Chapter 31: Humanity is like a Coin, There's 2 sides
Summary: Neutral ground, a rather precarious place to stand. It's much like balancing a coin along its edge while the two sides mean different things, good, and bad, there cannot be one without the other. They are intertwined with each other, inseparable. Oh yes neutral ground is a balancing act, one that some are better at than others....
Humanity can't really be determined by one individual either.
After all it's all about what side you choose, what you decide to do when push comes to shove, when your metal is tested in trial by fire, tempered to a fine point, or shattered into a thousand burnt pieces. Yes, it's all about the choice.
Notes: Ender: FINALLY BACK ON SCHEDULE! Heading straight for Jub'line and nothing is stopping them! Remember when I said hopefully it won't take as long next time and I'm not writing this long again?? YEA ME TOO...
Ender: Err... Who's in this ship coming towards us? It's probably nothing....
Ender: Also I have been hit with sickness after sickness so been resting a lot and the fact it's holiday season has been packing up the schedule XD
Cyber: The amount of worry she has caused me, yall have no idea, NONE
Ender: But here you go! It's a bit more... eventful this chapter XD I had to make this as perfect as I was capable of. This it outside my comfort zone in the sense of writing so let's see how it goes XD
Cyber: *stands atop mountain peak with fire raging behind me arms raised as I cackle maniacally* Ender promised me violence!!! And hooooo boy did I get violence!!! *cackling intensifies and lightning strikes across the sky*
Warning: There will be a description of one unfortunate and creepy moment. Also included are Mentions of Non-Human Blood, Gun, Violence, Non-Human Injury, Non-Human Death, Fighting! These symbols <><><> will indicate when they start and end. There will be summaries for those parts (Orien is helping us this chapter to mark out the warnings so give Orien a hand in the comments, Ender is desensitized to my chaos at this point lol)
Orien: This chapter was wild! None of the topics mentioned go into heavy detail, and are non-Human injuries, but make sure to keep safe, lovely readers! Glad to help out! :)
That was probably the best sleep he's had in awhile.
Don't get him wrong, Tommy loved having the others there for company, it's always reassuring and warm with them sleeping alongside him. But he's starting to think relying on them so much isn't healthy. Does he have attachment issues? There's a name for it isn't there? Maybe it falls into the category of ✴Abandonment issues✴ .
Whatever the case may be, he can't keep reaching out for them and their comfort like a small child.
Somewhere in the back of his head he hears a voice that sounds eerily like his own and it says, "Doesn't everyone deserve to want reassurance? Is that truly so childish?"
Of course not he tells the voice, but he's got his feet back on the ground, time to stop acting like a baby, and it's time to start trying to pull his own weight. He's interrupted from his thoughts by a disgruntled noise from up ahead, glancing up he spots Ranboo whos flailing about slightly awkwardly for some reason.
"Need some help Boo?"
Ranboo appears to be struggling to balance a whole pile of gadgets, whats its, and weird alien thinga ma bobs. He hadn't the foggiest idea what any of it did or was for, but whatever it was Ranboo was doing his level best to apparently not have to make more than one trip, which normally Tommy would be one hundred percent on board with....if Ranboo would carry the darn stack properly, like seriously what the heck?! There is absolutely NO balance, none of the pile is stacked in a coherent manner, and Ranboo isn't using his hips or other body parts at all, instead he is trying to press it all against his chest with his ridiculously long arms. He isn't even using his tail! Which Tommy knew for a fact could be used as a much more flexible third arm! Ranboo grabbed him with the darn thing all the time! Why the heck wasn't he using it to help with the massive stack of objects?!
"What on earth- Be SMART YOU GANGLY FUCK! It's like you don't even know how to balance shit"
He immediately starts grabbing as much as he can from Ranboo, who starts warbling worriedly and rapidly shaking his head the way Tommy had taught them to say no, before stopping when he notices Tommy... not struggling? Tommy holds a box firmly on his hip with one hand while placing several of the other items neatly atop of it, with his other hand in order of size and shape. After stacking everything he could and pressing the stack tightly against his rib cage he even grabs a hold of a small cylindrical container from the few remaining items in Ranboo's hands, and pins it between his shoulder and cheek. Then using his still miraculously free right hand, he neatly begins to organize the six items still in Ranboo's arms until Ranboo found himself easily holding a small stack of items that was insanely stable.
"See? Easy. This is big man shit, I'm not surprised you wouldn't know"
Ranboo stares astounded at him before quietly mumbling something odd under his breath and turns around and starts walking, far faster now that he doesn't need to worry about breaking something.
Tommy follows Ranboo through several halls till they arrive at a room he recognizes as the cockpit. Phil is there and he appears to be hyper focused on something.....well it's a bunch of alien text scrolling across a screen and with how hard Phil is glaring at it, Tommy's just going to assume it's important and leave it at that. Tommy heads for a mostly empty desk while Ranboo pauses to trill at Phil, and plopped everything in his arms atop it, though now that he looked closer it looked less like a table and more like a giant holopad....ehhhh it was probably fine.
"Oi Phil!"
Phil perks at his name, watching with interest as Tommy deposits everything he had balanced on himself atop the holo top.
"Watcha lookin' at Phil? Stars? Maps? Any way you could, I don't know, charade out a route, or a map or something so I can know where the hell we're goin'?"
He tilts his head to the side slightly, hoping that it convey's he had asked a question and points at what he guesses is a star map.
Phil immediately starts talking, gesturing to the map and pointing at a bunch of stars, then zooming in on a star with some planets floating around it, pointing a long black claw at a green planet and marking it on the map.
Huh. If he's guessing this right, They're headed to that planet, but what for?
He points at the planet, tilting his head, making a quiet hum, trying to remember the tone for Question. Phil opens his mouth, pointing at it, then moves it like he's chewing, then points at Tommy, mimicking it again.
It could mean eating but that wouldn't make sense, they have plenty of food and supplies from Kristins planet. Oh! It could be talking! Communication if he wants to stretch it. Are they going to get something to help him talk? Like a- like a translator! At the rate they're going he might master charades! It's oddly easy getting his point across and having them charade it out for him. Letting him deduct what it is they are trying to say.
Communication skills baby! Heck yea!
