3 years later
Lucifuge Manor
Crimson looks at his peerage, which has grown over the last 3 years. First off, his second Rook, Leone has a Sacred Gear that gives her the qualities of a Nemean Lion. She happens to be a huge flirt. She even marked him as her mate a few days after he recruited her. Mina Ashido, one of his pawns is a bubbly, cheerful girl that can create acid from wherever she wants on her. The reincarnation of Mordred Pendragon, who happens to be a decendant of the original King Arthur became one of his knights along with the edgyness looking Ryuko Matoi. The former wields the original Clarent while Ryuko wields a large red half of a scissor. He also has an alien and the world's best sniper as pawns and Kuroka, a Nekoshou who was falsely declared a stray, as my bishop. Mira, Yang and Seras have all achieved Balance Breaker.
He may have also accidently started a harem. He first noticed it very quickly after Leone came along. With her being such a huge flirt, it didn't take long for him to catch on. He also caught on to the signs that the other members of his peerage were sending him. Some, like Leone and Kuroka just threw subtlety out the window. Others were more discreet, like Mordred, Riza and Seras. Ryuko is a major Tsundere while Mira, Ms Martian, Yang, and Mina are Kunderes. Now, should Crimson look for a wife within the Pillar Families? So far, the only female members of the Families around his age are Rias, Sona and Seekvaria. 'All of them have grown into beautiful women in their own rights. But I'm definitely not gonna marry Rias, I won't marry Sona, just to spite Zoeticus, so I guess that leaves Seekvaria.' He thinks. Yang is training with Leone to improve her fighting style to include more kicks. Mordred and Ryuko are swordfighting and improving their speed and skill. "CLARENT BLOOD ARTHUR!" Mordred yells as her sword unleashes a red wave towards Ryuko. The edgy, scissor wielding Japanese girl jumps over the wave and slashes down at Mordred.
Leone and Yang continue to pummel each other, neither using their Sacred Gears. Yang activates her Sacred Gear which takes the form of golden Grieves with red orbs on the joints and shotgun functionality. "Take this!" She yells as she goes for a roundhouse kick only for Leone to dodge under it. "Nice try." The blonde assassin says before sweeping the blonde brawler's planted leg out from under her. "But you still got a long way to go, sis." She says before uppercutting Yang in the back and sending her up through the ceiling. "I get that you two look and act very similar at times, but wonder if you're long lost sisters." Crimson says as he walks over to them. After about a minute and a half, Yang comes back down, crashing through the ceiling again and creating a small crater in the ground. She stands up and gives Crimson a thumbs up after dusting herself off.
Crimson chuckles quietly. "Alright, who wants to watch Mordred and Ryuko fight?" He asks. They both nod and turn to face the clashing swordswomen.
Kouh Academy
Issei Hyoudou walks up to the front gates of Kouh Academy. "This may be my second year, but I'm going to become a harem king if it's the last thing I do! I'll be able to see so many boobs that I'll die a happy man!" He yells. "What a pervert." A girl says to her friends in disgust as they walk by. Two more girls walk past. "Hey, did you hear? We're getting a new History teacher." One of them says. 'Man, I hope it's a hot Milf'. Issei thinks hopefully.
Lucifuge Manor
"Alright! Yang, Leone, you have to work together to beat me in a fight. No Sacred Gears or Magic allowed for both sides." Crimson says as he cracks his knuckles. The blonde beauties nod to each other and charge at Crimson, zigzagging to try to confuse him. Crimson smirks and ducks as they throw a right and left hook at him. Leone kicks low in an attempt to catch him off guard, but he blocks her kick with his leg and punches her in the liver. Yang Goes for a kidney punch only for Crimson to dodge backwards and follows up with a knee to the gut. Both blondes go flying backwards but land on their feet. "C'mon is that really all you got?" Crimson asks boredly. Yang uses her Ember Cilica to launch herself at Crimson while Leone sprints at him. Crimson throws a jab at Yang, but she fires her gauntlets at the ground to propel herself over Crimson's head. Once she's behind him, she shoots at his back, causing him to stumble forward. Before he can recover, Leone catches him with an uppercutting and follows up with a flurry of punches. Yang lands and unleashes a barrage of shotgun blast empowered punches to his back. After a few seconds and a loud 'CRUNCH!', a dark miasma surrounds him. "ENOUGH!" He yells as it explodes off of him and sends the two girls back. "Damn it, Yang. You ruined my jacket. Leone, you broke my nose and split my lip. I think this is over." He says before turning away. "Good job, but next time I won't hold back." He says while walking to the infirmary so that his nose can be healed.
'Damn, I guess I can't underestimate them anymore.' Crimson thinks as he uses a healing spell on his nose. "They're ready for the rest of the Devil world to see." He says to himself. Suddenly, a wormhole opens up directly in front of him and someone crashes into his gut, knocking him off his feet sending him back a few feet. When he looks down to see a woman with blue skin, white hair, and pointed ears laying across his chest, clearly unconscious. "What the hell?" Crimson asks under his breath. He then picks the woman up and carries her to the infirmary. "Who, and what are you?" He asks quietly and he speeds up slightly.
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