Chapter 13
(Note: btw I still have know idea what goes on so yeah, sorry if its wrong.) So every Youtuber when on and stated to dance! I stayed backed and watched. It was really cool. Then Jenn came to me and grabbed my hand. She pulled me on staged and started to dance. I started to dance to. "HELLOOOOOOOO EVERYONE!" yelled Tyler Oakley. IT'S THE TYLER OAKLEY! AHHHH! Fangirl! "How are yall doing?!" he asked. Everyone screamed. "haha. Well I'm Tyler Oakley, and this is other Youtubers. But who cares." He said. "Uh we have name." said said Connor. He had a Mic. "no one cares." He said. "uh I think they do." Said Dan from Dan and Pill. "DO YOU GUYS CARE?!" asked Jenn. Everyone screamed. Everyone got into a line. They all said there name and lots a screamed. Think of any Youtubers you could think of, they were probably there. "Hello everyone my name is Casper Lee." He said. OMG ITS CASHPER. They all said there name and lots a screamed. Then O2L came up. They got pretty lond. But after Ricky, he give it to me. But no one knows me. "HI im Snow" I said. Some cheered but even the Youtbers were confessed who I was. Ricky took the mic. "This is O2L's little sister, Snow" he said. I smiled. JC took the MIc. "The funnest," then Kian took it. "Funnyest," then sam took it. "Strongest," then Connor. "CUTEST!" everyone said "awwww!" then Trevor. "and...... well she AMZAING!" he said. I blushed. Then Jenn took it. "Its also her birthday." Then everyone went wild! "WOW! Thank you all!" I said. Jc picked me up, all of us left the stage. Everyone did their thing on stage and did Q&As. Is was beyond amazing. Then the boys went on and did a Q&A. then it was time for then to go but Trevor stopped. "WAiT!" He said. everyone stopped. "One more thing. SNOW!" he pointed at me. "Come out here." He said. I came out and everyone clapped. I didn't know what was going to happen. I went up to him. "I still need to give you my present." He said. "ummmm ok what is it?" I asked. Then...... HE KISSED ME! I heard everyone go "AWWWWW!" it lasted for 30s but that was the BEST! Then he took my hand and we ran off. "THAT WAS CRAZY!" said Sam. I stared at Trevor. He stared at me. We smiled at each other. "Thanks" I said. "that was the BEST!" everyone laughed. "well, I had to do it." he said.
Hey everyone! Sorry it took forever to update but I have school and I had it already to go a month ago but my dad deleted it ALL! I didn't save it so I had nothing. So that's why it took so long but thanks for reading and keep read tell me what ya think! Oh and I know the boys move awhile ago and Connor moved out too. Well that's coming. Sorry its short too.
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