He silently cheers to himself, looking out into the void that is space. Looking at all the stars. None of them twinkle. He remembers something about stars twinkling because of the atmosphere on earth. Bending the distant light or something like that. But now nothing bends them, staying consistently bright. Now with this new knowledge, he should be ecstatic, and he's always really liked looking at the unblinking stars from the cockpit, but-
His brow furrows, and he narrows his eyes, shifting uneasily in place. He reaches up his left hand and taps his fingers against his right arm thoughtfully as he stares out into the glimmering expanse. Slowly his fingers cease their tapping and he squeezes his arm tightly, nails digging into his soft flesh as he thinks. Absently he begins tapping again though this time it's along his sternum right above his stomach. His stomach which roils uneasily.
Why does he feel uncomfortable? He's had this feeling before, though it's been a good while since he has. It's as if something is screaming at him from deep inside his bones, something that screams that something is wrong, that something doesn't feel right. If there's one thing that he knows all humans will agree on is that their gut feelings are almost never wrong.
Be it paranoia or experience, or just having a really good sense of the future- he doesn't really know alright, but his gut is screaming at him that something feels off, it-it-it just does okay? He'd love for someone to explain how humans were able to sense incoming danger, but quite frankly he has no idea, and no time to find out. Something was off ok!!!!
Phil calls out to him, but Tommy doesn't respond, he just stares out into the open space. Trying to think of anything that might be wrong, or determine what exactly is making him feel off. He hadn't exactly done much after getting up today, so he is fairly certain HE didn't mess something up as far as he's aware.
Is something wrong with the ship? Did the engine's rhythm change maybe? Did something happen to the others? It may have been awhile since something has happened, but he always trusts his gut, and his gut is not happy.
He turns around to look at Phil, who looks back at him in worry, chirping and talking to him, Ranboo also warbles, talking to Phil about something. Tommy walks away from the window and looks down at what looks like a radar scanner thingy. The one that's green and spins around to see things close by like the things from the movies back on earth. This one was blue though. He stares at it, waiting for something to blink.
He's grabbed by Ranboo, who's still talking to Phil and gently tugs Tommy away from the radar, convincing Phil to follow him. Tommy sends another look at everything before following along. These guys know their ship better than him, maybe it's something else that's bothering him. Probably just something wrong with the vents, nothing to worry about. Yeah, nothing to worry about. He stops gently resisting Ranboo, and leaves the room turning his back and forcing the feeling back down. It's nothing.
The cockpit is empty and quiet once they leave, save for a couple of quiet sounds from the machines here and there. A couple minutes pass and a sudden beeping is heard. It's quiet at first but it steadily grows louder and more frequent. On the radar, a dot appears.
Time tick's past agonizingly slowly, and Tommy has been trying to do work left and right in order to distract himself from the roiling bubbling almost nauseous feeling in his gut. Everyone notices it and try to give him tasks around the ship. It's a bit hard trying to explain the more complicated tasks when charades and sounds aren't exactly specific. Still Tommy seems to almost miraculously pick up on body language and intent, only faltering a few times and having to be corrected only once or twice.
With Tommy helping the tasks are very quickly finished aided immensely by the apparently limitless energy Tommy seems to possess. The only tasks he couldn't really help with were in the med bay with Wilbur due to Tommy's aforementioned frenetic energy, which made it far too difficult for him to slow down enough to be careful with the more delicate equipment.Other than that? Nothing else happened, nothing bad happened. No injuries, no emergency's, nothing on the ship going wrong- nothing! But the stupid gut feeling won't leave Tommy be, it's making his stomach uncomfortable, it honestly feels a lot like something is reaching inside his stomach and twisting, a feeling he is unfortunately intimately VERY familiar with.
He's currently with Tubbo and Shroud, in Ranboo's room. He had helped clear out an empty room for them earlier, he's guessing they want to turn it into something else. His best guess? A room for him. Which is great! He can't be so dependent on them, he has to eventually break that habit right?
Besides they'll just be a little further away- it's fine! He doesn't have attachment issues, afterall he can sleep better on his own now with that sound box Tubbo gave him and they don't have to always be bothered with him now.
Everything is... fine... maybe it's just space jitters.
He pets Shroud, trying to calm his gut once again as he listens to Tubbo. Tubbo who is trying to teach him how to speak the language they all can speak, except for him. It's actually pretty hard because they all keep overthinking everything.
For example: If he were to point at an Apple and say food, One would assume he's saying food, obviously, but there's the off chance he's calling it an Apple, and then what? You call everything else an apple because you assumed it meant food? And then suddenly someone has to tell you
"No that's not an apple, that's a steak"
and more words get added into the confusion and then it's just a huge annoying mess!
Thankfully Tubbo solved that by either bringing in groups or singular items or pictures of groups and singler items to help Tommy differentiate. Which means that currently Tommy had a small pile of food next to him, and a general picture of food was held tightly in Tubbo's small hands.
However Tubbo had since moved on from the word for food and was now attempting to teach him how to say... what Tommy assumes means Stop.
"This means stop. S T O P"
"No, close but you forgot the T" (That's rich coming from you Tubbo)
It's word after word after word, and Tubbo's insistent buzzing is starting to grate on Tommy's nerves. Some he forgets quickly and needs to repeat again. He really hopes they are getting a translator cause this feels tedious. He's never really been a studying type of guy. Doesn't seem like it would be fair though, to not try to reach further than the just gestures and charades.
Still though, without an alphabet or someone to be a third party with knowledge, learning a new language is hard. No way of getting an assist? A cheat sheet? Nope, nothing. And! Their alien language thing has more symbols in it than the traditional English alphabet so there's that too!
He listens to Tubbo try in vain to teach him some more words but it really is just coming in one ear and out the other at this point. So finally he turns to Shroud and gives Shroud a look.
He clicks his tongue.
Click Click Click
Tommy snorts as Tubbo screechs an unholy buzzing growling sound, still it would seem that screaming and yelling is pretty universal, and Tommy just thinks that hilarious! Shroud had pounced on Tubbo at Tommy's command, resulting in Tubbos' yell of surprise and Tubbo was currently pinned beneath a very satisfied Shroud. Tommy immediately called Shroud off of Tubbo, knowing it would freak his friend out to be pinned under the spider for any longer. Besides Tommy figured that Tubbos instincts would freak him out being forced still and all, or it might be too close to being tied up in ropes like how they first met. Essentially he would never hurt Tubbo, even if he had come to the horrifying realization that Tubbo was not in fact a baby. Something he would take to his grave even if he ever did end up figuring out this stupid language.
