Jekyll and Hyde
Cairo, Egypt
A dark haired delinquent with a hat that melts into his hair is fighting against a blond vampire with black lipstick. They propel themselves through the air using hmanoid figures that float beside them and occasionally teleporting and reappearing with new wounds. The delinquent's spirit warrior looks like a barbarian or professional wrestler........Is there a difference? The vampire's spirit warrior looks like a golden, more muscular version of the demon of the front of Dio's album 'Holy Diver' without horns. Crimson sits on top of a building, watching the battle happen while eating popcorn.
Crimson: This is better than pay-per-view. I gotta get closer!
Crimson stealthily walks towards the bridge where the fight led. He notices the steam roller on the ground and the burning right half of the vampire on the ground.
Crimson: Aw. I wanted to see the rest of that fight. Oh well. Hey, vampire guy! If you're still alive, attack me.
The body remains motionless, but a beam of......something shoots at Crimson, but he dodges to the left. On the ground a few feet away, is the blond guy's head.
Vampire: How dare you mock me! I am DIO! You should be groveling at my feet!
Crimson: Stop complaining, or else I'll leave you here to burn in the upcoming sunlight
Dio scowls and glares at Crimson
Dio: What do you want, worm?
Crimson: Well, that's rude to say to the person who was going to give you another chance at life.
Dio: And how would I go about unlocking this potential?
Crimson: Well, first you have to get a different body for your head to be on. The Hamon blood from Jonathan Joestar's body is weakening your vampiric powers.
Dio scowls at Crimson, clearly offended
Dio: I won't leave the body of Jonathan Joestar to rot. For he was the only person to earn my respect
Crimson sighs in frustration. This would be his most rebellious ally yet
Crimson: Fine, I don't care, just don't complain if you never get your vampire powers back.
Dio growls at Crimson as his limbs finish healing
Dio: What's stopping my from killing you right now and destroying the Joestar bloodline
Crimson: The fact that I can kill you before you can make it two steps without stopping time.
Dio stiffens at the mention of his Stand's power
Dio: Fine, I won't betray you.
Kouh Airport
Two figures in hooded white cloaks step out of the airport as people give them strange looks
Person#1: This is where the Excaliburs were taken?
Person#2: I can smell the heresy of this land! I don't like it!
Person#1: we must make contact with the Devils and ensure that they don't interfere with our mission.
Person#2: We wouldn't want them to get their filthy devil hands on the fragments of King Arthur's sword! We would get excommunicated if we let that happen!
Unbeknownst to the two exorcists, a certain blue demoness watches them with interest when hearing about their mission.
Towa: So, the church sends children to go on a suicide mission? I expected more from them, they even gift wrapped a little experiment for me. How thoughtful
She watches for a few more seconds before teleporting somewhere else
Person#1: Where is the representative that was sent to meet us?
Anderson walks over to the two figures
Anderson: Hello lasses. I was sent by the Vatican to help you two on your mission.
The second exorcist throws the hood of her robe's cloak, revealing Irina
Irina: Father Anderson! God bless you for surviving the Battle of London!
Anderson smiles serenely at her before turning to the other exorcist
Anderson: And who might you be, lass?
The first exorcist pulls down the hood of her robe to reveal a head of blue hair and a green stripe in it
Exorcist#1: My name is Xenovia Quarta. Wielder of Excalibur Destruction
Towa's secret lab
Towa looks through a large glass cylinder at the figure on the other side.
Towa: So on you will be complete. I hope that you won't betray me like Mira did. The half of Twilight Healing that I gave you should make you more docile if the wielder was any indication.
The experiment is a woman with shaggy brown hair that reaches past her waist. She wears a red and teal checkered short dress and stockings with high heels
Towa: Android 21, you will be my most loyal companion and by greatest creation.
Crimson walks in and looks at Android 21
Crimson: You know, I'm still wondering why she volunteered to do this.
Towa: She wanted to gain power beyond normal possibility. I told her what would happen and the risks. She accepted them on her own terms.
Crimson continues to look at the android
Crimson:*whispers* What could have happened to you for you to choose this?
Towa doesn't hear what she says and smiles sadly at the android.
Kouh Academy
Rias watches the three exorcists stand outside the Academy, waiting to be invited in. Kiba has been missing for a couple of days. Sona approaches them and they talk for a moment, before she allows them in.
Rias: What is she thinking?
The three exorcists enter the ORC room
Rias: What would three exorcists be doing in my territory? One of them being the Judas Priest, no less?
Anderson: Be quiet, you filthy demon. We're here on a retrieval mission. What we're retrieving is none of your business.
Issei: How dare you speak to President like that! Take this!
Issei charges Anderson, his Boosted Gear cocked back. He throws a punch, but Anderson steps to the right and Xenovia knees him in the gut.
Irina: Issei! You've become a devil?! This must be another trial from god! I will overcome this trial and prove my faith! Amen!
The devils flinch in pain at the mention of the Biblical God
Xenovia: Keep your servants in line, Gremory. All we ask is that you don't interfere with our mission.
Rias: Why would I do that? You are in MY territory, without sending a message in advance, and now your demanding things from me. I see no reason to comply.
Anderson: Because if you dont, I will have to bring him here.
Anderson brings out a Satanas magic circle and the Devils crimge, remembering the times they've seen it from Crimson and the shit that always follows
Irina: I see that you're already familiar with the hand of God! It's a wonder that he hasn't obliterated you heretics! But it's obvious that you wouldn't win in a fight against him or us, so we'll be on our way.
They turn to leave but Kiba stands in the doorway and stops them.
Kiba: I challenge you to a duel.
Xenovia: Who are you?
Kiba: Your superior. Now bow.
Anderson: A demon and a heretic.That's what you are Isiah. I thought that you were a good kid, but I see that I was wrong. Quarta, Shidou, I'll deal with this scum
Kiba: No, I want to fight the blue haired bitch.
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