#20 - Being together
Chapter 20
When we parked in front oftheir house an hour later I look once again in awe on the house before athought occurs to me.
"Marco. Are you surethat my design for the new house, are something you like? I mean, it don't remindat all about this, and I don't want..."
My outbreaks are stoppedwhen Marco laid a finger over my lips.
"The house is exactlyas we want it. Yes I know that this is completely different from this one but Idesigned this when we were very young, and back then we liked large windows andsquare shapes. But it is no longer what we want, we want something moreintimate, and that you, the women in our lives, has designed it, make it justthat much more perfect."
I look surprised at him, andsmiles when I discover he look smiling down at me with an open and honest look,and I felt the joy spread in me. I turned astonished when the car door at mysite went up, but smiled when I discovered Shay stand outside with outstretchedhand.
"Angel, I've missedyou."
I smile and took his handand muttering against his mouth as he pulls me into a kiss.
"I have missed you to."
We then all enter the housewhere Marco quickly pulled me into a loving embrace before he looked at hisbrother when Shay asked.
"How did it go at work,could you keep your hands off our Angel all day, now that she wasn't wearingany panties?"
He asked with a cheeky smileat me, and I blushed and turn my gaze down and feel Marcos chest rumble as hechuckled quietly.
"Yes. Although it wasincredibly difficult every time I looked at her, it was all I could think ofthat I had free access to her pink glistening flower, and how wet I could do itin no time."
I grabbed his arm therewhere lying around my waist, to hold me up, and I could feel my corecontracted. God how was they able to do this, they hadn't even touched me intimately,and yet I was getting wet just by their words. Marco apparently sensed what happenwith me, and lowered his head and kissed me gently on the side of the neck.
"I think our littleAngel is excited, and we haven't even touched her yet."
He mumbles. Shay comes overand lays a gentle hand on my breast to caressing my nipple there already wasstiff and hard. When I feel my dress being pushed up, I look astonished atShay, who has fallen to his knees, and was now pushing my dress up, but my viewof him is blocked when Marco takes over the job and pulls the dress the rest ofthe way off me, so now I only stands in my bra, I know I should be shy or saysomething. But to stand like this between these two men, my two men, feltright.
"I wonder how quicklywe can get you to come."
Shay mutters, while he againcaressing my sensitive breasts, and Marco continues.
"You react so fuckingquickly, and is so sensitive. Every time we touch you, we feel this little shivergo through you."
And at a command a shiverran trough me, just to hear these two alpha male hoarse, naughty words there weremurmured close to my mouth and at my chest. I looked down at Shay, and see his smile,teasingly and beautiful, so fucking naughty, but so damn delicious that it mademe quite weak in the codes. And it didn't help when he hoarsely continued.
"Look, your nipplesshrink and becomes so hard that I just get the urge to suck on them allnight."
He said before he took thenipple, which he fondled, in his mouth and began to suck. I uttered a hoarsegasp and pressed my breast closer to his mouth. And gasps as I feel how Marcosfinger slide down to my damp core, and his thumb stroke lovingly over my clit.I excited move my abdomen against his touch, and hear his hoarse outbreak.
"Yes baby, just likethat."
He muttered hoarsely as hecontinued to caress me with the right pressure, which made me crazy, and withShays caressing of my breasts I was fortunate that I still are in contact withthe earth. My one hand slid down to grip Shays long hair, while the otherslipped behind me to let my fingers grab Marcos hair. But when Shays teethbrushed my nipple played piqued, and then sucked hard, I screamed, both inpain, but to my surprise also enjoyment, the pain disappeared immediately andwent into pure excitement. And my hands now burrowed into their unruly locks. Iloved their hair, one person's long and soft, and the others dark anddisheveled, they had both beautiful hair, and I twisted my fingers into thesilky strand and grabbed a lock hair to try to keep in touch with reality,while they still caressed me intimately. Marco change angle so he with twofingers encountered straight up in me and I gasped aloud, before I shovedmyself down at his finger, to get more fiction, I just wanted to be allowed tocome now, and I hear Marcos hoarse voice in my ear.
