chapter eight
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Ricardo Hans
WATCHING FROM the fiftieth floor of my building, I saw the rainy but busy streets. Water droplets slid down the massive window, making soft sounds when they hit the surface.
Drip, drop. Drip, drop.
It's hard to believe that it has been nine years since she disappeared. She just left, one second she was next to me making promises; the next she just left me there to drown.
I still remembered the way your eyebrows scrunched together, forming an adorable wrinkle right above them. The way your laughs sounded like music to my ears.
I had given you everything I had to offer. I made sure there was not a single day in your life where you weren't smiling. Then you just left, no explanation or anything. I can still remember the day when I woke up in a great mood, remembering our late night conversations. Next thing I know, we are bankrupt because of my girlfriend and my family and I are living out on the streets.
It was humiliating. Holding so much power and dignity one second and then losing everything and searching for scraps on the streets. Trust was everything to the Hans family, it was very rare when we all trusted somebody and we would never expect them to break our trust.
We trusted her. I trusted her. Imagine our surprise when waking up to see that she was nothing other than a manipulative, selfish, gold-digging, brat.
It hurt. It hurt so much, just thinking of her. Thinking of my past.
"Ricardo, wake up!" Father yelled, looking frantic. I blinked a couple of times, looking around the room confused.
I was instantly awake as soon as I saw my mom crying and holding Veronica to her chest. I sprung out of bed, "What the hell is wrong?"
Everyone stared at me with heartbroken eyes, their silence making my imagination go crazy.
"R-Ricky," Father started, "We have gone bankrupt, someone has stolen the file and now all of our money, information, documents and so much more is gone."
I tried to say something, but I was in shock.
"We know who stole the document," Father continued. He looked at the ground in disappointment, running his hands through his hair.
"P-Phillipe right? He has always been jealous of our company," I asked nervously.
"He wasn't the one to steal it, Ricky," Mother finally spoke up, her cheeks were tear stained.
My brows furrowed, "That's impossible, we would've heard the security alarm, nobody knows it but us,"
"Nobody but your girlfriend," Dad grumbled, glaring at the ground.
My brows furrowed and I was about to argue when my mom spoke up.
"She knows the security code, she has a key, she knows exactly where the file is and what that file does and she left behind her jacket,"
I still remember the way my younger sister had sobbed for hours and hours and she was crying for Everly's disappearance, not the fact that she had destroyed her whole future. My sister didn't have any friends except Everly, they both were like two peas in a pod.
For three years, I had to watch my family suffer absolute misery because of my ex-girlfriend. I put them through that and now I was going to make sure she pays.
"Mr. Hans?" My secretary asked nervously, tucking her blonde hair behind her ear. I turned around, facing her with a stern expression.
"What is it, Mrs. Williams?" I replied, taking a seat behind my desk. She timidly walked over to me and placed down a pile of papers.
"G-Gerald has gotten the location you asked for and your wife is asking to meet you for lunch at twelve," she announced.
My eyes scanned over the papers, "Great, thank you, Mrs. Williams, and please tell my wife that I will see her shortly,"
She nodded and stepped out of my office, closing the door gently behind her. After three years of misery, I was finally able to attend college, it definitely wasn't the college I was dreaming for but it had worked out.
During my university years, I blocked out everyone and everything. I only focused on one thing and that was my studies, I was determined to get my degree and earn my business back. I was cruel to everyone, showing a lack of interest in just about everything.
That is until I met the girl I was supposed to tutor. Being a straight-A student meant that I had to tutor the kids that weren't as good. Much to my luck, I got an annoying and incredibly preppy girl. Eventually, I had opened up to her and she had comforted me and never left my side. She offered money to my family and helped us in a way where we would always be grateful. Eventually, I faced my fears and moved on from Everly Clark. I got married to a woman and I am completely and utterly in love with her. Everly was nothing but a memory in the past.
But she never left my mind. I could never forget the light-hearted giggles no matter how hard I tried and it fucking broke me more by the second.
I hated her. Loathed even and she was going to feel the same pain I went through very soon.
. . .
I rang the doorbell of her small cottage. I was expecting a more luxurious mansion, considering the fact that she was a huge gold digger.
To say I was nervous would be the understatement of the year. I didn't know what to say or what to expect. Would she be married? Does she have kids? Is this even her?
The door opened and I swear to God I was about to pass out. There she was. Everly freaking Clark. She looked different, very different most people wouldn't have been able to recognize her.
There was no happiness in her eyes, which shocked me because Everly was the epitome of happiness. Her hair was in a messy bun and from the looks of it, it definitely wasn't in the best quality. Her clothes were the same quality, completely ruined and old. Even looking like this, she still looked absolutely beautiful.
Jesus Christ. Nine years. Nine freaking years.
We stared at each other, mostly with shock for what seemed like an eternity. Her big brown eyes looking into my dull blue ones.
"Oh my God," she finally spoke, putting her hand over her mouth. I could see dozens of different kinds of emotions swimming in her eyes. She looked so helpless, so broken.
Why would she be so depressed? She was the one who had destroyed our family, not the other way around. She had no right whatsoever to feel sad.
"Surprised?" I asked in a dry tone, making sure to look at her with as much disgust as I possibly could. Her eyes widened by my tone and a tear slid down her pale cheeks.
"R-Ricky," she started but I stopped her with a deadly glare.
"It's Ricardo," I muttered in an icy tone. I could see the pain in her eyes as I said that.
"Hi," a girl chirped happily, looking at me with a toothy grin.
"Uh hey?" I replied back, looking at this girl. She had long, brown hair that was tied up in a high ponytail. Her eyes were so bright and full of happiness, it made my own heart jump.
"I'm Everly Clark," she revealed, sitting down across from me. I stared at her with confusion and shock, who the heck was this girl and why was she talking to me?
"That's nice," I took a bite of my sandwich, "Now will you let me eat?"
God, this hurt so bad. I was doing this to get justice for my family. She betrayed me. She broke me. She ruined my future. I have been dreaming about this moment for nine years.
I have been waiting to make sure she suffered worse than I had. I was absolutely positive that I was over her and hated her guts.
So why was I so close to crying my damn eyes out? Why did I want to run up to her and wipe away her stupid tears? I was a married man for God's sake.
I hate Everly Clark.
"Please," she pleaded, looking desperately at me.
I hate Everly Clark.
"I-I'm so sorry," she revealed in between sobs.
I hate Everly Clark.
Why did I have to feel emotions? Why couldn't I just feel numb? Why couldn't I just move on like a normal person? Why did it have to hurt so damn much?
I guess our hearts were drunk with a beauty our eyes would never be able to see.
"Burn in hell," I sneered, putting in as much venom as I possibly could.
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whoot whoot, this was my first time writing in a dude's POV so I hope I didn't fail to bad haha!! let me know if I should have more chapters included with his POV or possibly other POV too!!
tbh, i love both everly and ricky cause they both are so broken, yet so strong. what are your views on them?
who do you think is ricky's wife?
have a wonderful day lovlies and don't forget that everyone here is worth it!! <3
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