2 more Allies
The Pacific Ocean, Midnight
Crimson is sitting on his private yacht with his peerage (except for Seras who is out reuniting the Vampire Faction) training to fight creatures in the water. Currently, they're fighting a Kraken while Crimson stands ready to jump in if they get overwhelmed. The large squid-like monster is missing 3 tentacles due to Mordred and has several cracks in its shell thanks to the rooks and queen of the Peerage. Ryuko is repeatedly stabbing it in the eye with her scissor blade while Mordred and Riza keep the tentacles off of her. Leone, Yang and Mira are hammering blows into the shell of the large Sea monster. Yang blasts it with a shotgun blast with each punch and her Balance Breaker and Mira occasionally blasts a large ball of Demonic Energy while using her default Satan Soul form. Crimson watches from the sidelines, Towa at his side. "So, how well would they fare in your universe?" Crimson asks her. They're between Dodoria and most of the Ginyu force. They're power levels range from 15,000 to 60,000." She explains. "That's still fairly high for this universe. You have a power level of 100,000 and your queen has one of 75,000. Mine is around.......10,000,000 but when you found me, I was in critical condition and around 5,000. That was why you were able to ressurect me. I'm grateful for you helping me, I just wish it was under better circumstances." She continues. Crimson nods while preparing a spell to cripple the kracken if needed.
"So, you were technically the queen of the Demon realm back in your universe, right?" Crimson asks her. "I guess. My brother was the king, but he died at the hands of Majin Buu. Thank you for helping me get a laboratory for my work." She responds. "No problem, when I heard you were a scientist, I thought that you would need one." He replies without taking his eyes off of his Peerage. Ryuko managed to get rid of one of the Kraken's eyes, leaving an empty socket where it used to be. Leone and Yang leap high into the air and cock a fist back. Letting gravity build their speed, the blonde bombshells simultaneously land a devastating punch on the shell, completely shattering it and killing the large monster. "Well done everybody! Who wants to go for a round of drinks? It's on me!" Crimson says happily, opening a magic circle that transports the dead Kraken somewhere else. Everyone cheers except for Ryuko who just turns her head. Crimson smiles and pulls out his phone. "Alright, where are we going out to?" He asks
Romania, with Seras
Seras is standing outside a large castle with ivy growing on the walls. "Sir, are you sure that this is where the Carmilla faction is hiding?" Seras asks. "Of course! Elizabeth and I had tons of fun here! And by fun I mean sex." Alucard says cheerfully. "I did not need to know that part sir." Seras groans as she walks up to the castle door. Knocking on it twice, a female voice comes from the other side. "State your name and business!" The voice, clearly German yells. "My name is Seras Victoria, I'm a female vampire and I'm seeking refuge from the church!" Seras says loudly. After a few moments of silence, the doors open to reveal a tall, lean woman with long, black hair that ends at her knees.
The woman looks Seras up and down before smiling brightly and waving for the bustier woman to follow her. While walking down the long hallways, the ravenette starts humming something similar to opera. "I'm sure zat Mistress Carmilla vould be happy to meet you." The woman says. "I'm sorry, but I never caught your name." Seras says, feeling upbeat by the ravenette's contagious happyness. "Mien name ist Rip van Vinkle. I was taken in during Vorld War two. You seem to be a younger fraulien. Vhat is your story?" The now named Rip van Winkle says. "I was attacked by the Paladin Alexander Anderson, but I barely managed to get away with my life. It was completely by chance that I managed to escape. He had me on the ground, unable to move since he stabbed my legs. I somehow managed to squirt some of my blood into his eyes and crawl away as my legs healed." Seras explains, half lying. She never sent her blood into his eyes, instead she had distracted him with a Vampiric shadow tendril and teleported with a magic circle.
After a few more minutes of walking, the two Vampire women enter a large room with a silver throne in the middle. On the throne is a buxom woman with white hair, yellow irises and a very BDSM esque outfit.
Rip van Winkle kneels before the woman and Seras hesitantly follows. "Oh please, there's no reason for the formalities." The woman says with a slightly flushed face. As Seras rises to her feet, she clears her throat. "Your magesty, my name is Seras Victoria. I've come to seek refuge within your faction." She says clearly. The woman on the throne giggles slightly before looking the blonde vampire up and down. "My name is Elizabeth Carmilla Bathory II, the daughter of the original Blood Maiden and Count Dracula." She says before licking her lips seductively. "WHAT!? WHEN!? HOW!? I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS!" Alucard yells in Seras's mind. "It's an honor to meet you." Seras says while looking the royal vampire in the eyes. After a few seconds of staring at each other, Carmilla smiles and says something that nobody expects. "Hello there, Dracula."
"Ummm. I'm not here?" Alucard says nervously. "Father, it's strange to see you inside a Sacred Gear." Carmilla says, her head tilted. "Well, since the vampires seem to have torn themselves apart, I thought I would use my partner to bring the two subfactions together, but hey, slaughtering the other subfaction would be fun!." The No-Life King explains. "Well, I'm all for peace, but the false Dracula faction is out for blood." Carmilla says grumpily. "What happened that caused the faction to split?" Seras asks. "It was likely because I took my mother's last name instead of my father's." Carmilla says. "To be fair, I go by Alucard now." The king of Vampires cuts in. All three women in the room shake their heads at the (in their minds) terrible name change. "So, who's ready to go for a walk?" Alucard says sinisterly.
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