Dead Memories
Kouh Academy, Nighttime
The Gremory and Sitri peerages are at the school, facing off against Kokabeil, Freed and Valper Galilei. Sona and her peerage are holding a barrier up while the Gremory family is fighting. Xenovia is there, fighting a Cerberus while using Excalibur Destruction so that the Devils don't realize just how valuable she is
Freed charges at Kiba, wielding an 'Excalibur' made of 3 fragments, and destroying every demonic sword that Kiba creates
Kiba: Damn it! Just let me destroy that sword!
Freed: No way! I'll cut you up like the shitty devil you are, then I'll rape and kill those girl devils!
Freed wiggles his tounge around at he keeps destroying the swords that Kiba makes. Crimson just walks through the barrier and assesses the situation
Crimson:*sarcastically* We got human Skeletor, Jeffrey Dahmer, and Charles Manson in one place. This will be fun
Crimson sends a message to Towa to tell her where he is and what's going on. Kokabeil notices him and bitch slaps Issei away from him
Crimson: IT'S sad that the Red Dragon Emperor is so fucking WEAK!
Cocoa bean: It seems that my assassin failed in killing you Nephilim
Crimson: Yep, they sucked, so I killed them. That and they pissed me off.
Kokabeil: Oh well, it seems that I will have to kill you myself. Marvel at my greatness!
Kokabeil spreads his 10 wings, scaring the Gremory peerage. Crimson on the other hand, just rolled his eyes
Crimson: You're nothing compared to me.
Kokabeil grins at Crimson, eyes lusting for battle. Crimson keeps an even face while he calls out for his Heretic Champions to teleport to inside the barrier
Kokabeil: So Nephilim, do you really think that you can defeat me?
Crimson: I don't think I can. I know I can. Not because I look down on you, but because I have something you don't.
Kokabeil: And what is that?
Crimson: *flamboyantly* A good sense of fashion. Seriously, who the hell would wear that in this day and age? You look like skeletor if he was an elf. You look like you're decaying from the inside out. You look like Steve Buscemi had a failed plastic surgery.
Crimson gestures to Kokabeil's outfit while looking disgusted. At the same time, Towa teleports the other Champions into the barrier. Percy charges at Freed, sensing the killing intent while Anderson stalks towards Valper Galilei
Anderson: Valper Galilei, you have been chosen to feel the wrath of the Lord. For the atrocities you have committed with the Holy Sword Project and for aiding in the stealing of three Excaliburs, I hear by sentence you to death by beheading.
Valper stumbles back, in fear of the Judas Priest. Erza summons the Ascalon that she created and leaps towards the Cerberus to help Xenovia. Towa looks at the fighting and smirks. Asia's hand glowing a dark purple and a 'D' appearing above the glowing hand. Tendrils of dark energy snake around to the devils of the Gremory peerage and latch on. The devils visibly slow down as their power starts to get drained.
Towa: Don't worry dear devils, Android 21 will put your energy to great use.
Kokabeil looks at the ongoings in confusion
Kokabeil: Which side you you fight for boy. You attack me, but you weaken the Devils. Your choices confuse me.
Crimson smirks
Crimson: Simple, I do what I want, when I want, where I want, how I want and why I want to.
Crimson spreads his 14 wings and chuckles as Kokabeil visibly pales......more than normal
Crimson: Let's throw down you stupid piece of shit
Crimson summons Ascalon and flight at Kokabeil at high speed. The latter barely dodges the incoming strike and summons a light spear, only for it to shatter as Crimson swipes his sword through the spear. Kokabeil launches a light spear at Crimson, but he deflects it with Ascalon before slashing uowards, cutting off Kokabeil's arm!
Crimson:*smirks* I'd like to see you try
Kokabeil summons 100 light spears and sends them all at Crimson. Crimson activated his Sacred Gear and stands there with his arms spread. The spears all impale Crimson, an insane smile on his face. As Crimson's body falls, Kokabeil laughs
Xenovia and Asia fall to their knees in despair once they hear that God is dead
Kokabeil feels something tap on his shoulder
Crimson: There are a couple of problems with that. I'm very much alive. And why should they trust your words? You're nothing but a traitor and a warmonger. In my eyes, you're already dead.
Crimson punches Kokabeil in the face, shattering his jaw and sending him flying, before dashing forwards, grabbing Kokabeil's missing arm, and impales the owner of the arm on it!
Kokabeil: N-no, my....war.
Kokabeil dies, impales with his own arm and Crimson looks around to see how the others are doing. Xenovia has risen again and continued her fight
Freed: Why won't you die, you shitty pagan bastard!
Percy: I'm not a pagan! My father is Posiedon, now shut up!
Percy deflects one of Freed's strikes before cutting his right hand off
Freed: FUCK YOU! I'LL KILL YOU AND RAPE THE OTHERS FOR THAT! I'll cut you up and shoot you with my gun before I have my way with that red haired chick and the exorcists, and the Devil girls!
While Freed is ranting, Percy disarms him and snaps the 'Excalibur' in half, causing Valper to freak out, but he's too busy being crucified by bayonets on the wall of the Academy to notice. Well, he's also dead, so that kind of limits his actions
Freed: My precious Excalibur! How could you!
Percy: You are 20 kinds of crazy, and I pity your psychiatrist. Wait, do you have a psychiatrist?
Freed pulls out his pistol and aims at Percy, but he cuts the gun into pieces
Percy: Yeah, I don't think so.
Freed backs up in fear into Dio, who materialized into the battlefield
Dio: You scum, you don't deserve to live. THE WORLD!
Dio's stand appears and punches a hole in Freed's chest, causing instant death
Percy: What the hell!?
Crimson descends and walks over to Dio
Crimson: It's about time you showed up, you artificial vampire.
Dio frowns and turns away from Crimson. Erza decapitates the Cerberus she's fighting and Xenovia does the same to hers.
Erza: Why do you continue to use that sword, when it's clearly inferior to Durandal?
Xenovia: I'm afraid that I'm not powerful enough to wield Durandal to its fullest capability. Until I'm sure, I will use this false Excalibur in its place.
Erza: But you won't improve with it until you train with it. Durandal chose you for a reason, trust in its judgement.
Xenovia: .........Alright, I will.
Xenovia places Excalibur Destruction on the ground and draws Durandal from its pocket dimension
Durandal ^
She swings downward at the false Excalibur and it shatters into splinters. Kiba falls to his knees as his chance at destroying the Holy Swords stolen from him.
Crimson: Excalibur Mimic was sent back to the Vatican before we left. Sorry Kiba-boy, but you won't be getting revenge on that inanimate object anytime soon. But, you win some, you lose some. Come, my Heretic Champions, TO VICTORY, AND WHATEVER YOU WANT!
Crimson sends them through a teleportation circle and they all appear at Crimson's base.
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