Shroud chirps when Tommy pets him.
"Good boy Shroud, you will be a fine spider warrior. The best of boys"
Tubbo angrily shouts at him, his wings buzzing angrily to the point he was lifting himself off the ground. Tommy lifts his hands up placatingly. Widening his eyes slightly and closing his lips over his teeth to try and appear non-threatening.
"Alright alright sorry big man. But I'm done for the day with learning, it's really hard- not super hard cause I'm such a big man, but a break would be nice please?"
He sends a pleading look Tubbo's way, but is only met with a hard mildly irritated glare. Honestly if he keeps glaring at Tommy like that, Tommy wouldn't be surprised if Tubbo suddenly developed heat vision and melted a hole through him. Well Tommy hadn't wanted to use this weapon of attack but Tubbo had left him with no choice.
Tommy gives Tubbo the puppy eyes, widening his gaze, and not blinking allowing the dryness of his eyes to make them shine slightly with unshed tears, and softening his features into an open expression and finally just as Tubbo begins to falter in this face of this devastating attack, Tommy hits him with his most fatal weapon. Tommy whines softly the sound mournful and low, the sound echoing with sadness and pure sorrow. Tubbo folds like a stack of cards, his expression immediately softens, and he buzzes up to Tommy's head and gently pats Tommy on the head. Score! Tubbo 3 Tommy 20. He was perfectly aware that the score was not accurate to his adventures, but he would not be convinced of the in-correctness of his math. Tommy was winning. End of story.
The door opens and Ranboo comes in, greeting Tommy with a happy chirp and a swish of his tail before addressing Tubbo. Tommy just watches them as he pets Shroud. Maybe he should teach Shroud more tricks? He knows a fair bit about regular dog tricks, but he'd already taught Shroud most of them and there's nothing new he can think of at the top of his head.
Tubbo waves bye at Tommy as both he and Ranboo leave. Ranboo warbles at him, saying something. He caught "Phil" and something about... he knows this word. Ship! Something about Phil and the ship.
For a second he worries, is something wrong with the ship? Does the ship need Phils attention? Or maybe Phil is calling them to talk about the ship? He clenches his hands into fists, the unease in his gut stronger.
Restlessly he turns his attention to Shroud.
"Think you can distract me Shroud? This whole space adventure might be tiring me out"
The crew knows way more about space and definitely infinitely more about their own ship, more than he does. It's fine.... hopefully..? Regardless he's not going to be stupid, he'll still be wary, even if he isn't getting involved at the moment. After all it could be a false alarm, still he'll be ready. Just in case his gut feeling is right.
He really, REALLY hopes it's not.
The ship is in its best condition. It's not the fastest or most updated ship. But by stars does it get its job done. It is extraordinarily hard to spot on most radars and very hard to keep track of even if it is noticed, and besides that the crew is a strong unit together. This doesn't mean they are impossible to catch though, and it certainly doesn't make them invincible.
If one was persistent enough, or tenacious enough, any ship could be caught with time. No matter how elusive.
The Kristin ship is no different.
Phil was far too late in addressing the dot and near silent beep of the radar.
The Kristin shook violently as another ship docks on her starboard side, the ship that docks is even more outdated then the Kristen, and unlike the Kristen it is also stripped down to bare bones. Sharp and angular the ship is built for speed and violent attacks, in a pinch the ship itself could be used as a spear to stab into larger ships. The edges of the metal are burnt and uneven, and it's ugly to look at, rough and unkind. Its crew is a perfect match for her, equally hard, cruel, and vicious. There has been no kindness on this ship in a long time, and its doubtful there ever will be in the future.
Maaaybe Tommy should have listened to his gut feeling. Just maybe.
Alarms blared, Both Tommy and Shroud jump up, energy and panic rushing through Tommy like an electric shock. Shit shit shit what's going on!? Is the ship going to explode? Did the crew fuck something up? Opening the door he is about to dart mindless into the hall in search of his crew, when suddenly he hears it. Voices.
That shouldn't be a concern immediately, surely his crew would be talking and shouting trying to fix the issue of the ship right? WRONG. These are sounds and voices he doesn't recognize. They are lower in tone and there is a cruel edge to the language Tubbo has been trying to teach him, one he has never heard from the crew. Whoever is speaking, is very much NOT the kind aliens he has come to know so well.
These are intruders.
Eyes hardening he steps carefully back into the room. He needs to plan, he needs to think. This isn't the same as the other ship where chaos reigned and those other aliens had all those animals to deal with. This is a smaller crew, with people he's come to love and cherish. People he needs to protect. He doesn't have the luxury of setting off a stampede of animals down large hallways. Neither does he have the luxury of knowing who he's dealing with.
He needs to be smart and quick about this.
He looks down at Shroud, watching as giant spider stares menacingly out the door, hissing and clicking quietly. Shroud was big, and definitely capable of fighting, very strong too.
He quickly clicks and hisses, crouching down as Shroud immediately responds and climbs on his back to hold on tightly. Tommy walks out before following whatever alien was speaking. He comes to a stop when the hallway splits, through the pounding of his heart he can hear a screech that sounds like Ranboo down to the left and down the right there is a heavy sounding thud, and a familiar satisfied sounding piglike grunt. Techno is fighting down that way and sounds fine. He hesitates for only a moment before coming to a decision.
He immediately takes the path to Ranboo. Techno can handle himself, He knows he's strong and agile, Ranboo- Ranboo isn't. Not in the way that Techno is.
Running as quickly as he can. Eventually the hallway opens up to an open room with boxes on the edges. The boxes are filled with their storage, much of which they had brought from the planet they'd just left, he ducked next to a crate, peering out to assess the guy that Ranboo seems to be screeching at. Ranboo is flailing his claws wildly at his opponent, but Tommy's gaze is pulled from the fight, by what was behind the tall oreo themed alien. Tubbo is crouched behind Ranboo shuddering slightly in the dim lights of the storage room.
Tommy thought back on the other ship, when he had first seen Tubbo injured and bleeding blue, he thought he had been furious back then. A type of anger that in that moment, had burned like an inferno beneath his skin. It was an anger he couldn't control, heck it hadn't been the kind of anger he'd wanted to control. It had been hot and righteous, like liquid magma beneath his skin. He had felt like the person inside him was melting away beneath the fury allowing out the primal rage deep within, a feeling that made him feel as if nothing could challenge him.
