Izuku walked into the infirmary, looking round.
'Hello?' He called out.
'Come in,' a voice replied, making Izuku walk forwards. 'What is it you need, my boy?'
'A-Aizawa-sensei said you could help me with my illness. Can you, please?' Izuku asked, looking over at a lady whom he believes is Recovery Girl.
'Hmm. Take a seat in the bed. I'll need to take a look at ya.' She said.
Izuku did as told and sat down, waiting for the lady to check him. She came over and started her check-up, looking in Izuku's eyes and checking his pulse and breathing. She then went back to her desk, fiddling round with draws as she looked for something.
'Here it is,' she murmured, taking out a pill case. 'Do you mind if I see the pills you originally took?'
Izuku took his case out and passed it the Recovery Girl. She took out one pill and inspected it before giving Izuku the other case.
'Take one of these now,' she said. 'You'll know it's working when you get a burning sensation in your throat.'
Izuku opened the case and grabbed a pill. Recovery Girl gave him some water to swallow. He popped it in his mouth and drank the water. He was fine for a few moments till the burning kicked it.
'W-what... what is this?' He asked, gasping for breath as he grabbed his throats that felt like a fire had been lit inside.
'This'll only be a one time thing. It'll go away in a few moments.' Recovery Girl said, facing away from Izuku who was struggling to breathe.
Just as Recovery Girl said, the burning went away. Izuku was panting, trying to regain his breath.
'Lie down. Your body needs to accept the medicine.' Recovery Girl said.
Izuku nodded his head once before laying back, still panting. He closed his eyes as he controlled his breathing, calming his racing heart. His ears lay still on his head as he placed a hand on his chest.
'When you can move without pain, go back to class. Till then, stay here.' Recovery Girl said.
Izuku opened his eyes as he tried to move his arms but couldn't as it felt like fire raged inside.
'Why can't I move?' Izuku asked, wincing in pain as he relaxed his arms.
'The medicine is taking affect,' she answered. 'It's flowing round your body, getting to all the parts your illness affects. You'll know it's done when your body cools down.'
'Ok.' Izuku murmured, re-closing his eyes to rest for the time being.
Izuku's eyes shot open as he sat up straight, sweat dripping from his forehead. He placed a hand in his head as he shook the nightmare away.
'That wasn't pleasant.' He murmured.
He looked up at the time, seeing that third period had just finished. That's when he realised he was moving just fine.
'Seems your fine now. You should head back to class.' Recovery Girl said.
'R-right.' Izuku nodded.
He hopped off the bed and made his way down the hallway. He took out his schedule, seeing he had music with Present Mic. He made his way there, entering the class. He was the only one there.
'Ah, Midoriya. You're pretty fast.' Present Mic said with a very loud voice.
'Not at all. I was wit-'
'I know,' Mic interrupted. 'You sure you don't wanna rest? Your illness could stir up at any moment.'
'I'm fine, really. Plus, I want to do music.' Izuku smiled.
Everyone else flooded into the room moments later. Mic started the class by getting everyone to go to an instrument thy can play. Izuku walked to the grand piano. He sat down and stared down at the keys, remembering when he use to play for his mother.
'Does anyone want to play solo for the class?' Mic asked.
Izuku shakily lifted his hand.
'Alright, Midoriya.' Mic said.
Izuku took in a deep breath before he started playing.
Izuku stopped playing, letting out a sigh of relief that he was done. He heard people clapping all around him. He looked round with a large smile.
(A/n: he's with different people some classes)
'Very well done, Midoriya,' Mic said as he clapped as well. 'Now, we'll begin the lesson.'
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