Prom And The Reveal!
Lucian rang the doorbell and adjusted his tux jacket. He was nervous. Kevin opened the door and smiled. "Come in. I wasn't expecting you to knock?"
"Well, it's Prom... so, I knocked. Is he ready?" Lucian smiled. He took a breath and wiped his sweaty hands. He inhaled a sharp breath as Gabe walked down the steps. "Oh!" He stared.
Wade and Kevin were wrapped around each other. They had taken their relationship to the next level. They told the boys they had sex. Lucian was practically living at Gabe's now. He wasn't complaining but for this date, he went to his house to change.
Right now, there were no thoughts. Gabe was gorgeous in a tux. "Whoa!"
Gabe's feet hit the last step and smiled. "You like it?"
Lucian stared as his eyes roamed over the tux. "Uh, yes. You look so sexy in a tux, Gabe!"
Gabe smiled. He walked the three steps to Lucian and kissed him. "So do you, Lucian." Lucian started to put his hands in Gabe's hair. "No! Not the hair. I have the curls tamed for a minute. After pictures, you can destroy it!"
"You are such a girl!" Lucian smiled. "But okay."
"Boy, you are so whipped! Do they say that these days?" Kevin looked worried. "Am I too old?"
Gabe laughed. "Nope. We know what whipped means. Thanks, Dad. Take the pictures or we will be late!"
Lucian wrapped an arm around Gabe's waist. Gabe's arm was around Lucian's shoulder and they smiled. Kevin got several in different poses. One was Gabe holding Lucian, bridal style. They were having fun until Wade shooed them out the door.
They got to the venue and got out of the limo, together. No one had seen them yet. Gabe took Lucian's hand. "Waiting on you, Luc."
Lucian inhaled. "Will they hate me?"
"No one could hate you, Baby. Come on. Let's go dance." Gabe smiled and squeezed Lucian's hand. They walked up and stood for pictures and walked into the building. Together. Gabe was still as Lucian released his hand.
"Sorry!" Lucian wiped his hands. "I'm scared, Gabe."
"We don't have to..." Gabe began.
Lucian nodded. "We do. I do. I want to be fearless..." He stopped because Jonah and his date, the slut from school, walked up.
"Lucian, where is your date? I know you said you were bringing someone?" Jonah looked around.
"I did." Lucian took a breath. He took Gabe's hand and laced their fingers together. "I brought my boyfriend." Here we go.
Jonah and the girl chuckled. "Right. Really, who is it? It's not my sister or something, is it?" He got serious. "Is it?"
"Jonah. No. I'm gay and I brought Gabe. We have been dating since February. He's my boyfriend and my date to this Prom. Clear?" Lucian inhaled.
Jonah was silent for a few seconds. "No shit?"
"No shit." Lucian stared.
"Okay! Why didn't you just tell me, Man! We have been friends forever! I figured that out forever ago, Lucian!" Jonah smiled. "His handwriting matches your lunch notes, I'm not an idiot! Good for you. Gabe, take care of him!" He hugged them both and walked off to grind against his date.
Lucian inhaled. "What?" He watched his friend just walk off.
Gabe laughed. "Probably drunk. It's not a big deal, Lucian. Look, several people brought their same sex dates." He saw boys dancing with boys and girls dancing with girls, although that one is a little tougher to figure out. Girls could dance together without being lesbian. "Dance with me."
Lucian smiled. He wrapped around Gabe and melted. They moved with the slow music. This was nice. He rested his head on Gabe's shoulder and smiled. "We are at Prom dancing... with each other!"
"I know." Gabe smiled. "Your hair smells so good."
"Well, it's that shampoo that you bought. I like it." Lucian smiled.
"I like it on you." Gabe smelled his hair again. "Very nice."
Lucian smiled. "This smile is never going away." He looked at Gabe and took a breath. "Kiss me. I mean it. In public. So that everyone knows."
Gabe smiled like he won Mr. Universe. "Okay." He leaned into Lucian and touched his lips. Their bodies molded together as they kissed.
People noticed.
This was going to be everywhere by Monday. Lucian just closed his eyes, blocked them out and kissed Gabe. He ignored all of the gasps and whispers, even over the music. They probably weren't whispering.
Gabe slowed the kisses as Lucian finally slid his hands into Gabe's hair. So soft. He loved Gabe's hair. Gabe slid his hand to Lucian's cheek and kissed him gently as they parted. He put his forehead on Lucian's forehead. Lucian smiled.
Gabe sighed as he heard a squeal. "Keeley's coming."
"Gabe!" Keeley was there. She squealed when she saw Gabe and Lucian kissing. It was a real kiss. Not some fake 'I want attention kiss.' It was a real kiss and there was a lot of tongue from both participants.
"Keeley. Hi." Gabe backed away from Lucian an inch. "So..."
Keeley smiled. "I thought you were joking!" She looked at Lucian. "He said he was bringing you to Prom!"
Lucian glared at Gabe. "Really! You told her!"
"Don't worry, I didn't believe him!" Keeley stared. "Are you...? What's happening here?"
"Well, Gabe and I are dating. He's my boyfriend. We have been dating since February." Lucian smiled.
Gabe nodded. "Valentine's day. He got me the roses."
Keeley smiled. "You got him those roses! Those were gorgeous!"
Lucian smiled. "I'm a pretty great boyfriend."
Gabe leaned in. "Yes, you are." He kissed Lucian again.
"Well, I don't know what to say! I'm shocked! Really...but how did this happen!? Not that I'm upset or anything." She punched Gabe in his arm. "You could have trusted me!"
Lucian smiled. "Keeley, it was my secret and Gabe was being patient. Sorry about that."
Keeley smiled. "It's fine. So, your friend is a douche! I found him kissing some slut in the bathroom!"
"Which douche? Most of them are douches!" Lucian sighed.
"Frankie Smith!" Keeley glared.
"That bastard!" Lucian glared at the bathrooms. "Take me there." He followed Keeley and Gabe followed them. Sure enough, Frankie was in the girls bathroom with Marisa Thompson. What a slut and Frankie was a whore. "Frankie!"
Frankie peaked out of a stall. "Lucian, I can explain this!" He was drunk and saw Keeley. "Keeley, my girl." He stumbled out in his underwear.
"Oh, I don't think so. Bye." Keeley turned. "We are done here."
"Apologize to her and go home." Lucian glared and his voice was very dominating. Gabe got chills. Visions of that voice bent over him, bossy him around. He almost moaned.
"Man, I'm sorry!" Frankie pleaded and begged for forgiveness.
"I'm just not that invested, Frankie. Go and take her. You deserve each other." Keeley smiled and walked out and right into Jonah. They never really talked in school. They were on opposite sides.
"What's up?" Jonah saw Gabe and Lucian leave the bathroom with Keeley. Frankie was in his underwear as the door closed.
"Oh, just Frankie, fucking up. How are you?" Lucian watched Jonah.
"Bummed. Uh, my date... left with some guy." Jonah sighed. "It's fine."
Keeley sighed. "Well, I don't have a date so... want to dance?"
Jonah looked up and smiled. "Really?"
"Really!" Keeley smiled. She held out her arm and Jonah took it. They went towards the dance floor.
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