I'm Shipping Up To Boston
The City of Vale, Remnant, Earth. The Fall of Beacon
Crimson arrives on the grounds of the destroyed Beacon Academy
Crimson: Wow, this would explain the despair I felt. I mean, monsters of darkness, terrorists, and killer robots in the same place, working together? That's worse that being forced to watch A Serbian film as if you were the main character.
Crimson raises his hand, and summons thousands of light spears in the air before slamming it to the ground, causing the spears to impale 99.9% of the threats
Crimson: Now, if only they weren't so weak, I would have been worried! Even a Six-winged could have won that.
He looks around at the remaining terrorists and they back up in fear before running away
Crimson: Tch, cowards. Now, let's see what's going on.
Crimson walks around, carrying a light spear and ignoring the people staring at him. As he continues, he sees a blond teenager laying on the ground, her right arm cut off. There are three girls around her. One with a red cloak, one with a black bow, and one dressed like a modern elsa
Crimson: Danm, what happened to you? You look like you got into an arm wrestling contest with a woodchipper
Girl in black: Who are you?
Crimson turns to her
Crimson: So, this place has their own strain of Nekomata. I wonder what other Youkai are here.
The girl in black glares at him while the other two keep watching over the blonde
Crimson: You know, it would help if you actually tried to stop the bleeding. An unexpectedly amputated limb is probably not how your friend wanted to go.
The girl in red panics and the girl in white starts tending to the wound
Crimson: So, what happened here? I mean, what caused this?
Girl in white: Someone killed one of our friends in live TV, and that caused the Grimm to attack, because of the negative energy.
Crimson: Are you trying to save her or kill her, because at this rate and how you're treating the wound, she'll bleed out. I have a way to save her, but I would prefer her to be asked it in person.
Crimson ties a tourniquet around the stump where the unconcious girl's arm was
Crimson: That should slow the bleeding until paramedics get here, I'll be back to make the proposition to Goldilocks here.
Red: Wait! Who are you?
Crimson: Blitzkrieg, Crimson Blitzkrieg.
Red: Thank you, for helping my sister.
Crimson: No problem. The chance of me passing by is one in a vermillion.
The girl groans at the pun, and Crimson swears that he hears the unconcious girl chuckle
Crimson: And on that note, I bid you all.... Adieu.
Crimson teleports away as he watches a bullhead arrive
Crimson: What a strange aircraft.
As Crimson dissapears, the 3 girls look on in surprise
Neko: Where did he go?
Elsa: How did he do that?
Red: That was SO COOL!
Crimson appears by Lust
Crimson: Hey Lust!
Lust: JESUS CHRIST! Did anyone tell you you're already an asshole?
Crimson: Yes, several people everyday.
She glares at him, her hand over her heaving chest
Lust: I swear, I will be the death of you.
Crimson: Many have tried, none have succeeded. In fact, nobody has gotten close. The closest anybody's gotten was when a large, red, scaly wolf tried to bite me in half.
Lust: I'm missing some context, aren't I?
Crimson: Definitely. I killed Kokabeil, started recruiting people, and found a name for my Pieces. And embarrassing the Gremory group the whole time.
Lust: Sounds like you've been busy
Crimson: More or less. So, how have the rest of the sins been doing? I'm guessing Gluttony still follows you around like a lost puppy.
Lust: Greed is planning on a heist, Pride, Wrath, and Envy are doing only God knows what, and Sloth has been doing your job for you.
Crimson: What job?
Crimson:.....Ooooooh. THAT job, the one that I showed up for a week and never went back.
Lust glares at Crimson. He ignores her
Lust: The one that we planned on you getting.
Crimson: I'm pretty sure that I am the worst qualified person to teach.
Lust: You won't hear any arguments from me.
Crimson:.....Do you actually hate everyone? Or is it just an act?
Lust: What are you talking about?
Crimson: The condescending additude, the threats, and most importantly, every time you tried to strangle someone in their sleep.
Lust: You mean every time I tried to strangle you, Greed or Envy?
Crimson: Yes, whatever. Is it all a facade? Perhaps, you happen to do it, because you're feeling...... human? Maybe you've developed feelings for someone?
Lust: In your dreams. My only goal is to escape this role and go back to my race full-time.
Crimson: Go ahead, I'm not stopping you. What made you think that you had to play the role?
Lust: I was told that if I didn't accept the role, my powers would disappear, leaving me as a human.
Crimson: That.......seems like it was made as a scare tactic. Look, I may be an asshole, but I'm a caring asshole. Kind of like Deadpool. He may be an insane mercenary, but he still has a good heart. Did you know he kept a girl from committing suicide?
Lust: I don't read comics. I prefer novels.
Crimson: Well, I'll have to get back to you later, I got a shapeshifting he/she/they to visit. I'm leaning more towards it being a him.
Lust: You're gonna track down Envy, aren't you?
Crimson: You know me so well.
Crimson then steps through a teleportation circle and disappears
Lust: That Nephilim is gonna be the death of me.
A tall beautiful woman with green hair and distinctly Greek clothing walks into the throne room of God. The Seraphs enter the room, weapons summoned and wings revealed
Raphael: Who are you? How did you manage to enter this far into Heaven without being destroyed by the pure Holy energy?
???: I'm sorry, am I tresspassing? I just wished to see the place that my father worked. My name is Palutena. Goddess of light and daughter of God.
The four Archangels stiffen at the mention of their former boss/father
Uriel: Not to doubt you, but do you have any proof?
Palutena summons her wings of light and her halo
Palutena: I belive that this should work? I just have someone that I want you all to meet. Pit, could you please come in?
A young male angel with brown hair and Greek clothing comes in
Pit: Lady Palutena, you called for me?
Palutena: Yes, Pit, please meet my half siblings. This is Raphael, Uriel, Gabriel, and Michael.
Pit: *bows* It's a pleasure to meet you all.
Archangels: It's a pleasure as well.
Gabriel: Lady Palutena, what are your plans here?
Palutena: Well, I guess it wouldn't hurt to take over for my father. Also, I need to hide from my mother for a while.
Gabriel: And who would that be?
Pit: Lady Hera can be a bit overbearing.
Uriel and Michael stagger back, Raphael's jaw drops and Gabriel's eyes widen.
Michael: The Goddess of marriage....was unfaithful and had a child with God?
Pit: I was just as suprised when I first heard about it. And I'm also Lady Palutena's first creation. I'm not perfect though, my wings only work for limited amounts of time.
Sorry for the long wait, between my broken clavicle and my regents, I haven't had much time to write. I'll put a picture of my clavicle in next chapter. My god, it is amazing what I did to it. Hint: 1-inch overlap
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