chapter eleven
a/n :idk if my French is right lololol, I used google translate. feel free to correct me!
song- the heart wants what it wants : selena gomez
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AS A KID, you believed in happily ever after's. They all really ended up the same, the villain always ended up getting defeated, the main character would always get what they wanted and would live happily ever after with their so-called soulmate.
Sadly, the reality is that life is full of pain and misery. It doesn't just last for a couple of hours or days, it drags on in a never-ending cycle. But, there is only so much pleasure our bodies can handle and that's okay. Maybe some fantasies are only supposed to live in our dreams.
"Bonjour, je m'appelle Ricardo," every word rolled off his tongue like wine, a flirty smile playing on his lips. He laid back comfortably in his chair, crossing his masculine hands over his chest.
Madame Caron smiled like she won the lottery, looking at him as if he was a God. However, I rolled my eyes.
Next, to chemistry, I also sucked at French. I disliked the language. I disliked the class. I hated the idea.
The only reason I signed up for this class was because of the ridiculous amount of credit it gave.
Ricardo, or as I liked to call him Ricky; looked back at me grinning mischievously. He had always loved to watch me embarrass during French.
"Tu es belle," he mouthed, his eyes twinkling with delight. I frowned, raising my eyebrows at him questioningly.
"What?" I mouthed back, pushing my round glasses further up my nose.
"You're beautiful," he smiled, biting his lower lip.
A sad sigh escaped my lips, as I looked out the taxi window. I rested my forehead on the window, watching the droplets of rain slide down the window slowly. Apparently, if you went to one of these art walks you would be invited to a ton of them.
I mean what could go wrong? The last time I went, I ended up earning half a million for only one painting. We arrived at the walk and I paid the taxi driver, stepping out into the rain. I frowned and ran into the building, holding my purse over my head.
Gabriel had decided not to come this time, as he was busy with his own career. I furiously tried to fix my hair, looking at the fancy mirror. A couple of people glanced at with looks on their faces, whispering discreetly.
"Of course it had to freaking rain," I mumbled under my breath, straightening out my dress next. I eventually gave up and walked inside, my heels making a click-clacking noise against the shiny floor.
It was weird, I had this feeling in my stomach and it wouldn't leave. The second I had stepped into this building, I knew something felt wrong.
Just ignore it.
I walked around the room for a while, silently admiring everyone's painting. No one really made an effort to try and talk to me and I didn't try back. It was now more than ever when I missed Gabriel's company.
"Champagne?" a waiter asked, holding a platter on one of his hands. I smiled and took the glass champagne from the platter.
I took a small sip and glanced at the couple next to me. I could see how in love they were, just the way they looked at each other melted my heart.
"Yo Clark," Ricky grinned, plopping into the open seat next to me. I took a quick look at him before turning back to my book.
"Whatcha reading?" he asked in a playful tone.
I rolled my eyes, "A book,"
He laughed and I swear my heart skipped a beat, "Feisty,"
My lips twitched and I bit my lips to keep from smiling, "You need anything, Ricardo?"
"Well, first of all, it's Ricky for you," he shot a cheeky grin my way, "Second, I just wanna have a chat with my favorite girl."
Don't smile. Don't smile. Don't smile.
I gently closed my book and turned to face him, no longer being able to keep that stupid smile off my face. He too was grinning like a fool.
I saw Gwen Light step up on the stage at the front and walked closer to her, taking another sip of my champagne.
"I would like to thank everyone for coming here tonight," she began, smiling brightly at the crowd. She continued to say a couple more things, about how happy she was but I had zoned out by the second sentence.
"Aujourd'hui est un beau jour," Ricky spoke slowly, as he was speaking to a toddler.
I blinked at him with wide eyes, "Dude that sounds like pure gibberish,"
He groaned, "Everly it's just French! I've been helping you with the same sentence for about an hour now,"
"Well hey, at least I know that it means today is a beautiful day," I chirped happily.
"That's because I told you beforehand," he deadpanned.
"Both my husband, Ricardo Hans and I would like to raise a toast to the Light foundation!" she cheered happily. My eyes shot up to the stage, not believing my ears.
Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh my God.
There he was. Ricardo freaking Hans. He had a bright smile on his face, one arm wrapped around Gwen freaking Light. He had a big smile on his face, looking at her as if she was the only girl in the world.
"Why are you staring?" I asked, raising an eyebrow mischeviously. He grinned, hugging the pillow tightly.
"Because I like looking at masterpieces," he answered, not an inch of humor in his tone.
I couldn't breathe. Why was the room spinning? What was that crash?
I realized that I was no longer holding the champagne in my hand. I glanced around the room, to see many people around looking at me in shock and annoyance. I looked back at the ground to see the glass chattered and champagne spilled.
No. No. No. No.
I looked back at the stage to see Gwen looking confused and Ricky looking straight at me with a deadly expression.
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a/n: wow i hate school. how did summer break end that easily???? wowwowowowowow.
ya'll are amazing & have an amazing day bc you are a masterpeice !! k love u all.
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