(part 13) care too much
(Rokurou's pov )
What does Sezoku mean by saying 'im doing what I asked' What did i say. I think hard. What did I say? What did I say. Maybe I should ask him after school if he'll let me talk to him
(Seiji's pov )
"Aparently we're getting a new student tomorrow." I hear Remi tell me.
"Hmm." I reply. I dont realy care about new students. I don't get why people make a big deal out of them. I bet 50% of the people who crowd around the new student tomorrow will forget who she is in a week.
"I heard her name is Katori Watanabe." Sora states. Katori......Katori.....The one from my dream? No. Couldn't be. Could it?
(??? Pov)
Hopes peek academy. The school of all gifted students who specialise in different categories. Just like the one in Danganronpa.
I look at my Monokuma plushi I got as a child. Why did it have to end. That show was the greatest. The plot, The killing,the class trial. It was amazing! At least untill V3 came along. Shuichi Saihara. The reason for my sadness and emptiness. The reason i have to pretend to be happy. I HATE HIM! I hate him! I hate him! I really do!
One day. Sooner rather than later. I will start my own killing game. It all starts with hopes peek.
And Mr Saihara, you got yourself a free ticket to my wonderland.
(Rokurou's's pov )
The day ended and Sezoku still hasn't uttered a word to me unless he absolutely had to. I miss those conversations we had. It's only been a day but it felt like weeks since I last talked to Sez.
I was about to leave the school until i realised that I fogot my phone in the school. Panic rushed over me as i ran back into the building.
I enter the class to see Sezoku cleaning up the class all by himself. He used to do this in elementery too. I smile a bit. My same old Sezoku, except...
...He isnt mine anymore.
I go up to my desk and pick up my phone. If only he was mine again, but I know I can't keep him forever. It grew old. Our friendship. It went bad. I grew tired of it all and eventually he did too.
He's doing what I said, but what did i say. I need to think.
[A/N: ok so i made Rokurou a little self debate session like Shuichi had with phyco taxi. In this, Rokurou will be driving a car through the streets. On the street the road will devid into 3 sections. The sections will say different answers to the question displayed on the signs on the street eg.
If he gets the answer wrong,he will reach a dead end.]
(Rokurou's pov )
I need to think. When did I last talk to Sezoku?
Answer A: back in elementery
Answer B: last week
Answer C: yesterday
I last talked to him yesterday. That makes it easier to figure out what I asked him to do.
What time of the day did I last talk to him?
Answer A: The end of the day
Answer B: Lunch time
Answer C: First period.
It was at the end of the day, how could i forget that? Now for the million dollar question...WHAT DID I SAY?
Answer A : You are so ugly.
Answer B: Just move to a different school already
Answer C: Just leave me alone
I got it! I told him to leave me alone. I said this for so long he must of got tired of me.
That doesn't sound like Sezoku at all. He doesn't just leave people without saying a word. Even his bullys back in elementery. I think there names were Holly and Hisoka? I can't quite remember. When he left to go to hopes peek high, he said goodbye to them. He even wished them luck in life! I really don't deserve someone like Sezoku.
He must be doing this because he cares for me.
"Sezoku-" I turn around but hes already gone. How can i make this right
(Houshin's pov )
Everyone is seated around the table for dinner. I made pork cutlet,Rokurou's favourite but he doesn't look interested.
"So how was school today Rokurou?" Dad asks. Rokurou doesn't reply. He just looks down at his food.
"Yo! Rokurou are you gonna answer?" Kohaya asks with his face full of food. Gross. Rokurou shakes his head. Somethings wrong.
I put food on his fork and put it infront of his face. "Open up!" I churp. He still doesn't respond." Seiji do you know whats up with him?" I ask.
"Sezoku got into an argument with him." Seiji says simply.
"Rokurou are you o-" I stop mid-sentence to see little pools of tears next to Rokurou's plate. Dad begins to rub Rokurou's back in hopes to calm him down.
Seiji just stares at him. No emotion present on his face.
"Seiji stop staring and do something!" Dad says.
He looks at dad and goes upstairs. When he comes back hes holding some sort of shiba plushi.
At first Rokurou doesn't notice, but when he did he snatched the plushi and ran into his room.
"What just happened?" Kohaya says as he stoffs another spoonful of food into his mouth.
"Maybe if you wernt busy stoffing your face, you would know." I reply.
(Rokurou's pov )
I can't stop crying. I hate this. I hate this feeling of being incomplete. Sezoku please...even if you yell at me please just talk to me...
(Sezoku's pov )
I lie down on my bed and look up at the ceiling above me. This one school day felt like an eternity. I want to talk to Rokurou again but i know he won't like it. 'I can't be selfish now. This is for him. You have to make him happy' I tell myself. This isnt for me it's for him. I repeat in my head. Little rivers of tears pour out my eyes. This is for him. This is for him.
I love him too much to see him suffer because of me
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