"Yes Angel. Rid myhand, baby. Come for us."
I am twist and turn toorubbed against his fingers and tried simultaneously to get the most out of Shayssucking mouth on my nipple, avidly, after getting more. Every time he bit intothe tight tip excitement shot through me, and I groaned. And I heard distantShay mumble.
"Our Angel like that."
He said with a voice thatoozed with desire and enthusiasm. Oh yes, I liked that, to have both men'shands and mouth on me while they satisfy me. My arousal rose dangerously, andnow I was breathless and tense throughout the body. I stood excited as a bowagainst Shays mouth, and then downwards again in order to get Marcos fingers toenter me. All the while I frantically searched the ultimate satisfaction. Ifelt torn in twenty different directions, Shays mouth and hands, his body,which was so strong and muscular. Marco his fingers intimate inside me and hismouth at the pit by my neck, and his body pressed against my back, and hisapparent erection pressed against my buttocks. They were all places at once. Iwas surrounded by pleasure, but a lot of pure sinful sensations. And it didn'thelp when Marco changed his caress. His thumb now pressed against my clit andthen rub in a fixed arc. He continued to rub in small circular motion, whichmade me panting for breath before a scream slipped across my lips.
"Yes just like that."
He said softly. But his nextwords contradict gentleness; they were gruff, authoritative and demanding obedience.
"Come for us, Angel.Embrace the pleasure we give you. Let go now."
I gasped aloud, it was as ifit was all I needed, for the convulsion went through me, and sparked a highhoarsely screams from me as my orgasm completely took over my body. I let myhead fall backward to bury it by Marcos neck while my hands both tightenedtheir grip in Shays hair. All the while I writhed and twisted, as their fingersand mouths continue to weave their magic. When I came back to the earth, I now liein a bed, and felt their hands were still on my body, gently caressing, but notto excite me more, I got the feeling that they just wanted me to feel that theywere there. I opened my eyes and smiled at them as they both were raised up onone elbow on either side of me and looked down at me with loving eyes. Shay wasthe first to lower his head and kiss me.
"Thank you Angel, youare wonderful. Your response to our touches completely blows me away."
Marco mumbling consensual ashe kisses me, and I feel how excitement once again spread through me, as ifMarco observe this, he looks surprised up at me before he glance towards Shaywho nods and Marco looks down at me again with a loving gaze.
"Licia, I know you maythink I'm too curious, but with what Shay and I would like to do with you, weneed to know how much experience you really have. We will not risk hurting youbecause we expect you to have tried something before, and it turns out to notbe the case."
I shyly turn my gaze downbut Shay grabs me by the chin again to get me to look up at them.
"Angel, it's not likewe want to make you uncomfortable, but as my brother says, we need to knowwhere you are experienced, and where we must take it easy. It's not like we willhave a full detail about the men you've been with, God no, I'd rather not know,but we need to know where you think your limits are. Since we often willsatisfy you together, there may be situations where one of us does somethingyou will find uncomfortable, and we are not fast enough to decipher it, and we don'twant to put you in that situation, we want you to enjoy every second, we aretogether, which is the only reason to way we ask you this."
I look up at them while Ibite my lip, it is clear that they expect I have more experience than what isthe case, what if they throw me out because I'm as innocent as I really am, forwhat can I, a novice in the sexual have to offer these men. As if Marco onceagain sensed my uncertainty, he smiled gently at me.
"Licia, we will neverthrow it back at you, what has happened in the past belongs to the past,nothing you can tell us will change our feelings for you."
He said softly, and caressedmy hair. I let uncertain my tongue glide over my lower lip, which was a habit Ihad when I was unsure, before I slowly nodded.
"Okay, but it sounds asif you expect that I have been with a lot, it's not the case. My body is not amodel's body so..."
