The Blister Exists
Most of the names are gonna be random songs by bands I like.
Tower of Heaven
Crimson looks out at the tower in front of him
Crimson: Whoever's using that dildo has to have one loose asshole.
Schrodinger: Agh! Vhy did you have to put zat image in my head!? I zink I'm going to vomit!
Crimson:'No, you can't throw up, your in my-
Schrodinger: *vomits* Oh god, it's everywhere!
Crimson:'Traps are gay.'
Crimson walks into the tower and sees people of all ages being used as slaves.
Crimson: WHO THE FUCK IS RUNNING THIS SHITHOLE!? Seriously, dirt floors, stone walls with no insulation? What is this, the 1500s? Get an interior decorator already.
SlaveDriverJustHereToDie#1: Who the hell are you?
Crimson l: Health inspector, serve me some good food and I might let this place pass the exam.
Sdjhtd#1: You're not the health inspector............ he was here last week!
Crimson impales the slave driver on his hand and throws a light spear through the chains on the slaves legs, freeing them
Male slave#1: Quick let's run!
Many slaves run for the boats on the island, while many of them stay and fight. The one leading the charge against the slave drivers in a teenage girl with grey eyes and scarlet hair(That's right, I changed Fairy Tail canon, what're you gonna do about it?) while Crimson throws more spears through the slave drivers
Crimson:Is that all you got? And you call yourselves mages. You're nothing more than pitiful vultures, preying on the week.
One slave driver cowers in the corner while their fellow slave drivers are slaughtered. Crimson walks over to them
Crimson: Give me one good reason that will convince me not to spatter the walls with your blood
Slave driver: Please, I have a family! I have children!
Crimson realizes that the slave driver is a woman and scowls at himself
Crimson: Well, you could become a good person, you're just on the wrong track. As punishment, I'll take one of your fingers. Never do this again, or else I will take something vital.
Crimson swipes the spear in his hand to the left and the woman cries out in pain. She quickly runs out of the tower and to one of the remaining boats. Crimson picks up the girl, who has fallen unconscious and carries her through a teleportation circle to the base
At the base
Crimson: Towa! I need to to come here for a moment! There's someone who needs to stay for a while! They'd be better off staying with you and the other girls than with Envy!
Towa: Alright! Who's this per-......... Crimson, was this another drunk kidnapping?
Crimson: WHY DOES EVERYONE ASSUME THAT? This person was a slave at this really big tower and I freed everyone. I need you to heal her and get her some clothes.
Towa: And what will you do once she wakes up?
Crimson: Ask her to become a member of my Heretic Champion.
Towa: And those are.......
Crimson: the reprogrammed Evil Pieces. Did Envy steal a set for you to investigate yet?
Towa: Last time I heard from him, he's still waiting for the right chance to get one. On the other hand, should I have everyone come here to tell my plan to screw up Rias's life?
10 minutes later
Pride: Alright, what's the news this time.
Crimson: Towa is going to share some information about her abilities.
Greed: Cool!
Towa: I can empower people with darkness in their hearts, and this allows me to control them. I can also create a mask that will bring someone under my control.
Lust: So does that mean that during the Rating Game between Gremory and Phenex, you'll empower the dumbasses sex slaves?
Sloth: That would be the logical choice.
Crimson: Towa, how's the other experiment going?
Towa: The structure is complete, all that needs to be done is to program it and find a source of energy from somebody pure of heart.
Crimson: And your sure that this one won't......
Towa: I didn't add 'that' function to it this time.
Greed: When are you gonna show us the thing that your working on?
Sloth: Likely when it's done.
Crimson: Ding, ding ding! We have a winner!
Lust: Crimson, grow up already.
Crimson: No.
Towa: Now, if you would excuse me, I have to get back to my little project.
Towa leaves the room and goes to the basement
Crimson: So. It's what, nine more days until the Rating Game between Gremory and Phenex? I should probably check on the person I saved.
Pride: Again? You saved someone again?
Crimson: What, I hate slavery.
Greed: What type of slavery was it?
Crimson: Get your head out of the gutter, it was the unpaid work for life type.
Lust: I'm still suprised that you took in another person.
Crimson: She has great potential, and I'm pretty sure that she has a Sacred Gear.
Crimson walks out of the room to check on the girl he rescued. As he enters the room, she sits up groggily and looks around the room
????:Who are you and what am I doing here?
Crimson: I'm the one who rescued you from the Tower. You can call me Crimson for now. What's your name?
????: Erza Scarlet. Thank you for saving me.
Crimson: Well, that's a finning name. I know this might be a bit shocking for you, but I have a question. Do you believe in any type of religion?
Erza: Yes. I practice the Shinto religion.
Crimson: This may come as a shock to you, but that and all the other religions exist. I myself am a technically part of the Biblical Patheon. I'm a Nephilim.
Erza: Hm. So that's the energy I was feeling from you.
Crimson: And I also think that you have a Sacred Gear.
Erza: !!!
Crimson: I'm not sure which one it is though. Do you have any family that I could send you to?
Erza looks down, her eyes starting to leak tears in silent sobs
Crimson *thinking* OH SHIT, WHAT THE FUCK DO I DO?
Schrodinger: Vhy ze hell are you asking me? Try to calm her down!
Crimson: I'm sorry, I didn't know.
Crimson gives her a hug of support
Crimson: Would you like to become part of a new family?
Erza looks at him questioningly
Crimson: I may or may not have been able to aquire a set of Evil Pieces and reprogram them to create my own version. I call them The Heretic Champions.
Erza: That's an.......interesting name.
Crimson: So, would you like to join?
Erza is shocked at this, she had never expected that question to exit his mouth
Erza: Since you helped me in my time of need, I will become a part of your Heretic Champions.
Crimson: Now, this may feel a bit uncomfortable. I, Crimson Satanas call upon you to rise up as a symbol of determination and will. Together, we will taste both voctory and defeat. Rise, Erza Scarlet as my pawn and transcend your past life!
Crimson places a sphere with a 'P' on it onto her chest, right above her heart. As it sinks into her, she winces slightly. Once it is fully absorbed by her being, her body glows brightly and when it clears, a suit of armor in in front of her.
Crimson: That was an interesting result. But, I think I know what your Sacred Gear might be. There is a chance that it is Infinity Forge, but I'm not sure. Try to create a replica of the sword that I will show you, down to the exact feel of the aura it expells.
Crimson opens a magic circle and draws Ascalon from it. Erza gasps as she recognizes the holy sword
Erza: Bu-but that's Ascalon! The sword wielded by St. George!
Crimson: Exactly, I want to see if my hunch is right.
Erza concentrates on the aura that Ascalon, noticing that it is very similar to Crimson's aura. The particles in the air move towards an epicenter, where they slowly gather into an exact replica of Ascalon, except for the fact that it was a slightly lighter shade of grey
Crimson: It seems that I was right. Erza Scarlet, you are in possession of the Sacred Gear known as the Infinity Forge.
WASSUP FUCKERS! I've changes the CA on of both stories to fit my needs and I don't give a single fuck. Also, Schrodinger is going to be comic relief. Let's just wait for the real Gremory Bashing comes to play next chapter. It's gonna be fucking amazing. For me, not for them. Their reputation is gonna be fucked beyond repair once I'm done with them.
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