New Friendship and Possible Engagement
Three days later, Lucifuge Manor
Crimson is in the gym, practicing his boxing against a magically reinforced heavybag, courtesy of Towa. In the background, Eye of the tiger is playing. Ducking and weaving under imaginary punches, he throws two quick punches and follows up with a strong left hook. Ducking again, he throws two body blows before throwing another two at where is opponent's face would be and finishes it off with a right hook strong enough to punch a hole in the bag. "Nice job, chief." A voice says from behind. Wiping the sweat off of his face, he turns to face the speaker, which turns out to be Yang. "Well, I practice several martial arts in my free time." Crimson pants. "Well, you got someone calling you." Yang says, smirking. Crimson puts his arm out and his phone flies into his outstretched hand. "Hello?" He asks as he answers. "Hello. Is this Adalgar Lucifuge?" A female voice says from the other side. "And whom may the lovely lady that I am speaking to be?" Crimson asks politely. "My name is Scáthach. You may know me as the Witch of Dun Scaith. I've heard tales of your strength and I wish to be your mentor." The now named Scáthach says. "Oh, well this truly is an honor. I accept your offer, Lord of Spirits." Crimson says before Scáthach hangs up.
"So, you goin' on a field trip or what?" Yang asks, still leaning on the door frame. "Yep, gather the rest of the Peerage and I'll announce it to you all." Crimson says as he wipes the sweat off of his face. I'll have to tell Grayfia and Sirzechs about this. And I'll just have my Peeragetrain with each other, working on improving their skills and decreasing their weaknesses. "I'll be gone for a few months to a year." Crimson says as he contacts the rest of his Peerage. Once they all appear, Crimson smiles gently. "Hello, you're all looking lovely today. I have good news and bad news." He explains. "Start with the good news." Ryuko says, frowning. "Now, now, my tsundere Knight. I have been invited to be trained by Scáthach herself in Dun Scaith. The bad news is that I can't bring any of you with me." Crimson explains. A chorus of complaints ring out amongst the women. "Now, don't worry. I'll be back, and I'll make up the lost time to you all." Crimson says with his hands up in mock surrender. A piece of paper appears in front of his face. He quickly grabs it and reads the message written on it. "What does it say?" Riza asks, looking stoic. "It's from Scáthach. Apparently time moves faster in Dun Scaith than it does here. So it'll only be gone for about a week by this realm's time." Crimson explains before taking a bow and disappearing in a swirl if shadows.
Dun Scaith, Scáthach's home
Crimson appears outside his new mentor's home.(I'm not sure what she lives in)looking at the building, he knocks on the door, waiting for a response. After a few seconds, he leans to the right, dodging the spear that was about to strike the back of his head. "Not bad, you were able to react without even seeing the spear flying towards you." Scáthach says as she appears from the shadows. "Thank you teacher, if I wasn't nearly as battle honed, I likely would have died." Crimson says while bowing. "Before I teach you anything, I need to see your spear skills." The witch of Dun Scaith says before leveling the legendary Gae Bolg. "I'm sure that they're a little rusty." Crimson says as he creates a Spear of Darkness. Without another word, Scáthach disappears and Crimson twists his body to dodge the thrust aimed towards his heart. He quickly spins and slashes at her with the tip of the spear, only for her to deflect the blow and flip over him. While in midair, she swipes at Crimson's shoulder, but he dodges to the right and hits her with the butt of his spear, sending her backwards, quickly followed by a thrown spear. The Witch of Dun Scaith quickly recovers and catches the spear, before throwing it back at Crimson, with her charging after it. "BRING IT ON!" Crimson yells with an animalistic grin on his face.
Agares Manor, Seekvaria's room
Seekvaria stares lustfully at a picture of Crimson on her wall. "I don't know why, but over the years I've ended up falling for you, you drunken bastard." She says playfully to the picture, as if the person were in front of her. "Well, now isn't this a surprise if I've ever seen one." A voice says from behind her. She turns around to see Towa floating on her staff. "Who the hell are you?!" Seekvaria asks angrily. "My name is Towa, Adalgar, or as you more likely know him, Crimson Lucifuge's bishop. I came here because a few days ago, Crimson was grumbling about how the Elders are forcing him to marry a pure blooded Devil. And he said it himself that out of all the female Devils, you are the one he'd most likely go for." Towa explains. Seekvaria blushed madly at that last detail. "So, would you like to come with me?" The blue haired demon asks with her arm extended. The blond haired Devil thinks about it for a bit before taking Towa's hand. The instant she does, they both disappear.
Dun Scaith
"C'mon, is that all you got?" Crimson pants as he holds his spear tiredly. The fight has gone on for hours and both combatants are exhausted. "Not even close." Scáthach pants back. Both are covered in several small cuts. None large enough to leave a scar. They smirk at each other and prepare to throw their spears at each other. "Gae" she says as she prepares to use the spear's ability. "Midnight" Crimson says as he prepares his final attack. "BOLG/OBLIVION!" The combatants yell as their ultimate attacks fly at the other. Crimson's spear splits into 12 smaller spears that circle around Scáthach before pinning her to the wall by her outfit. Her attack flies through Crimson's heart and he collapses. Shadows immediately spurt from his wounds and start to reconvene where his heart was. This is Crimson's ultimate technique: Shadow Being. The spell works by temporarily turning Crimson into a being of Shadow, making him near unkillable yo non holy or light based attacks. "So, did I pass your test?" Crimson asks before collapsing, passing out from exhaustion.
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