A few blocks away from the Abandoned Church
As Crimson appears, he summons all of his pieces to him. The first to arrive is Seras, soon followed by Mira, Leone and Yang. The others soon follow. Crimson enters the church and takes notice of the single exorcist in the room. "What're you shitty devils doing here? I'll just have to kill you and have my fun with the girlies!" The fallen warrior of the church says, his tongue sticking out of his mouth. A few of the girls growl in anger. "Girls, take him out." Crimson says. Mordred readies Clarent while Seras and Yang ready their weapons to fire. Mira and towards prepare balls of demonic energy to disintegrate the insane exorcist. "OH SHIT!" He yells as all the girls fire at once. He narrowly dodges by jumping into the air on to the scaffolding. "Damn! You bitches are crazy!" The priest laughs. Crimson frowns and summons Gae Bolg: Salmhain from a magic circle. He suddenly laughs feraly and poises to throw the spear at the exorcist. "Freed Selzen will not be defeated by some shitty devils!" The exorcist yells as he raises his gun to shoot at Crimson. "Gae Bolg: Salmhain!" Crimson yells as he throws the spear at an insane speed. It impales the exorcist through the face and pins him to the wall behind him. Immediately after, thorns of steel explode out of the deceases priest, soaking the wall, ceiling and floor in blood. Seras sneers at the blood, not daring to even touch the liquid.
Crimson then scans the room with his magical energy, searching for the remaining fallen and stray exorcists. "Crimson?" Mira calls out. "I found the entrance." Crimson opens his eyes, seeing that she found a secret entrance under the altar. "Well then, it's time to crash the party." Crimson says, a smile sneaking into his face. Seras turns herself into mist and goes down the stairs, obscuring the vision of the enemies. Crimson then slides into the shadows covering the walls of the staircase and sneaks into the hidden chamber. Yang and Leone bump fists before simultaneously charging down with the others closely following. Once in the secret room, Crimson and his peerage start slaughtering the exorcists. Crimson decapitates and stabs several with Gae Bolg while Yang uses her Ember Cilica to blow apart the body parts of enemies and Leone systematically takes them down with well placed punches and kicks. Seras reforms herself while keeping the mist active and starts ripping exorcists apart with her bare hands and sometimes draining them of their blood and souls. Mina dissolves some with her acid while Riza snipes some from the stairwell. Ryouko and Mordred slash and hack their way through enemies, bisecting and decapitating several in a single swipe.
After the several second massacre, Seras absorbs the mist back into herself. With the battlefield revealed, the two surviving non-devils gasp in horror at the destruction in front of them. One of them is the Fallen Angel known as Dohnaseek. He looks like a flasher or a pedo. Take your pick. The other is the Fallen Angel known as Mittelt. She looks like a blonde loli maid, but more dangerous. Chained onto a crucifix, in the blonde nun, Aisa Argento. "Take them down, preferred no lethal." Crimson says, stepping back as Yang walks forward. She summons her Sacred Gear, Heliocentricity.(I'm sorry, I couldn't think of anything better) Golden greaves and sabatons appear on her legs, with armor slowly appearing up her body until she is covered in a golden set of draconic armor. "With pleasure." She says, her voice as if she was talking through a walkie talkie. As she dashes forward, Dohnaseek throws a light spear at her, which she deflects off of her armor. She quickly uppercuts him, sending him through the ceiling. She turns to the blonde Fallen only to see that the young looking being has surrendered, slumped to the ground in fear and shock at the devil in front of her. Crimson quickly wraps her up in shadows while Seras leaps through the hole Dohnaseek made in the ceiling. Towa turns towards the unconscious nun and shatters the chains binding her.
As Seras lands in the main area of the church, she sees Dohnaseek struggling to get up. She launches herself at the helpless devil and grabs his face while pinning hus arms to the ground. "You lost, Dohnaseek." She says. The mentioned fallen makes an unintelligible noise in response. "Now I'm going to read your mind." She continues. Another noise in response." By drinking all of your blood." She says, finishing her statement. Fearful noises leave the fallen's throat as Seras's teeth get quickly closer to it. As she drinks Dohnaseek's blood, she starts seeing visions of Kokabiel planning his theft of 4 Excalibur fragments. She starts chuckling as the scene plays out in her vision while Dohnaseek's body bursts into flames and his soul is processed into her increasingly powerful balance breaker.
Crimson flies through the hole just as the doors if the church bust open, revealing Issei Hyoudou, Kiba Yuuto and Koneko Toujou, the younger sister of Kuroka, who decided to stay at Crimsin's place in the suburbs of Kouh. "Hey! Who the hell are you?" The pervert yells angrily. His expression gets even more angry as Towa floats up through the hole, sitting on her staff with Asia Argento slumped over her staff. "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TI ASIA!?" He yells, charging while his Sacred Gear activates. Before he can throw a punch, Yang appears behind him and grabs his cocked back arm and swings him around with one arm and throws him through the wall of the church. "I can't believe that Ddraig has chosen this boy as his partner." Helios, the soul in Yang's Sacred Gear says in shame. "I'm going to either give this girl to the Grigori or to the Angels." Crimson says say, his voice leaving no room for argument. Several teleportation circles appear in the church. Below Crimson, his peerage, and Mittelt as they all disappear.
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