Helping a Longinus Wielder
Sirzechs Office
Crimson and Mira teleport into the office with Crimson scowling and Mira looking worried. Sirzechs notices and immediately starts getting worried. "Adalgar, what haopened?" He asks. Crimson smirks slightly. "My jackass of a grandfather removed me from the house of Gremory, conveniently forgetting that I am technically a part of the Lucifuge clan. I need to speak to Mom." Crimson says seriously. Sirzechs nods solemnly with hidden rage towards his father before Grayfia teleports into the room. Crimson smiles softly as he looks at his mother. "Hi mom." Crimson says. "I heard that Zoeticus removed you from the Gremory family." Grayfia says sadly as she hugs her son.
1 hour later
"There, that should make it official. My son, Adalgar, you are now the Head of the house of Lucifuge. You will henceforth known as Adalgar Lucifuge." Grayfia says as she finishes the the magic circle that would turn Crimson into a full fledged member of the Lucifuge Clan. Crimson opens a magic circle to inspect the changes. Instead of resembling a rose, the symbol in the center is the Leviathan Cross. "The Leviathan Cross, we're closer to the original Satans than I realized." Crimson mutters after thanking his mother. "Mira, could you please stay here while I go to the human world to get some fresh air, my mother can show you around. And mom, thank yo again." Crimson says. He waves goodbye to his parents and teleports back to the human world.
Cheddar, England, Nighttime
Crimson appears near a church, and watches as a young policewoman, likely fresh out of the academy run out in fear, shortly followed by several zombies with purple glowing eyes. Crimson raises an eyebrow before following. After a few minutes of watching and picking off the zombie-like creatures, the officer notices Crimson stabbing one of the creatures with a shadow tendril and stumbles into a priest who quickly reveals himself to be a vampire. Crimson impales a line of the creatures and crushes another group with more shadows. "What the hell are you!?" The vampire yells, noticing the carnage he's causing among the undead forces.
"Me, I'm your friendly neighborhood spider man!" Crimson jokes, drawing a sharp glare from the vampire. "Eh, I'm just kidding." He continues. "But if you don't let the girl go, your not gonna live to see tomorrow." Crimson growls in a tone that causes the vampire to start sweating. "GHOULS! KILL HIM!" The vampire yells. The zombies raise their guns and fire at Crimson, only for the bullets to be blocked by a dome made out of darkness. After the ghouls run out of ammunition, the dome explodes outward, slicing or crushing the undead grunts. Once all the lackies are dead, Crimson turns to the priest.
"Take one step closer and I'll break this fragile girl's neck!" The vampire yells in desperation. "And? If you kill her, I'll kill you, If you don't, I'll still kill you." Crimson says coolly. The vampire places his teeth against the girls neck in an attempt to intimidate the devil. "Please, save me!" The policewoman pleads. "You know, what sets me apart from most devils isn't the fact that I was sent forward in time to yesterday from over two centuries ago. It's the fact that I'll help people without an ulterior motive. But I have to ask you one question officer. Will you join me?" Crimson asks as he opens a magic circle behind the vampire preist. "Yes!" She yells out in panic and fear as she feels the vampire teeth barely break the skin before its jaws go slack.
The policewoman looks behind her to see a black tendril coming out of the priest's eye socket, the eyeball dangling by a thin amount of tissue. She recoils in shock and dashes away from the dead vampiric pastor. "Now that I get a good read on you, you have a very strong Sacred Gear, on the verge of awakening as well." Crimson says, causing her to jump. "Thank you for saving me!" She cries, hugging him close, as if the night would kill her if she didn't. As she looks into my eyes, I notice her irises aren't pure blue, but instead are blue with a red mist swirling in them. Her canines are also sharpening. But there are no bite wounds. "Excuse me, miss..."Crimson trails off, waiting for a name to be given. "Victoria. My name is Seras Victoria." She says, smiling.
"Well Seras, my name is Adalgar Lucifuge but you can call me Crimson. Honestly, everyone other than my parents does." Crimson says, picking her up bridal style. Seras blushes as he looks into her eyes. "Now, are you sure that you really want to join me?" Crimson asks. Seras is silent for a moment but nods. "Okay. This will only take a moment." Crimson says as he summons his Mutation pawn and places it over her heart. "This should do the trick. I, Adalgar Lucifuge call upon you, Seras Victoria to be my pawn. May we grow stronger together and learn much on our journeys." Crimson chants. The pawn sinks into Seras's chest and a pair of devil wings sprout from her back, but they have a black membrane that fades to a blood red. Her eyes also became blood red. "Well, I think your Sacred Gear just unlocked itself."
30 minutes later
"And that's all you need to know about the supernatural for now." Crimson says after explaining everything that has involved the Biblical Faction. "Also, I think your Sacred Gear is a Counter Longinus. It may be the one Sacred Gear made from a vampire." Crimson explains. "What's the name of it? I mean, it's got to have a name." Seras asks "GAH! Holy shit, what happened? I've been trapped in this thing for over 200 years. Oh shit, my host is a hot chick! Nice!" A voice says, coming from a pair of wings that sprouted from her back, above the devil wings, made out of shadows but fading to red. "Who said that?" Seras asks worriedly. "That would be your Sacred Gear: No Life King. The being residing in your gear is Alucard, or better known as Dracula." Crimson says tiredly.
"Master, are you okay?" Seras asks. Crimson jumps in suprise and nearly faints. "Why did you call me 'master!?'" Crimson yells in shock. "Well, you're the 'king' of the peerage, and I'm your pawn. So wouldn't that make you my master?" She asks, confused and blushing. "Well yes, but please just call me Crimson. It'll make things a lot less awkward." Crimson says with a blush on his face. "Let's go and I'll introduce you to my queen piece and my parents." Crimson suggests.
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