Seven stitches, five staples, a few scars, a soft cast, and a day later, Eliza is back at work. Though her left hand, her dominant one, is pretty much useless for a few weeks, she still handed to be at work to help out in anyway possible.
"Maria, please let me at least take orders. I know you guys are understaffed, please let me help." Eliza said, walking over to Maria who was busy making drinks.
"Okay, but that's it! No heavy lifting and no carrying food or drinks, just take orders, got it?" Maria said and kissed her cheek.
Eliza nodded and smiled "got it, orders only." The girl with a soft cast with a sling said and grabbed her order pad and a pen, waiting for a customer to come in and sit.
Today was a slow day for the coffee shop. Sure, there was the regular business firms coming in, ordering their coffees for the office, but that was always to go. There wasn't many people coming to sit in just yet.
Eliza took this quiet time to think to herself. She stuck the pad and pen in her sling and looked back out at the window, thinking of the man she saw yesterday.
He had long, dark hair, neatly pulled back, with dark eyes to match. He was tall, but not too tall. He walked with his head high, a mysterious look across his face, almost like he had a secret. He walked with gentle strides, and a quick pace.
Eliza smiled to herself at her thoughts of him. She only saw him once, but every time she thought of him, her heart skipped a beat.
The little bell on the door rang, as it always does when the door is opened and closed in the shop, letting the staff know that costumers have entered.
With the bell, Eliza snapped out of her day dream, and looked up, expecting to see one of the shop regulars.
She was pleasantly surprised to see the man she'd been thinking about for the past day. Eliza smiled and grabbed the order pad and pen out of her sling and made her way over to him, sitting in the cozy little corner of the shop.
"Hi! I'm Eliza, I'll be taking your order today, what can I get you?" Eliza asked eagerly and happily.
Alexander smiled up at her, elated that she was his waitress.
"Hey, um. You know, this is actually my first time here. What do you recommend, love?" Alexander said, using his charm.
Eliza smiled and looked over his shoulder at the menu, "well, our paninis are really good, and we literally have a bunch of meats and cheeses and bread to choose from. So if you're hungry, I recommend that. And for a drink? Well, everything is really good." She nodded and smiled, standing at the end of the table again.
Alexander smiled and nodded "alright, thank you." He said, looking at her, his eyes glistening.
Looking into Alexanders eyes made Eliza blush and feel butterflies in her stomach. She nodded and smiled "so, what will it be?"
"I'm gonna go with a ham, turkey, and American cheese panini on Italian bread, with a strawberry banana smoothie to drink."
Eliza nodded and jotted down the order "you got it! I'll be back with your order when it's ready." She said and started to turn around.
"Well. Actually, I won't be carrying it, my assistant manager will, because silly me, I got hurt yesterday trying to make a smoothie." Eliza laughed softly, nodded her head to her arm.
Alexander let out a soft laugh "oh my, well, good, I wouldn't want you getting hurt again."
Eliza smiled and blushed again "you're such a charmer." She said and walked to the counter, putting the order up to be made.
As the chefs were making the panini, Maria walked over to the blender, beginning to make the smoothie. She noticed Eliza smiling and blushing.
"Hmm. Does this have something to do with that boy you just took an order from?" She asked, smiling and nudging Eliza.
Eliza blushed scarlet and nodded "I saw him yesterday and I haven't been able to stop thinking of him since."
Little did she know that Alexander felt the exact same way..
Once the order was complete, Eliza smiled. "Hey, Maria, let me go with you to give him the food."
Maria rolled her eyes but nodded "you're practically head over heals!"
Eliza blushed more, as Maria took the plate and glass over to the small table. Once there, she set the food and smoothie down, going back to the counter, leaving Alexander and Eliza alone.
Eliza smiled at Alexander. "Here you go, and I hope you enjoy." Eliza smiled and nodded, going to walk away until Alexander gently grabbed her arm.
"Hey, I'd enjoy it more if you stayed and sat with me. If- If you can, of course." Alexander said, looking up at the stunning girl.
Eliza felt herself blush more. She looked over at Maria, who nodded.
Eliza smiled and sat down across from Alexander "looks like I'm on break!"
Alexander smiled "good! By the way, my name is Alexander." He smiled and held his hand out.
Eliza smiled and shook his hand. "It's nice to meet you." Alexander smiled "as it is you."
Eliza smiled and looked at him as he ate. "How is it?" She asked, smiling. Alexander smiled and looked up at her.
"It's wonderful. Very good." He nodded and smiled.
Eliza smiled "good! I'm glad."
"Hey, wanna hear something.. interesting? Funny maybe?" Alexander asked cautiously.
Eliza nodded, a smile still across her face.
Alexander smiled at her. "Well, yesterday, actually, I was walking past this place and I saw you taking orders, and I thought you were really cute."
Eliza blushed, and there was no way to hide it this time. Alexander smiled at her as her cheeks turned bright red.
"Funny thing is, I saw you walk by and I haven't been able to stop thinking about you." Eliza said, shyly.
Alexander smiled brightly "hey, I have an idea."
Eliza nodded, hoping for him to continue.
"Do you maybe wanna go on a date?"
"I'd love to."
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