(part 3)what a weird guy
(Kohaya's pov )
"I can't believe you would do that " miss asahina exclamed. To be honest i dont care but i don't want to be get into more trouble.i never been to this side of the school. The hallway was cold and small. Overall not very comfortable. "Kohaya are you even listening?" Oh she's still talking.
"Do you honestly want me to answer that?" She glares at me and doesnt speek for the rest of the trip to the so called 'naughty room' when we get to the room there was only one other person in the room. He had brown fluffy hair. Rings on some of his fingers and tattoos? Maybe they are just drawings. There's one thing about him that makes me feel weird. His eyes they are different colours. What type of person has eyes like that?
"Kohaya stay here till you learn your lesson!" The door slammed shut and i hear a lock. Wow. Rude much? I look at a desk and sit down. I try to draw but my eyes wonder back to the guy. Hes not speeking or moving. Creepy! I shake my head and draw some more. I hear a chair move and look up. I guess he finally decided to act normal and move around. He's a bit taller than me. Looks strong too. I wonder why he's here.
"Is there a reason your staring at me?"
"O-oh nope. No reason." I leat out a nervous laugh. The guy doesn't seem to buy it.
"Are you scared of me?"
I scratch my neck. What are you ment to say to that "no. why would i be?"
The guy lets out a creepy chuckle. "Thats what the last guy said" he stands up and neals down next to me. "dont worry i only hit people who are bullys" he smiles kindly. Phew. To be honest i thought that was my death. "So whats your name little grape?"
It took me a minute to proses what he said. He was acting all scary before and now nicknames? "Oh its kohaya"
"Kohaya hmmm? Welp im haru" not gonna lie thats a realy nice name. For the rest of the time me and haru just talked. Hes nice i like him. Aparently why his eyes are different colours is because he has this thing called hetrochromia. That is a realy long name. What is with people giving things realy long names.
(Haru's pov)
Kohaya seems cool. He isnt as naive as the other kids. Seriously what are perents teaching there kids. The tell them everyone is happy and going to be you friend. Tsk. So dumb. Soon naegi comes and lets us out. "Hey haru how did you get in trouble? "
"Oh that i beat up a kid." Kohaya loohes nervous but doesnt say another word.
"Ther you are!" I hear a very familiar and anoying voice michiko komaeda of course my sister. (A/n yes haru os komaeda and hinata's child)
"OMG I've been waiting for like forever! "
"I dont realy care😒" I say in anoyance.
"Whos this haru?" I look ives to see kohaya looking from behind my shoulder
"Hi in michiko komaeda!"
"Hi in kohaya oma"
(Kokichi's pov )
Just my luck. Kohaya just had to climb on the school roof today. Out of all days. My houses lost value. I saw shuichi and piano girl. And i lost my hat! Kohaya you are in so much trouble.
*home time*
(Houshin's pov )
Today was so tiring i has to clime on the roof, i had to do phonics and i had to look for kohaya. I hate school. The teachers gave me, kohaya, Kohaya's new friend haru and his sister mochiko a bar of chocolate. Our parents were still not here. The school ends at 3:30 os 4:00 now. We see a man with white fluffy hair come towards us "dad!" I hear haru call out. Dad huh. Lucky mine is probably still at work.
"Hello haru, mochiko" the man hugs his two kids. "Hm? Who are they? "
"This is kohaya and Houshin oma" Haro explanes
"Oma...." the man puts a finger to his chin "oh i know him i can call him to pick you up!" Haru's farther takes out his phone and finds 'kokichi oma' in his contacts. He puts the phone on speeker and waits.
"Hello?" Oh my god he does know my dad!
"Hi kokichi can you pick up your kids there still here"
"Oh sorry nagito i can't i have a meeting in 5 min. It will take another hour. Can you take them to your place"
"Ok. bye" 'nagito' puys hus phone away and lookes at us "ok new plan want to come home with us?" Me and kohaya nod. We go tos his car and nagito drove us to his house.
*10 min time skip*
His house....... ITS SO SMALL! HOW CAN YOU DO ANYTHING IN THERE! "How do you like my house"
I look to kohaya so he could say anything but he didnt look like he could " um its very nice..."
Nagito gives us a smile and opens the dore to his house. In the house we see a man in his early 30s. He had brown spicky hair,taned skin and different coloured eyes. One red and and brown.
"Hi papa" i here michiko call out. Wait i thought nagito was her dad. So michiko and haru aren't siblings.
"Hi papa" Haru greeted. What how can someone have two dads. I only have one. Most people only have one right?
"Hajime did you make them lunch?"
"Hm? Yeah" Can someone explain. Haru seemes to think its normal
(Kohaya and Houshin'spov )
What a weird guy
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