This feeling now is....different. This feeling spreads slowly beneath his skin as he watches Ranboo frantically flail and screech as he does his level best to defend himself and Tubbo. Tubbo who was bleeding blue, sooo much blue. Tubbo who's wing isn't just bent but is torn asunder. Where is the other piece. WHeRe-WhErE is iT–
There, tossed carelessly aside near the alien Ranboo is fighting. Tommy finally tears his gaze from Tubbo and Tommy can feel his pupils dilate as he finally stares at the alien. The alien who hurt Tubbo. He's a short stocky creature, with a hideous beetle-like face, purple armadillo like armor, and short stubby hands. Standing in a hunched sort of crouch that just screamed unnatural to Tommy's human hind brain.
Tommy had thought he'd known anger, back in that ship. Hot, Molten lava burning his core. Now however, as he stares at the blue staining the tip of the aliens weapon, he feels everything slow. The blue drips as if in slow motion as he breathes in slowly, picking up the earthy scent of Tubbo's blood. No this anger isn't hot, it's cold. Ice cold as it spreads through his limbs, sharp and hard. Tommy is acutely aware of his own movements as his shoulders straighten and his hands curl claw like at his sides, and his teeth pull back from his teeth in a soundless snarl.
Then his mind screams. He seethes silently as he watches the intruder swing a spear that springs to life with electricity, barely missing Ranboo, who flinches away, losing less and less space as he backs away.
He needs a weapon, and the weapon the alien is carrying seems mighty tempting. He adjusts his mouth. Allowing the snarl on his face to shape his words into sharp clear sounds.
Click Click HISSSS
Shroud shrieks and lunges onto the back of the alien, startling its attention onto him. Shroud clings onto the back of the armored alien while Tommy searches for anything to use against it. He can't get close to the alien when he's swinging that damn spear everywhere.
Shroud thankfully stays on the alien, clinging and trying to break the plated armor, though nothing the spider-like alien does pierces the tough surface. The alien tries to hit Shroud off with the spear, but the plates on his arms prevent him from getting the right angle, so it shouts and proceeds to ram into the closest crate, in an attempt to knock the furry eight legged creature off.
Tommy yell/clicks as he watches the giant spider barely manage to shift his body enough to avoid receiving the brunt of the collision.
The crate explodes into debris, shards of wood and bent metal, flying through the air in every direction. Metal poles that were part of the crate that held what looked like heavy equipment together snap away from it and get thrown around. One of the poles was launched and embedded itself into another crate, giving Tommy an idea.
Shroud's POV:
Shroud screeches at the alien, trying to futilely bite into the armored plates but never piercing. Shroud has never faced an enemy this heavily armored. The alien shakes itself and manages to get Shroud to lose his hold and let go.
Shroud lands in the middle of the room, righting himself up and shrieking at the alien, standing as tall as he could. The alien goes to swing its horrid sparking weapon before a metal stick is lodged into its arm.
The metal slides easily into the gap between two of the armored plates with enough force to drive the alien back and snap something inside its arm. The alien howls, unable to shift his arm now that the metal has jammed the joint underneath those two plates. Those same two plates, also preventing the metal from leaving the soft flesh of the arm. The metal shrieks against the bony plates as the alien shakes its arm in an attempt to dislodge it. An attempt that proves fruitless, much to the aliens infuriation.
Shroud watches, clicking happily as he watches Golden quickly dodge away from an attempted swing with the alien's other arm. The weapon misses, slicing the ground with a flash of sparks. The arm that swung made a popping sound that had the alien screeching in pain, trying to switch the weapon to its other arm before screeching again when Golden grabbed another metal stick and lodged it into the other arm, rendering the intruder unable to properly move either of its arms.
Shroud hisses and webs it in the face when it tries to charge, blinding the creature and causing it to miss everyone in its charge and instead violently crash into the far metal wall, making several crates shake and tumble down onto the creature, pinning the metal sticks and creature down.
Shroud hears Golden click at him, a command he follows as he climbs back onto Golden, ready to continue onward.
He is so proud of Golden! Taking on a creature bigger than him! He has such a smart Cluster, he should hunt him some food later as a treat.
Ranboo's POV:
Ranboo crouches down next to Tubbo, who's breathing is harsh and labored. He can't imagine how much pain the Capra is feeling, from the loss and permanent damage of his wings.
"You alright Tubbo? we- we gotta get out of here, we have to follow Tommy if we want to be safe"
Ranboo watches as Tubbo whimpers, frozen stiff from the pain. Ranboo makes a quick decision and lifts Tubbo up, holding him close as he walks over to Tommy who had grabbed the Artikan spear the Xenarthra wielded. The blade was deadly, its sharp knife-like end capable of superheating to temperatures hot enough to cut right through most metals, while the other end could emit a strong electrical shock that could fry most species nerves and burn flesh. An illegal weapon he had only heard of from Techno, but never seen until today.
"Boo, Tubbo!"
Tommy says something more though Ranboo can't understand it, then he's coming over and worriedly examining them, his eyes lingering on Tubbos snapped wing. Ranboo watches in horrified fascination as Tommy's dark, dark pupils expand for a brief moment before narrowing to tiny pinpricks, his gaze jumping back to the intruder for a brief moment. For a brief moment Ranboo fears that Tommy is going to go back, back towards the alien beneath the stack of crates and begin to carve the monstrous man from his protective shell.
But Ranboo also feared the part of himself that wanted Tommy to do exactly that. He'd never felt this way before, and it both enthralled and sickened him, his sudden desire to sink his teeth into the aliens neck, and pull. The desire to sink his claws into those soft joints and twist. Yes as much as he feared Tommy at this moment, he feared himself more. But Tommy simply turns his attention back to them, barking something and walking away. When Ranboo hesitates his tail lashing as he stares at the faint band of purple beneath the crates, Tommy stops and turns back, letting out a short barking sound gesturing rapidly with his head for them to come.
Tommy chirped the word clearer than Ranboo had ever heard the human say it.
Got it.
