I interrupting anything?" a professional looking woman said, breaking the tense silence. She had a tall, slender figure. Her hair was a mixture of red and brown and was curled perfectly. Her cheekbones were defined perfectly, as she raised her thin eyebrow. Her vibrant pale skin contradicted with her pale lips.
To say she was beautiful was an understatement.
Both guards cursed under their breath then stepped back, smiling politely at the woman.
"No, of course not ma'am! We were just telling this little lady to go home!" the chubby one said with fake delight.
The woman glared at both the men, "That's nice, you're fired! I heard every word!"
Both the guards took off immediately, looks of panic on their faces and mumbling apologies as they scurried off.
The woman pursed her lips, "People can be so sick sometimes, am I right?"
I blinked at her in shock and then nodded hesitantly, "T-Thank you,"
She waved her hand dismissively, "Don't mention it, us girls have to help each other out sometimes!"
I slowly nodded, letting myself calm down. I then remembered the reason I was here in the first place.
"Um, do you by any chance know a Gwen Light?" I asked hopefully.
The women laughed, throwing her head back while doing so, "You're talking to her babe,"
My jaw dropped and I cleared my throat in embarrassment, "O-Oh, my bad... hey,"
"Hey," she replied, smiling warmly at me.
"I'm Everly, we spoke on the phone," I said, twiddling my thumbs.
Her eyes lit up, "Oh! Everly, come on in love!"
I gave her a small smile and then picked up my painting and walking into the hall. I looked around the walls in amazement, as the two of us walked down the long corridor together.
"So, can I see that painting now or will I be expecting a surprise?" Gwen asked, her eyes playful.
I thought about it for a while and then smiled, "How about I keep it a surprise?"
She grinned at me and the opened the door.
"Welcome to the Light Art Walk, Ms.Clark,"
. . .
a/n: someone wake me up when school's over. like im legit dying. anyway, your girl is running the pacer test tomorrow so rip
i hope your life is better than mine! ;)
stay smiling people! <33
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