Chapter 10
Snow's POV
IT WAS HIM! NO! "Where's my mom? WHERE IS SHE!" I yelled. "Calm down Mrs. Carder. She fine. You'll see her soon. But, we need answer out of him and you. so we like you to talk to him." Said the police man. "WHAT!? No! I cant!" I said. I started to cry. I was terrifed of HIM! Someone touch my shoulder. "its ok. We'll go in with you." said Connor smiling. Trevor smiled too. I smiled at them. I dried my tears. "Ok." I said. They took us to a door to where he was. "if anything happens will be watching and ready to help." They left and shut the door. That didn't help at all. I turned around and see him. He was hand cuff to the table. Trevor and Connor took my hands. I looked up at them and smiled. I took a deep breath.......and walked over to him. I sat down and Connor and Trevor stud at the side of me. "Hi Snow." He said. just by those words I got pissed. "You shouldn't be able to call me that after everything you put us throw!" I said getting louder by every word. He looked down. "still mad. What happen of you saying Everything stays in the pass?" he asked. "YOU KIDDNAP MY MOM AND STABBED ME!" I yelled. I looked up at Trevor and Connor. They kind of looked scared of me. I signed. "if you think I can forgive you, your wrong!" I was done with him. I been holding this in to long. "theirs a reason I did it." He said. I looked at him. "because I wanted you guys back." he said. "so that gives you the right to hurt us?" he didn't say anything. "it doesn't, Dad. You know what? No. you don't get to be call that, not from me, lib, or Jenn. I'm done here." I got up and walk to the door. Trevor and Connor followed. Before I left I said one more thing. "good bye Dave." And we left. They said they would drop off my mom after they were done with her. So 2 weeks. We got in Connor's car and left. "Guys?" I said. "yeah?" they said. "lets never talk about this again or say anything to the other boys." I said. they looked at me and smiled. "what's their the talk about?" said Trevor. I smiled and looked out the window.
We got home finally. I check the time, it was only 2pm. "hey guys? You want to go swimming?" I asked. They looked at each other. "YES!" they said. I smiled. "good! See you in 15mins." I went to my house, they went to theirs. When I gott in my house, someone grabbed me from be hide. "AH-" they cover my mouth with their body. It didn't seem they were trying to hurt me. I felt the hands and the wrist had bracelets on it. I look up and its Ricky. "Ricky!" I hug him back. "Snow I was so worried!" he said. I pulled back and took his hands. "theirs nothing to fear anymore Ricky. Me, Connor and Trevor are going swimming here. Wanta join?" I asked/told. He smiled. "Yeah!" he said. He let my hands go and left. I love Ricky, his like my big brother. Really all the boys are but Ricky care about me more then the other boys. And Trevor, he like...... my crush. I ran up stairs and got in my bikini and ran back down stair. Connor and Trevor were already waiting for me. "you got waited? So sweet." I said. The turn around and looked at me. "GET HER!" yelled Connor pointing at me. "Huh?" I said. Then Kian, Sam, and JC came out of the pool and squirt me with water guns. "AHHHHH!" I scram. They stared to laugh. "YOU SHOULD SEE YOUR FACE!" said Kian dieing of laughter. I got mad. I put my stuff down and saw that my water gun is right there, and filled up. I smiled and grabbed it. I hide it be hide my back. "yeah, yeah you got me." then when Connor and Trevor looked away I ran and pushed them in the water. "AH!" they screamed. Then I squirt Kian, JC and Sam. "HeY!" they said trying to doge the water. then someone grabbed me lifted me up. "AH! HEY!" I said. Then I'm in the water. I get up and look to see who it was. It was Ricky. He started to laugh so hurt he was on the ground. "can I win once pls." I said. Now everyone was laughing. I joined in. this made me forget everything! I couldn't wait for next week though. Because its VidCon!
Hello everyone! Thank you for voting and reading this! i feel like i just started this story. keep reading and tell me if you like it :)
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