Follow he did, quietly trailing behind Tommy as the human stalked down the hall with purpose, a clear direction in mind. It takes no time at all before Ranboo begins to hear the fighting. It is getting louder and louder until they find Wilbur. Wilbur who is using his twin tails to disarm another intruder. This time a disgusting smelly species with flabs of white flesh. The thing constantly oozed a clear foul smelling liquid, that was believed to be a defense mechanism.
According to the books Ranboo had studied on different species, they supposedly were supposed to chase off its natural predators on its home world, the strong smell incapacitating any creature with enhanced smell.
He freezes at the doorway, fighting the sudden very strong urge to leave. Tommy too reacts to the foul odor, his face scrunching as he gags slightly, Ranboo really hopes Tommy doesn't vomit, it would not be nice.
He watches Tommy compose himself before diving in, this causes Wilbur to immediately call out, his spines lifting in concern.
"NO! STOP! What are you guys doing here- Get to Techno!"
Wilbur's POV:
Wilbur spins dodging the Artikan spear stabbing down toward him and he lands his clawed hands scraping the ground as he twists his tails together into striking position. The suddenly steel hard point came striking down at impossible speeds as he struck at his flabby white opponent. The vile Garx'oth oozed backward sickeningly, almost like liquid as he dodged Wilburs attack and instead spun toward Tommy, his spear lighting up as he spun the weapon around and aimed it at Tommy. The human barely dodged it, with a snarled hissing sound. But as the Garx'oth turned to attempt to strike Tommy again, Wilbur split his tails in two again and sliced outward from above the alien at its exposed neck and towards the small of its back. He used the Garx'oths preoccupation with Tommy to put more strength behind this attack then his previous and the twin tails struck gouging deeply into the thick oily skin, before sliding free with a wet squelching sound. More of the clear liquid began to ooze from the wounds with a smell so vile it sent Wilbur reeling back as the Garx'oth whirled about with a cry of enraged pain.
"GAH! You dirty tailed Shnn'iick! When I get my hands on you I'll make you regret that! I'll pin you down and tear those tails from you slowly before carving up the rest of you like a roast Pi'ktan! Besides I hear that they'll sell well in the market, a pretty decoration instead of an annoyance to my poor hide"
The revolting alien appears to be unfazed by the reeking liquid spilling from its body, only laughing as both Wilbur and Tommy shrink away from the smell. Wilbur notices the exact moment that Tommy's eyebrows furrowed, his eyes glancing down at the reeking liquid and can only cry out a half warning as the distraction forces the human to quickly backpedal when the spear comes down on him.
Wilbur screeches as Tommy uses his own spear to defend himself, sloppily using his unnatural strength to toss the monstrous man away from him and Wilbur.
The Garx'oth crashed violently against the wall before it oozed back upright with a gargling laugh and began to advance once more, Tommy hurriedly grabbed Wilbur and pulled him behind him, backing away. Wilbur misses the way Tommy looks at the metal around them, a calculating look in his eyes as he sees the spilled liquid is everywhere, eyes following the shining liquid along the floor as it continues to drip from the intruder. His eyes stop when he sees the wounds from which the liquid seeps.
"HAHAHA! You think just because you have a Terran I'm going to cower away in fear? This just means an even bigger jackpot for us once we've dealt with all of you!"
This guy was fucking insane. It was the only thought running through Wilburs head as he watched the Garx'oth ready its spear, crazy and insane enough to challenge a human.
Tommy slices the spear in his hands onto the metal ground, the blade at the end lit up bright orange white with heat, the metal screeches against the floor with an unholy screech sending sparks flying off the ground.... and igniting the putrid smelling liquid on the ground. The liquid closest to them bursts into a wall of flames before the flames race along the clear paths on the ground racing with a roar across the ground and back towards its source.
Ranboo jumps instinctively out of the way at the sight of a fire, and locks the room, the doors shutting tight to prevent any of the brilliantly hot fire from escaping.
Tommy turns and pushes them away, away from the screams of the Garx'oth as he begs them to put out the fire, to let him out. Tommy does not let them process what he'd just done, only rushing them faster when Wilbur turned to look back after a particularly loud scream.
Moments after that last scream there was a resounding BOOOM!!! And the smell of smoke wafted down the hall from the small crack now visible in the door.
Wilbur swallows uneasily, but Ranboo is far more panicked by the sound, clutching Tubbo close to him as they follow Tommy. Tommy, who did not seem phased in the slightest by the cold viciousness of his actions, his eyes never glancing away. Staring dead in front of him as he followed the sounds of fighting up ahead. Wilbur had known that the Terran could fight of course, Tubbo and Ranboo had mentioned multiple times the absolute destruction Tommy had left in his wake at the last ship, but this....this calculating calm, and wicked intellect sharpened for the kill? They hadn't described this, and Wilbur found it terrifying. There was no way that the human should have known that Garx'oth blood and sweat was flammable, and yet within moments of entering the room he'd found a weak spot, and exploited it. Wilbur now knew why Terran's had such a reputation, because Tommy was more than living up to it.
They came across other aliens, one had a blaster that was rendered utterly obsolete when Tommy casually tore off a vent from near the ceiling and used it as a shield until he was close enough to hit the alien with that same vent hard enough to knock it out.... or well Wilbur was kinda hoping she was just knocked out.
They also watched warily as Tommy put Shroud down pointing directly at the vent.
Shroud climbs up and into the vent that Tommy opened up, making his way in as Tommy hurries the rest of them along.
The ship rumbled again, shaking more gently than it had from the fiery explosion they had left behind. It felt like the ship was being docked again.
That wasn't good.
If Tommy runs into another stupid alien so help him he's going to actually kill them on purpose this time.
He just wants to find the rest of his crew and get Tubbo some help that's ALL HE WANTS but NOOOOOOOOOOOO a bunch of freaks keep stumbling in the way, their all pretty easy to get rid of, a broken leg here, a blow to the torso there, knocking them out, he even locked one in the restroom!
Wilbur helps with his tails, threatening anyone that tries to get close to Tommy's more vulnerable sides, which he honestly appreciates immensely. Wilbur is officially his favorite out of the adult aliens.
Soon the ship is near silent, it's not the biggest of ships so it honestly took just a matter of a few minutes to clear the ship of various invaders. The final sounds of fighting came from down this last hallway in the direction of the living room, and docking bay.
