Veil of Elysium
ORC Room, 6:15 AM
Lust enters the room, looking around to make sure that nobody is there. Once she concludes that she is alone, she summons her familiar, Morrigan, in bat form
Lust: Rias should be here in about an hour, do you remember what the plan is?
Morrigan:*in her amazing celtic brogue* Of course I do, we leave an anonymous not saying that there is someone with a better Bat-themed Familiar than Rias in her desk and an address to meet up at for a familiar competition.
Lust: Good. Now, what do you say we 'feed' in the meantime.
Morrigan: Oh bloody hell, how I've missed your ideas.
And after 45 minutes of the Succubi 'feeding' on each other*cough* lesbian sex*cough*, they leave Rias's desk traumatized because of what happened on top of it. They didn't even bother to clean up!
Rias and Akeno enter the room
Rias:*covers her nose* Oh my, what happened in here? It smells like an orgy happened in here!
Akeno: Ara, ara. Who knows, maybe people broke in and did.
Rias goes over to her desk and sits down at it, placing her forearms on the desk and wonders why it's slightly sticky. She opens the drawer with the note in it and reads it
Rias: Impossible!
Akeno: What is it?
Rias: Someone claims to have a better bat themed server than me!
Akeno: What if someone might have one that is capable of fighting and is more seductive than yours.
Rias: The only way that would be possible is if they had it train for that. And no Devil would have their familiar actually fight for them.
Crimson's base
Crimson is training Irina and Xenovia in bettering their swordplay. Crimson had Erza make an Excalibur Galantine for Irina and had both exorcists destroy their 'Excalibur' fragments. Crimson is currently wielding Ascalon
Crimson: C'MON! Is that all you got?!
Xenovia:*panting* Fighting you is easier said than done, sir.
Irina:*whining* You're so fast that we can't lay a hit on you!
Crimson: I'll tell you what, you land a hit on me, I'll have Handler make you whatever you want to eat.
Both exorcists start watering at the thought of Handler's cooking. She's actually a really good chef, as well as analyzer of skill and weaknesses. They ready their swords and charge at Crimson. He readies his blade and smiles
Crimson: Now THAT'S more like it!
Schrodinger: Are you sure zis is a good idea? I get zat you overpower zem multiple times over, but now zey have a real goal und eet's zwei against ein
Crimson's mind: Have faith in me you Neko trap
Play song above
The exorcists dash toward Crimson in a zigzagging formation, both of them going for a rising diagonal slash. Crimson grind and leans backward, going underneath the blades, then passing right above his nose
Crimson: Wow, going straight for the head, aren't we?
The exorcists ignore him and Irina cartwheels way as he slashes at her, horizontally
Crimson: Why do they make you wear those battle suits, is it to distract the opposition?
Xenovia dashes forward with Durandal and throws an overhead hack at him, he parries the blade and kicks Xenovia away, causing her to tumble. Irina charges before he has the chance to turn around. She ducks down and kicks at his legs, causing him to land on his back. While on his back, Xenovia recovers and both Exorcists slash at his chest, aiming to cut down his ribs. He blocks the holy weapons with Ascalon, not really struggling to push the blades away, bit not keep them off of his chest.
Crimson: Wow, you've really got me in a pinch, haven't you?
Crimson quickly spins around while on the ground, causing the exorcists weapons to go to the side, and he kicks their legs out from under them and then knocks their blades out of their hands.
Crimson: Well done, you landed a hit. Now, who wants something to eat.
Both exorcists nod exitedly as they walk inside and Crimson looks for Handler
Crimson:*playfully* Handler! Where are you?
Handler comes sliding down the railing on the stairs by the main living room
Handler: Here I am!
She laughs and they go to the kitchen to make a meal for the exorcists
Crimson: This won't be an average meal. They both eat like Deviljhos.
Handler giggles at the comparison before getting a bit sadder Crimson notices this and slightly panics
Crimson: Shit, I forgot. Sorry.
Handler: It's okay. I just miss them, that's all.
Crimson walks up behind her and gives her a hug, resting his chin on her shoulder
Crimson: You know, I think you might be the most lighthearted person I know. It's cute.
Handler blushes and puts the food in the obscenely large oven for the ungodly amount of food being cooked
Handler: How the heck do they eat this much?
Crimson: I don't know. But do want to go out for something to eat?
Handler: Sure!
Crimson is about to make a teleportation circle when Xenovia stops him
Xenovia: If Excalibur was never handed over to the church or shattered, then where is it?
Crimson: Still with the King's family, of course.
Once Xenovia let's go, he opens a teleportation circle and Handler steps thorugh, him following shortly after.
Wherever the fuck Kokabeil is
Kokabeil is sitting......somewhere. they never say exactly he was hiding out.
Cocoa Butter: Are you sure that the Nephilim is in the town?
Useless grunt: Yes, he seems to be with a woman
Cocoa Powder: Good, kill them both while I go kill the heiresses.
Grunt: Yes sir!
Cocoa puff: Good. The great war will reignite!
With Crimson and Handler
Crimson is walking around Kouh with Handler, and of course, she's going along with her normal amount of energy and wonder
Handler: This city is so amazing!
Crimson: Yep it is, isn't it?
He chuckles quietly at her high energy levels
Crimson: Now what do you want to do next?
Handler stops to think, and a light spear crashes into where she was going to step. She jumps back in shock.
Hamdler: AAH! Oh my god!
Crimson whirls around, pure fury on his face as he forms a light spear and throws it through the Fallen Angel that had been tailing them.
Fallen: GAAAaaaaa......
The Fallen is disintegrated by the heat of the spear alone. Crimson turns to the Handler.
Crimson: Are you okay?
Handler: Yes, I'm fine, it just startled me.
Crimson walks over to her and leans in close before whispering in her ear
Crimson: I swear on my life that I won't let anybody hurt you. That's a promise.
Handler blushes in response to this, and seems to be unable to come up with a response. Crimson chuckles, endeared with her behavior and he teleports them both home.
With Xenovia and Irina
The two exorcists are practicing their skills against each other. Xenovia swings Durandal at Irina who ducks under it and slashes at Xenovia's legs. She jumps over the strike and swings a kick at Irina's head. She dodges and both of them jump back, dodging an orb of destruction, but receiving damage from the explosion. Crimson appears right after it hits and looks at his students
Rias floats down from in the air
Rias: What are you doing here, Nephilim? This is Devil Territory. And I was getting rid of two intruders, who are wielding high tier Holy Swords.
Crimson is seething with rage, his eyes actually glowing in pure fury
Crimson: I'm giving you five seconds to get out of here before I make sure that nobody finds your body you little bitch. I own this land, these are MY students, and you're tresspassing. Now pick up your shit, and get the fuck out before I DISMEMBER YOU WITH A HAND SAW!
Rias visibly pales as Crimson draws Ascalon from a magic circle and she teleports away, likely to tell her brother a twisted around version of the story.
Crimson: I swear, on the name of the long-dead Christian God, I will be the end of her.
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