Pinnacle to the Pit
As Crimson, Greed and Lust step out of the teleportation circle in London, they are greeted by a not so pleasant sight.
Crimson: ANDERSON! NO!
Crimson tries to charge forward but Sloth and Lust hold him back. Alucard sheds tears of blood as Anderson's body falls to the ground, both legs, an arm and his heart physically crushed.
Anderson: Demons don't cry. You became a demon because you couldn't cry anymore, right? Humans cry and when the it tears finally run dry, there's nothing left. Not a demon nor a monster and one final prayer for death. So laugh demon. Laugh that arrogant laugh of yours and remember I beat you to it.
Anderson: *weakly* Crimson is that you *cough chough* I thought you were going to Russia. How the bloody hell are you here. Just go, I don't want you to see me like this.
Crimson: Anderson! You fucking listen to me! You are not dieing here! I will not allow it!*unfurls silvery wings* If I can not save you, than may the songs of the seraphim guide you to heaven, Father Anderson.
Crimson draws a silver sphere with a 'kn' engraved on it.
Lust: Alucard. If you interfere with what will happen, you will face a fate worse than your near immortality.
Alucard: I wouldn't think of it.
Greed: Walter, I know you're there. Why would you become a sleeper agent for Millennium?
Walter C. Dornez: I never wanted things to go this far. All I wanted was to kill Alucard.
Anderson: *weakly* Crimson. I thought angels were supposed to have pure white wings.
Crimson: just shut up and save your energy. If all goes right, you'll be okay.
Crimson places the sphere onto the the chest of the Judas Priest and it slowly sinks into his chest
Anderson: Thank you Crimson. You have been a good friend to me. Now, this might be the end.
Crimson: just shut up and rest you fool. This is not the end for you. *starts spouting religious sounding bullshit* The Lord had us meet for a reason. I don't think that reason is yet fufilled. I, Crimson Satanas call you to rise up and serve by my side as an agent of justice. Rise Alexander Anderson, as my knight, and embrace your new status in the world!
A bright light is seen around Anderson as his legs, the hole in his chest and his arm start to regenerate slowly.
Alucard: So then Nephilim, what do you plan to do. I have committed millions of sins in the centuries I have lived. Are you here to judge me? Or did you come here to execute me and the scum that make up Millennium?
Crimson: .....Do you really think that my only purpose is to pass judgement on those who sin? That is not my job. It never was and it never will be. All I desire is to live a simple life. Free from the shackles of everything.
Alucard: And what did you do to Anderson?
Crimson: Why should I tell you. We're not currently on the best of terms at the moment.
Walter rushes in and throws a punch at Alucard
Greed: Crimson, I think it's time we leave!
Crimson: I agree.
Crimson grabs Anderson and forms a magic circle around them. Lust and Greed step into the circle and they teleport to Vatican City.
Crimson: As much as I hate churches, this place sure is beautiful. Isn't it?
Lust: I cant disagree with you on that.
A young woman with chestnut hair runs up to Crimson
???: *worriedly* What happened to Father Anderson?
Crimson: Irina, he was badly damaged by the vampire Alucard. I was not able to save him, so I made him into a Nephilim.
Irina: Wh-what do you mean? What will happen to him?
Crimson: Nothing will change. I will allow him to remain here to help with the orphanage and work with you all. Believe it or not, this is one of my favorite churches to visit.
Crimson ruffles Irina's hair
Crimson: If you want to know, I hear that Fallen Angel attacks have been unusually high in Kouh recently. If I didn't know better, I would think that someone's trying to start another Great War. You might want to keep your Excaliburs safe.
Irina: Thank you, but why are you doing this for all of us.
By the way, Greed and Lust are staying out of the church.
Crimson: When Anderson awakens, please hand him this note.
Crimson hands Irina a letter
Crimson: If you want, you can read it. I don't really mind. But if you do, your life will change immensely. If that change is good or bad, it is up to you. Just, never share the information with anyone. Got that?
Irina: *Nods rapidly* Thank you! I thank the Lord for allowing for us to meet you. Amen!
Crimson: *chuckles* Even though you're a teenager, you seem to retain all of your innocence. Just how strict is this church?
Crimson slips on his aviators and walks out of the church before turning a corner and meeting up with Greed and Lust.
Crimson: Alright, so who wants to go get something to eat?
Greed: Sure.
Lust: Why not, it has been a while since I last fed.
Crimson: Lust, I know you're a succubus, but whenever you feed, you go overboard.
Greed: All that's ever left is a shriveled corpse.
Lust: Shut up, both of you.
Crimson: Sheesh, you think that you would know that we like to tease from time to time.
Lust: Whatever, just make sure to lock your doors or you might not wake up.
Greed: Pu-lease, dragons are known to have incredible stamina when it comes down to fucking a mate, and I'm pretty sure that Crimson has trained his body to where fighting you off of him wouldn't be a problem. Though, I would take you up on that offer.
Lust: *smirks* As if, I may be hungry, but I'm not desperate.
Greed: *teasing* Aww, and I was just starting to hope
Crimson: I'm honestly suprised at how well you two work together when you constantly tease each other.
Greed: Wait, I gotta check up on the gang. (His group from Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood)
Greed disappears through his own teleportation circle
Crimson: Are you sure you don't want either of us to take you up on the offer?
Lust: Go to hell. If you and Greed were more mature than I might consider it, but unfortunately, you have a mind that fluctuates between adult, teen, and child.
Crimson: C'mon, I'm really not that bad! Why does everyone think that I'm immature?
Lust: *raises eyebrow* Do you actually want me to awnser that question for you?
Lust teleports somewhere to 'feed'.
Crimson: Well, I really hope that the students are ready for me. This might not end well for many of them.
One day later
Crimson: Hello class! I will be your mythology teacher, Mr. Blitzkrieg. Normally this would be brushed upon in one of your other classes, but I'm an expert in this field, so I was able to get a job here. Any questions?
Fem student #1: How old are you?
Fem student #2: Are your eyes naturally that color?
Male student #1: Why are we learning this!?
Crimson: I'm 24, yes my eyes are naturally red and you have to learn this because mythology is amazing, creative, and it is a major part of media today. Now, who has heard of Hercules?
All the students raise their hands
Crimson: Now, who here has heard of Heracles?
One student raises their hand. It is Sona 'Shitori'(She's the only devil in this class)
Crimson: Everyone other than Sona, who knows Hercules from something other than the Disney movie?
Nobody raises a hand
Crimson: *whispering* Jesus fucking Christ. *speaking* Alright, the first thing we have to go over is EVERYTHING the movie got wrong. So I hope you like being a critic that critiques based on accuracy.
Entire class: *groans*
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