Warning: Gremory Bashing Inbound. If you don't like that, then fuck off, I'm not keeping you here.
9 days later
Crimson, Anderson, Percy. Towa and Erza all step through a magic circle and appear right outside of Kouh
Crimson: Do you think we made it here early?
Anderson: I still don't know why we're letting these filthy devils run amok in this city. They've already gotten many innocents killed because of their carelessness.
Towa: Anderson, the Sitri family has been paying compensation to the families that lost members because of Stray Attacks and the Fallen Angels.
Percy: What about Tomato Head and her merry band of misfits?
Crimson: They didn't do shit. They've lost many clients, but they still didn't do anything about the Stray Devil or the group of Fallens that we're in the abandoned church.
Anderson: So the Gremory family claims to be one of the more accepting families of the underworld.
Erza: When in truth, they only see humans as tools and potential servants
Percy: Those types of people make me sick.
Crimson: Well, be glad that none of us are Devils. Towa's the closest thing to one, being a demon from another dimension and all, but she's cool.
Percy: Somehow, that is still not the strangest thing I've ever heard.
Crimson: Don't worry, you'll start screaming.
Percy: Are you some sort of emotional sadist or something?
Crimson: How did you know? Nevermind.
Crimson kicks the door to the ORC room off its hinges again, this time it catches both Issei and Riser in the face and it sends them both into the wall
Crimson: WASSUP BITCHES?! Grayfia. I have returned and I intend to watch the Rating Game!
Rias: What gives you the right to barge in here and demand things fro-
Crimson: Watch your tounge little girl, you might piss off somebody stronger than you that won't be forgiving.
Rias stares at him in angry shock
Rias: How dare you threaten me! Do you know who I am!?
Crimson: A spoiled little manipulative brat who got everything she ever wanted without actually working a day in her life for any of it?
Rias: I have not manipulated anyone at all!
Crimson: You intentionally let Issei get killed by Fallen Angels just so that you could get his Sacred Gear, you seem to have managed to get Asia into your peerage, likely by telling her that she'd get more time to be with Issei, you convinced Koneko, or should I say Shirone, that Senjutsu is bad and that she should hide her heritage as a Nekoshou, which is bad for her natural energy pools, you waited for Kiba, or should I say Isiah, to escape from the Holy Sword Project to get to him. And you let Akeno be given to you by your brother as if she were just an object. Not to mention you've been encouraging her to keep her heritage as a half Fallen secret, which would keep her from making up with her father who has been grief-stricken ever since the death of Shuri Himejima. Now tell me, how have you 'not manipulated' anyone?
Kiba rushes forward and places a demonic sword at Crimson's throat
Kiba: I would suggest that you refrain from spreading lies about my King.
Kiba feels something on the back of his neck and feels a sudden weakness. Percy has Riptide in its sword form and against the back of Kiba's neck.
Kiba: That sword. I'LL DESTROY IT!
Kiba spins around, his Holy Erasure in hand and swings it at Percy, but the latter uses the first trick he ever learned in swordplay and disarms Kiba. Percy quickly smashes the pommel into his gut and knocks him over as the Holy Erasure dissapears
Percy: Not to be rude, but you suck at swordfighting.
Kiba: You.....bastard! I'll destroy...... every last......Holy Sword if it's.........the last thing I do!
Kiba passes out and Asia rushes to heal him
Crimson: Wow, he really has some deep rested hatred for Holy Swords. It's a good thing that I didn't show him this. Also, do you really not train you peerage? I thought that you would've wanted to win and trained them longer than just the 10 days that you were just given.
Crimson pulls Ascalon from a magic circle and all the Devils in the room other than Grayfia visibly flinch
Rias: How-How did you get that sword? How are you able to wield it!? I demand that you join my peerag-!
Rias is interrupted by a book colliding with her forehead
Anderson: That's the best I could do, since I'm not allowed to kill her.
The temperature drops several degrees as Grayfia lets her aura leak out. Riser and Issei climb out of the wall, clearly dazed
Crimson: I will be watching the Rating Game, so make ure to keep it interesting. Goodbye, Grayfia, King KFC, dumbass pervert, Nekoshou, Daughter of Barqueil, Holy Sword Project survivor, and manipulative bitch.
Crimson and his Heretic Champions teleport to the announcer room to watch the unofficial Rating Game
3rd pov: my previous writing style, let's fucking do this.
As the two peerages teleport to their bases, Riser immediately sends out all of his pieces to certain points, those being the Gym and the forest around the school buildings while Rias sends Issei and Koneko to the gym and Kiba to the area around the schools while Akeno flies above the schools and Asia follows Rias to get to Riser as fast as she can.
Crimson mutes the feed as he watches what's going on in the gym. The two lolis, the slutty chun li and the girl with the staff are facing against Issei and Koneko. Issei keeps barely dodging the chainsaws of the twin lolis while Koneko and the Chun Li bitch fight hand to hand. (I know their names, I just don't care) Issei boosts his power a few times while dodging and punches the lolis hard enough to eliminate them. Grayfia turns to a magic circle and says "Two of Riser's pawns have retired". The girl with the staff jumps is and starts fighting Issei. She spins her staff around, hitting Issei in the side and immediately arcs it around to swing up and hit him in the family jewels. In the split second before the pain regestered, Issei managed to lightly touch the girls clothing.
Meanwhile, Koneko dodges a drop kick from the Slut fighter and punches her as she passes. The fellow Rook goes flying and crashes into the wall, causing a large dent to appear. As the girl removes herself from the wall, Koneko walks over, not showing any emotion. Before Koneko can do anything, the other girl sends a flaming roundhouse kick to Koneko's head and sends her back a few yards.
Issei snaps his fingers and the staff girl's clothes disintegrate off of her. He starts gloating about how he had created this move and doesn't notice that the staff was going right towards his head. It collides and Issei is sent to the ground. The girl repeatedly whacks him over the head and he is forced to retire to avoid permeate brain damage. The girl with the staff retires so that she won't be seen naked any longer. Grayfia leans towards the magic circle and says "Rias's pawn has retired, Riser's pawn has retired" (you know I like messing with canon, so if you have any problems, take it up with me)
"Hell hath no fury like a pissed woman" Crimson mutters. Meanwhile, Koneko and Riser's Rook trade blows, with each of them taking an equal amount of blows, Koneko ands a blow to the rooks liver and topples her over. The Rook disappears and Koneko dusts her hands off. "Riser's Rook has retired" Grayfia says
As Koneko walks to leave the gym, an explosion engulfs her, eliminating her from the game. "Rias's Rook has retired" Grayfia says. I looks at the gym which has collapsed in on itself after the explosion
Kiba is standing facing the rest of Riser's peerage other than his queen. The two Neko girls, the delinquent with the half mask, the honorable knight, the dishonorable knight, Ravel, and the rest of the pieces. The honorable knight and Kiba clash swords. 'It seems that the Gremory will not win' Crimson thinks as he watches on with a smirk.
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