The living room seemed to be a good bet for the last of the intruder based on the banging noises coming from that doorway. His focus is broken, when he hears light footsteps and a strange almost airy crackling noise coming from the direction of the docking bay. He pushes Wilbur and Ranboo down the hall and towards the living room, before he turns and dashes back towards the docking bay a snarl on his lips, the spear sparking and glowing in his hand, as he holds it aloft. He calls out behind him as he goes-
"GO! I'll knock this next guy out and then I'll follow you"
At first they don't move and he spits out the next words in a growl.
"C'mon go!"
Wilbur looks back at him with hesitance in every inch of his being before, he nods and gently nudges Ranboo, urging oreo boy to keep going.
Tommy turns around, ready to face the next freak when he feels heat. The alien in front of him has four arms! It's red and yellow with a white bandana on its head, the fabric somehow not burning into a crisp. The alien looks like a cross between molten lava and pure flame. The lower part of it is solid stone with cracks of lava spreading up its legs until it reaches its waist. A waist made of moving lava that barely holds shape, the magma looks glass-like along the four arms and torso, the lava swirling oddly beneath its surface, then at the neck the creature fades into pure white hot flame. It halts in the middle of the hall staring at him and Tommy feels himself take an involuntary step back at the sheer heat this thing gives off. He already knows this fight is going to be harder than the others. It steps forward before halting once more and tilts its head to the side, its glowing blue eyes narrowing as it stares at him.
Tommy glares fight back, flashing his teeth as he examines the thing. He definitely can't touch it, though it isn't melting the area around it, perhaps it's a solid? It did look like it was mainly cooled lava on some parts.
Pointing the heated part of his spear he runs and tries to stab it, but...
It pierced the alien and came straight out the other end. They both stay still and silent, staring at each other and down at the spear. Tommy smiles sheepishly.
"Uhh... 'ow do?"
The bottom set of arms grabbed the spear and melted it what the fuck!?
Tommy pulls back what's left of the spear, which is... nothing, literally. All he has is what he was holding. The blade of the spear completely melted and disappeared. Well shit, okay okay think. Nothing he can do at the moment to fight this thing off unless he had an ocean worth of water on him.
A call sounds from behind the Fire-thing and it turns around. Tommy takes that to mean that this moment and books it, he hates the idea of letting this thing roam around the ship, but he literally can't do anything about it and he can only hope to find the others so they can work together to stop the literal walking volcano.
"You killed one of our crew members, so now we kill you and your ship!"
"Probably shouldn't have been stalking a fledgling ivory, sounds like a you problem honestly"
"Techno focus!"
Techno doesn't waver in his stance when the intruder strikes, missing Techno, as Techno uses the women's own momentum to vault over her and then he brings down his sword, piercing the Reel'a's light armor and managing to dig deep into her skin, taking the woman down quickly and efficiently as her blood pours out in a bright pink rush. He quickly retreats back to Philzas' side, returning to his position guarding him. Philza was trapped under heavy spiked netting designed to keep Ivories down, Phil struggles against the black tangled cables, the ropes unbroken despite literal use of his talons attempting to rip it apart.
He hears footsteps running to them and watches as Wilbur and Ranboo come running in, carrying Tubbo cradled firmly in Ranboo's arms. The alien turns his head over to look at them and Techno lunges, hitting the rough looking Kirkl hard and using the furniture to trip him over.
"Rookie mistake to look away"
He says to the unconscious woman turning his attention back to his crew. The room had 5 other intruders who lay unconscious or dead on the ground, defeated thanks to Techno easily overpowering them during the original attack. This whole thing had been such a mess. He's thankful the others are fine- aside from Tubbo it seems. But they're alive, and that's what's important.
"Maybe you shouldn't turn your back either"
Techno quickly tries to turn and parry but the intruder swings at his legs, delivering a sharp and nasty strike to the back of his first joint, forcing Techno to topple over, thoroughly grounded, still on his way down he does manage to use his tail to shove the enemy away from him before the man could deliver a strike with more fatal consequences.
With the biggest threat finally out of the equation, the man turns towards the side of the room where the others stand, he glances between Wilbur and the boys before deciding to take out the weaker two before going for Wilbur. He slinks towards Ranboo and Tubbo, and Ranboo staggers back nervously, his tail thrashing back and forth in panic. Wilbur straightens to his full height which towers over the intruder, and he twists his tails into striking position high above his head. Doing his level best to keep the intruder away from their crews young ones.
Then Techno hears another pair of footsteps from behind him, for a second he feels ice cold dread in his gut fearing that there was another intruder behind them in the hallway. But instead, Tommy bursts from the hallway. He almost audibly sighed heavily in relief when he saw Tommy, Tommy who was holding a.....half melted Artikan spear? What in the Netheria had he done to that thing? Techno shook his head and focused back on the moment. Tommy pushes his way in front of Wilbur, who immediately tries to pull Tommy back behind him but to no avail.
"Tommy stop! Your spear is broken!"
"A Terran!?"
The lanky creature steps back, before glaring down the human.
"It's more pathetic looking than I thought, no armor? Claws? It wouldn't even budge me if it tried."
it laughs tauntingly. Stepping forward once more
Tommy doesn't react, narrowing his eyes before barking and shouting words, stepping forwards, glancing above the alien before focusing again.
Not giving the intruder a chance to respond, they watch as Tommy steps forward, the remaining tip of his spear lighting up with electricity, forcing the alien back a few steps before Tommy's mouth twitches up, a look of satisfaction in his eyes.
The alien curses and pulls out a busted looking phaser, Techno does his level best to force himself back upright damaged tendons be darned, in an effort to fight the man and defend his runt, before Tommy takes a deep breath and lets out a
The vent above the intruder flies off its hinges and slams on the top of the man's head. The Borkn cried out in pain before strings of webs shot out of the vent, grabbing and entangling him entirely the Borkn yelps fearfully as he begins to writhe.
"What is this?! Release me! It's sticky!"
The criminal tries removing the strands, succeeding before more and more and MORE shoot out of the vent, so eventually the sheer amount of webbing overwhelmed the Borkn.
Then the webs start lifting him up, and his struggles became more panicked as he wriggles in his white binds, he is pleading desperately for them to them to release him, that he'll leave and never come back, his screaming and pleading continues for a few moments even after he disappears into the venting, Techno can hear the man sliding through the vent his cries echoing before a sudden sickening snap cuts off all sound above them. There is a moment of shocked silence as they stare at the ceiling and then there is a quiet shuffling sound and Shroud pokes his head out chittering excitedly at them.