Marco interrupts me
"It doesn't matter howmany you've been with. But I'm sure that someone has been able to see thebeauty you radiate, I know that you have tried to hide, but I don't believethat all men have been blind enough to ignore your beauty."
I blush with pleasure at hisobvious and honest opinion. I once again uncertain bit my lower lip before Ijumped into it.
"My first time was whenI was 20, a guy named René at my college, had taken an interest in me for some months.And since all the other did it, I kind of thought of myself as a bit of a freakbecause I hadn't been sexually with anyone in any way, so I agreed to go to sleepwith him. But it weren't particularly earth-shaking or pleasant experience, andI was just happy that it was over when he had finished, I got absolutelynothing out of it. I regretted it in the same second he left my room that I hadgiven him my virginity, and it didn't get better the next day when he made itclear in front of all his popular friends that he only had had sex with me towin a bet. And his last word sounded: "HonestlyAlicia, who in their right mind would voluntarily have anything to do with you,all the fat wobbled every time I so much as lay a hand on you. But thank youfor lay, and the 2000 I earned on it, and the sex I got with Julie as a consolationprize that I would put myself through to be with you. I have wanted Juliethroughout the school year, so I couldn't say no to get her when the only thingI had to do was to get in your pant."
I noticed how both men frozebefore Marco sat up angrily, staring down at me with anger lurking in his eyes,but it was clear that it was what I had told that made him angry when hesharpened.
"Such a bastard, what'swrong with hum to treating you that way he should have had a round ofbeating."
Shay nods, while he has clenchedhis teeth, it is clear that he can't say anything for the rage that flowsthrough him by my story, but after a while he grabs my hand and squeezing itgently.
"So your first time wasn'ta nice experience, more just a hello and goodbye, but the second time washopefully better?"
He asks gently with athorough look at me, and I see that Marco gaze just as intense on me, so onceagain I bite my lip before I shrug.
"I hope so."
This gets them both to lookconfused at me before Marco exclaims.
"You hope so?! Don'tyou know?"
He asks with a clearlyconfused facial expression. I sink nervously before I shake my head.
"No, I don't know, butI am convinced that it can't get worse."
I said with a wry smile, whichalso put a smile at their lips, but they still looked confused. And Shay asked.
"Angel, help me tounderstand. How can you not know whether it was better or not the second time?"
"Because my secondtime, hopefully will be with you, and even though I am convinced that it willbe fantastic, then I can't be sure until afterward."
I say, and turn shyly mygaze down. My confession leads to complete silence in the room, but I can feelthe men exchange glances before they again staring at me with surprise. I onceagain look at them when each of them grabs one of my hands, and see both of themlooking at me with the gentlest and loving eyes I have ever seen from them.
"Will you let us beyour second, let us show you how amazing it can be to be together intimately?"
Says Marco overawed. Andwhen I nod Shay continues.
"I don't understandthat there are several others who have seen your beauty, but I have to admitthat I like the idea that I and Marco is the only one who really will get toenjoy your responses. Your first experience should never have happened, youshould be worshiped, not be part of some stupid bet that some idiot has madewith his idiotic friends. We will take you into the sensual universe, and showyou exactly how fantastic it is, if you do it with the right one."
I uttered an excited moanthat seemed to delight them both, and I could no longer hold it back.
"Don't stop now, I wantyou. I know that it is too soon and that our relationship has only just begun,but I have known both of you for a while, and I feel that I know you. And theway you until now has made me feel when you caress me, makes me yearn to go thestep out, I don't want that you to stop."
I see the excitement spreadin their eyes, and with a groan Marco pulls me into his arms and looking downat me with a look that almost burns me so intensely that I tremble. His votesare rusty and naughty as he rasps his next words.
"Hell no, if I willstop, not when I've been waiting so long to get you."
He murmured and lowered hismouth toward mine. >>So long to get you<<. Oh god the phrase almostmade me come right here. The idea that this man, a guy I had always thoughtwould be completely beyond my reach, a man who could pick between most women,had dreamed about me, fantasizing that I was his, that was completely unsurely.
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