I opened my eyes to a battle field. "Huh were am I?" I saw hundreds of soldiers some from the giants and some from the human clans. I continue walking and I see my brother Meliodas. I run up to him arms open wide, smiles at me a sad smile. I ask,"what's wrong diodas you're going to destroy the goddesses and then become demon king, who wouldn't be happy?" Little did I know he had just told everyone he was betraying them and leaving them for a goddess. "FUCK YOU" I woke screaming that. I had chains around my hands and legs preventing me from moving or leaving. 'Sucks for them, I can easily break these' I was ten times stronger with the rage of my brothers betrayal flowing through me. I looked down hoping to find the shackles on my feet to be replaced with......Blankets and a quilt? It then occurred to me that I was in a bed. Then something built up in my stomach ...guilt?! No why should I feel guilty, they're the ones who captured me! But still I couldn't shake the feeling of even though I was still their enemy they decided to make sure I was comfortable. I layed back down Then quickly sat back up again 'NO THEY MUST HAVE POISONED ME OR CAST SOME TYPE OF SPELL, HOHO I WILL NOT FALL FOR YOUR STUPID LITTLE MIND TRICKS!' Then I heard footsteps coming up the stairs, it's seems the person was carrying something. 'Torture devices no doubt' I thought to myself. I let the rage I felt show on my face but buried the guilt deep inside 'Ill deal with that later.' It was the man with the silver-blue hair, then behind him with the tray was a silver haired girl in a very skimpy outfit. "Oi Mr. Idiot Murdure man, can ya tell me where the hell I am and why the girl behind you has practically next to no clothes on?" He opens his mouth to speak but he was stopped by another person, " Your at the boar hat a tavern." He walks into the light and I see that traitor! "I DIDN'T ASK YOU DUMB ASS FILTHY PIECE OF TRAITOROUS SHIT!!!!" I screamed letting out the rage I had hid so well talking to the old man and his girlfriend I think. I go to jump at him when I hit the wall of something, almost immediately the thing I ran into turned pink and in the shape of a cube. " Yeah we kinda figured you would do that when you saw me." He sighed, "welp enjoy being in there until you cooperate." He gave me a sad smile one that told me he wished he didn't have to do that. "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!!" I yelled the guilt feeling had comeback stronger how the hell did they do that.
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