The crew could only watch in shock as Tommy walked to a point just below the vent, chittering up at Shroud, most likely congratulating him. Techno was stunned. Since when did Tommy teach Shroud commands? He had known the Terran had been teaching Shroud some tricks, but he hadn't realized the progress of it, or how smart Shroud apparently was, otherwise the little monster wouldn't have picked up on it so quickly. Techno felt a smile play at the corners of his mouth, good little monster pet. It was nice that Tommy's pet was such a good guard.
"We- we need to secure all the raiders. Do you know how many there are?"
"Me and... and Tubbo were cornered by a– a Xenarthra before Tommy incapacitated them. Wilbur had... I– I forgot the species name, but those guys that have that smelly liquid from their body, he's–"
"Burned, apparently that stuff is flammable"
A new voice entered the room, the temperature itself going slightly up, just a little, though nothing that could cause them discomfort or issue. At the door was an Archea, an adult male Techno thought, although perhaps a bit on the young side. He wore only a single Korsian Faz'er at his hip, and he made no motion to grab it as he walked slowly into the room. Techno narrows his eyes, quickly undoing the netting on Philza, freeing him. Phil gets up and hoists his wings high, his stance shifting to an authoritative one, scanning the Archea as he holds out a hand to Techno and helps the injured Duras upright .
"Are you part of this crew of criminals?"
Phil questions, his voice is mostly calm but his tone carries a stern note, perhaps even a bit of a threat. Techno felt that it was totally justified, his ship and crew had just been boarded and attacked after all, even if this Archea seemed not to be a threat, Techno was surprised Phil had any patience and calm left in him.
Techno expected this newcomer to say something witty, deny it with an attempt to be sly, instead the Archea backpedaled and acted... sheepish?
"What? Oh! No no! We were actually following them and found them docked with you guys. Thought we could help, it's not fun being raided"
The Archea glowed brightly, actively trying to be friendly and passive.
"We were also suspicious your ship was harboring a human though."
Stepping from behind the Archea, was the tall bone white form of a Dreamon. The Dreamon wore a bright green hoodie and a mask with a crudely drawn smiley face across it. At once everyone went back into full attack mode, Wilbur's tails raised menacingly and both Ranboo and Techno's ears pinned back as they snarled at the monstrous thing that towered over them. Ranboo's tail swiped and he hissed loud and low, while Tommy staggered back ever so slightly, his eyes wide with panic, Shroud dropping from his shoulders.
"It seems our suspicion was correct"
Techno was not as worried as the others. He had handled dreamons before, one dreamon will not prove an impossible challenge to him.
"We aren't giving Tommy to you"
Techno was more than ready to defend their human, who had gone awfully quiet during the entire exchange. He can't afford to look at Tommy, to take his eyes off the strangers again, but ohhh how he wanted to. That silence couldn't mean anything good.
To their shock and surprise, the Dreamon did not challenge them, it didn't react at all like they expected.
Instead it frantically waved its hands in front of them with a shake of its head.
"I wasn't here to take him- oh well I was at first- but I was actually worried the human was being mistreated, there's a lot of ships and crews that would pay or even kill to have a live human"
Its posture wasn't stiff, it didn't stay unnervingly still or stare them down with a lack of emotion both in body language and voice, instead there was... emotion? Emotion in this dreamons voice as it moved in subtle ways, like it couldn't stay still for long. Which was downright impossible. Techno has seen a lot of things in his life, fought a lot of things in his life. Dreamons fall in this category. So this was... disturbing to see almost.
It wasn't hard to see the doubt and disbelief on everyone's faces, they've all been in space for a long time, Phil longer than Techno. Never has Phil ever mentioned a possible existence of a Dreamon who wasn't out to study someone.
The Dreamon clearly could tell what they were reacting to and took off its mask, lowering itself down a little. As if to appear less threatening.
"I mean no harm, promise, we can leave if you wish but I want to make sure the human is oka- OH STARS!"
The dreamon stepped back quickly when Tommy let out a war cry and swung the broken spear at the white skinned man, electricity sparked at its end as Tommy attempted to beat the dreamon back from the crew. But it- well he wasn't fighting back, not like they expected it to, making no effort to defend itself.
"DREAM! I thought you said they're not dangerous!?"
The Archea shouted, backing away eyes wide with shock as it avoided another sparking arc of electricity.
"They aren't, he's just scared!"
The Dreamon shouted back. Wilbur stood menacingly behind Tommy, providing extra backup should the situation become worse. However when Tommy goes to attack again, the Dreamon opens its mouth and... spoke? It wasn't any language Techno could recognize, but it sounded an awful lot like-
Tommy froze.
Neither Dreamon or the human said anything for an excruciatingly long moment. While Techno and the crew also paused to...absorb this information. Did... did the Dreamon talk to Tommy? Was that genuinely human language? It sounded an awful lot like how Tommy talks except... just a bit different? Could be an accent.
Whatever moment they'd all been having was shattered when Tommy snapped out of it, yelling and threatening the Dreamon some more before stepping forward and shocking the Dreamon. It yelled in pain as Tommy ran down the hall, slipping past the startled Archea and headed straight towards the docking station.
Fuck fuck fuck FUCK! This is not happening, this is not how he wanted any of his first communications with aliens to go! He didn't even think about running, it just happened on its own, his fear driving him to run.
There's no way that THING spoke ENGLISH!
"Wait! Please, I can explain!"
"THE FUCK YOU CAN BITCH! Get away from me or I'll kill you!"
He ran into what he's been calling docking bay, or whatever it is that space movies call these places. He- He doesn't know exactly what he's going to do, running away like this, but he just wants away from that alien, said alien chasing him also isn't helping.
He ran into the open dock that had one of the ships in place, running in he gets almost immediately lost trying to find his way into a room, where he can lock himself in, but all the rooms are already locked and they refuse to open or budge for him.
"Wait wait! Don't go around running like this! You might break something!"
"I'll break your FACE IS WHAT I'LL DO!"
"Please don't"
The tall monster has been keeping up with him, Tommy has tried running from these guys before and he knows they can easily beat him in speed. He should have already been caught, already should have been shoved in a cage. He has no weapons, the only one he had was that weird spear and he wasted whatever electricity it had left!
