(Kokichi's pov)
Ugh i've been working on this for days
Its hard being an owner of a successful business like dice.i keep writing but shuichi's face makes it into my mind again.his blue hair. Golden eyes. His smile.*slap* i slap my face hard. snap out of it! I haven't got time the deadline is in 3 days.i get up from my desk to get a drink my head hurts alot. I look out the window
The rain is really heavy. Suckes to be anyone out there. *knock knock*
"Huh?" I hear a knock at my front door. I told everyone im to busy for visitors. I open the door and looked around."i guess it was just a prank"
Just as i was about to close the door i hear crying. Not any type of crying a hear a baby's cry. I look down to see two baby's crying infront of me. One has navy hair with purple streeks and purple eyes. The other had purple hair and golden eyes. It reminded me of shuichi's eyes. The navy haird one lifted his armes to me as if he wanted me to pick him up. I looked at a note on the box they were in. It said 'keep them' what kind of parent would leave their kids in the porring rain.i scoop both of them up and took them into my house. I covered them with blankets and hot water bottles to keep them warm. What do i do now. I need to call nagito he might know what to do.
(Nagitos pov)
The rain is so beautiful to look at.the little dropes of water sliding across the window. The pitter pattar. It filles me with so much hope. *ring ring* i look at my phone and see i getting called by kokichi.i swipe the answer button who knows this could be my one chance to be useful.
"Hello kokichi"
"Nagito i need you to come to my house now!"
"Whoa is something wrong"
*call ends *
Oh no!Kokichi's in trouble. i grab my car kees and start the engine. God i hope he didnt distroy the house.
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