First Day on the Job
You know what, I'll leave the Lemon for a later chapter, I almost went in way over my head, but I'm deciding to wait a chapter or two more.
A week Later
Large house on the outskirts of Kouh
"Just a little memory alteration spell over the town, and done. Now the students will all believe that the heiresses have been there for the last few years." Towa says as she finishes a spell. "Thank you Towa, although I don't like the idea of running a town, at least I have a higher position than Rias." Crimson says, stretching his back, causing several pops to be heard. "Hey Crimson, have you heard that Rias has learned about her marriage contract with Riser Phenex?" Mordred calls from the kitchen. Crimson smiles and sighs contently. "Yep, it's good to see that someone else is getting forced into a marriage contract. So, when shall we check out the town?" Crimson calls throughout the house. Suddenly, Seras appears from a teleportation circle with Carmilla by her side. "Oh, this must be the lovely Elizabeth Carmilla Bathory, the leader of the Carmilla faction." Crimson says as he preforms a polite bow. "Hello there, you must be Adalgar Lucifuge, the master of Seras Victoria. It's a pleasure to meet you." She replies. After a few seconds of silence, they both start laughing. Once they calm down, Seras bows to Crimson "Master, I've returned." Crimson cringes visibly. "How many times have I told you to stop calling me 'Master'. It makes me uncomfortable." He says. Seras blushes and leaves the room.
Carmilla chuckles before sitting down. "You have a very lovely home." She observes. "Please, this was cheap compared to my home in the underworld. It was all a matter of staying relatively hidden while not actually hiding." Crimson says, not exactly bragging. "I hear that you trained with Scáthach, the witch of Dun Scaith." The female vampire Lord says. "Yep. She made sure that I was familiar with all manner of weapons." Crimson explains while subtlety eyeing the the two powerful weapons that he owns and keeps in the living room. "I've trained with spears, swords, knives, staffs, bows and arrows, she even taught me some runic magic." Crimson explains. "Ah, I see that she made you a well rounded fighter." Carmilla says, looking at Gae Bolg: Samhain. "Is this the her spear, Gae Bolg?" She asks, picking up the spear and testing the weight and range. "No, she made that spear for me. It causes thorns to erupt from every pore in the target's body." Crimson explains, shifting Carmilla's stance so that it was the proper form he was taught be Scáthach. "And was that sword the legendary Arondight? Spears were always more my forte, but I'm curious." Carmilla asks. "Yep. I got that from a magical family trying to use it to summon a familiar to win them a wish from a fake Holy Grail. I stole it and made sure that nobody found out about me being there." Crimson explains, smiling at the memory. "I have to admit, even from what I've heard of you from your pawn, you're quite the interesting person, Adalgar." She says semi-seductively, draping her arms over his shoulders. 'Seriously? I just met her today! Which god is playing a sick joke on me? Is it Aphrodite? If it is, I've got a few choice words for her.' Crimson thinks, kind of annoyed.
Later in the day
Crimson walks through the streets of Kouh, remembering where everything is, in case of a fight that isn't going in his favor. Upon reaching the park, he decides to enter on a whim. After taking a few steps into the park, a barrier erupts from the ground behind him, staining the sky a deep violet. Not caring at all, Crimson walks towards the center of the park, where he assumes that there will be a fountain. Upon reaching the fountain, he sees a brown haired boy getting impaled on a light spear courtesy of a fallen angel. "Well, I didn't expect to see a bloody murder today, I wonder what else will happen." Crimson says jokingly as he walks over to a bench. The fallen angel jumps in shock and turns to face him. "Who the hell are you? The park was supposed to be empty!" She yells angrily. "Oh, me? I'm just-" Crimson appears right in front of her face, wearing an insane grin. "Someone far more powerful than you could ever be." He concludes, gripping her shoulders tightly. The girl yells in fright and pain, his fingers digging into the terrified fallen's shoulders. "Now, you're going to tell me why I shouldn't end your worthless life right now. If you don't.....well, I got someone for that." Crimson says. The fallen is shaking in her thigh high boots. Oh yeah, she's not dressed in very much. Just a leather bikini with spiked shoulder guards, long gloves and thigh high heels. "Please, don't kill me!" She sobs.
Crimson frowns slightly and stares into the woman's eyes. "You know, it's probably a good thing that it was me that found you, and not one of the devil heiresses. I'm more likely to let you live. Now tell me, what was your plan with the boy?" Crimson snarls. "I was told to observe him to see if he would become a threat due to his Sacred Gear, but recently I was told to eliminate him by the higher ups!" She cries. Crimson sighs before slapping her across the face. This shocked her out of her crying. "How dare you hit me! Do you know who I am!?" She screams in anger. "No, because I didn't care enough to ask for your name." Crimson says before turning away from the fallen. "Now run along, before I decide to tear your wings from your back." He threatens. The fallen Angel nods and quickly flies away in terror. "I guess I should send Azazel a call, asking if he ordered this boys' death, and I should send the kids family a condolence basket." Crimson mutters as he teleports away, just missing the slip of paper flying out of the nearly dead kid's pocket and the teleportation circle that appeared shortly after.
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