So why hasn't he been caught yet?
He barges into what he thinks is a cockpit and crashes into another alien, blue and semi solid and gooey. Tommy ended up falling over and pushing this guy into a way more advanced looking control panel than the one his crew had.
A bunch of the goo went everywhere and started messing up the ship, sparks flew from it as the ship's lights started going on and off, doors opening and closing before staying open. A vaguely similar situation to the ship he'd initially escaped from.
The blue alien shouts something and thankfully grabs his chaser's attention, giving him enough time to get back up and book it again. He glances back to see the green wearing alien slip on the goo trying to chase him.
He feels his heart rate still skyrocketing, he thinks soon he'll be sliding into a full on panic attack, or maybe just straight up pass out, whichever came first but he'd rather do that in a safe place, a safe room.
Why did he leave his own ship like a fucking IDIOT!?
Making a last second decision he ducks into the next room he runs to, forcing the door shut with his hands as he backs away deeper into the room. It was dark here but warm, the floor felt carpet-like.
It was just the sound of his heavy breathing, his heart rate and the sound of shuffling feet from right behind him.
Wait, what?
Fear grips his heart as he turns around, the lights turning on and blinding him for a second before he sees... hold shit that's a human.
In front of him was a human girl, definitely younger than him, kinda short, a green hoodie with black pants, and long dirty blonde hair that peek out of her hood. Green eyes, a couple of freckles on her face, her expression shocked, and in her hands she clutched a makeshift bow and arrow made from what he was inclined to believe was scrap metal.
The weapon, which was pointed at him with a vaguely metal arrow looking thing, shook as it was slowly lowered. Both of them scan each other, not saying a word. Her body language screamed nervousness, confusion and maybe just a little bit of curiosity. Tommy decides to use her temporary shock to quickly glance around.
The room was covered in splashes of color, all sorts of knick-knacks colors and pieces of fabric were everywhere. Things that looked as though they'd been taken apart and tinkered with, alien puzzles, drawings, even some plants decorated the room. It was clearly lived in, it was clearly loved.
The door behind him bursts open, a stampede of his own crew and the other alien crew were squishing themselves to get passed the door, the green alien fuck that chased him passed through first.
Tommy immediately steps forward, baring his teeth and glaring at it.
"Get the hell out! I am NOT letting you do any freaky shit to me!"
"I'm not going to, I swear on my core! A-And you're the one that entered my ship anyways-"
"What did you do with the girl behind me huh? Have you been keeping her as a pet!? I'll punt you to the nearest fucking SUN! I'll-"
Everyone else managed to get inside before freezing when she yelled. Glaring at everyone, human and alien, Tommy ruthfully thought that it looked like she had gotten over her fear rather quickly, that shock and fear morphing into an emotion that could instead be called more angry and exasperated.
The giant green alien stepped forward to her, lowering himself, way down to her level leaving itself easily open to attacks, clearly more focused on the little girl than its own safety.
"Nah ah ah, I don't want to hear it Dream! I need you guys to calm down and stop shouting! I want answers but not in my room"
The gree- 'Dream', shut it- his? mouth. He can hear the sound of his crewmates- or rather, Tubbo, who asked Ranboo to lift him up so he could see, talking. Tommy really wished he could understand what he said, especially since they all screamed in shock after.
"Oh my Queen it's a human"
"I'm a she"
"Oh my Queen she's a- OH MY QUEEN SHE CAN TALK!?"
Ender: this took longer than I wanted but I've done it! I finished this while my hands were freezing. Drista has been planned since the very beginning, I've been DYING for this moment but I got hit with being sick a lot and then the holidays happened and it's been really cold.
Cyber: I am very proud of my sweet, heat loving girl for doing this despite the suffering it caused her.
Ender: So I hope y'all enjoy this final chapter of the year- wow final chapter of the year huh? And still got chapters to go! Thank y'all for being patient with us- with me really cause i was holding up the writing but yea! What did yall think? Hope this chapter was a great read, I don't write this type of stuff so literally everything i'm doing is a first time for me XD
Cyber: You held up nothing, and any one who says other wise shall be beat back with my very spiky stick *glares menacingly*
Ender: So what does this mean exactly? Is this how Tommy will learn to talk? Unfortunately nope! XD can't let him have it easy. Drista has had a lot of time in space to learn Common, while Tommy... I mean she'll help, there's no doubt, but my guy won't be able to learn in a short time span, so if some of you hoped for a second this means he'll learn in 2 chapters, sorry XD.
Cyber: Lol yea noooo, we like this game of suffering we have created there is simply to much fun to be had doing this the natural slow way.
Ender: Cyber has made a pre-dream team story based on when the dream team first met each other! This is her taking charge of part of the story and I'm so excited for her! It's part of the series! (for Wattpad) This is an edit, because i more or less focus on AO3 than the other platforms i post this story on, i will be posting Cybers story next chapter before new years but please note it is indeed made BY Cyber, not me
Cyber: Aww thx End, but yea that one is more directly dealing with feelings of self hatred and, a fair bit of specism, and torture so do watch out for that. It does explain a serious amount of lore and biology for Dream team tho, so if you want knowledge for this story it would definitely help to check that one out, I may or may not also have a scene with the pen coming up in that one so watch out for that! Regardless Happy Holidays y'all and a very Merry Christmas from me and End!!!
Summary of the violent part of ppl didn't want to read that: (it's a good chunk of the middle, and I'm honestly thinking of not doing this again cause that was more complicated and stressful dealing with than writing the story)
Tubbo is Injured with a missing wing, Tommy gets a type of cold calculating anger going on and manages to stop the armored armadillo alien by trapping it's armored plates with metal poles. Ranboo and Tubbo follow Tommy who tracks down Wilbur. Wilbur is fighting an alien who leaks a really nasty smelling liquid that smells strangely familiar on planet earth. Tommy gets Wilbur away and with cold calculation figures out the liquid is flammable and lights the room on fire, pushing the rest to safety as they momentarily freak out cause Tommy 100% just committed a homicide but that's fine! Tommy gets Shroud to climb into a vent, has an encounter with subpoena, runs and deals with another alien in the living room. Tommy gets Shroud to attack from above and pulls the guy up and now the guy is gone. (i am very tired if you can't tell, so yes i blazed over this)
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