Chapter 9 [ Part 5 ]
==== Chapter 9 [ Part 5 ] ====
His chocolate brown eyes are resting on the fork. Slowly lifting it up to his lips then sucking the smallest traces of the sweet taste of maple syrup, Ashes smirks... Thoughts then wonder to you then that bastard— no. It's more like deceased bastard.
Certainly, Dante is dead after what he has ordered to his money-blinded followers. The order? You don't have to ask. Oh, it's pretty obvious what he has ordered to them. Ashes slowly pulls out the fork from his mouth as those deep brown eyes of his brighten with that gleam of pure insanity.
He has ordered them to kill Dante.
More like bring him to his home, H E L L.
Actually, since Ashes is kind, he did give those peasants the options if they are going to kill Dante or not. If they aren't in the mood to kill him, then those trashes can just beat him up until Dante doesn't seem like he'll be able to move his body for a week and maybe, if he is quite very lucky, a month.
But judging from their excited, sadistic expressions, the group of trashes appear very blissful at his order. "We'll gladly kill him!!" One even exclaimed.
It just makes Ashes happy, so so sadistically happy, that bastard won't live again to steal from you from him. He lovingly stares at the fork.
Then soon after, the red-haired student gently places it inside his bag like it's the most priceless possession he possessed before casually walking towards the school's entrance despite being late already.
"Miss Clythe, present!" Instantly, you attentively raise a hand up to the air when the teacher calls out your name. Upon getting a glimpse of you, Miss Clythe smiles and ushers you to her own seat.
You are quick enough to obey your teacher as you walk towards her place— though you are still quite confused. Why would she call you?? It is not even class time yet. But you shove those questions back to your mind, Miss Clythe would surely say the reason later.
"How are you doing, (Y/N)?"
She questions you, clasping her hands before her. Those eyes of her hold a certain warmth that eases the bit tiny nervousness you are currently feeling. You let out a soft exhale and rub the back of your neck.
"Um, I think I'm doing fine?"
"You think?"
"Yeah." You slowly and hesitantly nod, hoping that your teacher won't make a big deal out of it. You did say that you are doing fine, just a bit uncertain. Well, you are not certain because of, coughs. Fortunately for you, the kind teacher does not make it that much of a big deal. Instead Miss Clythe stands up and pats you in the arm.
"..Everything would soon go better for you in the future, (Y/N). You just have to wait," Miss Clythe assures you; and you nod once more, believing her words. A hopeful smile shows on your lips.
"Yes, I will wait."
Miss Clythe then proceeds to ask you about Kielle. You answer to her questions in the most honest way. Though you haven't been able to visit the golden- eyed child the night before, you are sure that he's doing fine now. You only hope that he will be able to recover fast enough; so that he can attend his classes next week.
Peach is helping him now anyways. You, of course, are helping too. With both of your assistance, he'll manage these troubles and problems he is facing right now. You think to yourself, somehow feeling so pumped up. Miss Clythe tilts her head from upward to downward several times.
Hearing your words, Miss Clythe is very pleased. "I'm happy to hear that, (Y/N)."
You grin back.
Class then begin, and you immediately jot down the late students on the 1/4 sheet of paper. Kielle Ponce; absent (excused) You write afterwards.
The new lesson discussion with Miss Clythe soon ends. Second subject and then Third Subject. Soon all is over. Break time has finally arrived. You aren't really that so surprised to see Ely your friend when you ran out from your room. She was smiling at you an apologetic smile. Upon landing her green eyes on you, she exclaims her apology— finally, in a personal way.
You don't say anything at first.
You just run to her and pull her into a hug. "I am also sorry." Ely smiles, almost starting to get teary by this affectionate moment. While you do have this moment, Peach arrives with Alessio and Dante.
Her bright blue eyes resting on you gradually loses that happy spark; and her heart drops— feeling the sadness, betrayal, and jealousy. Peach's hold on his arm tightens, causing his silver irises to rest on the girl's hand. For a second, it darkens. Then Alessio looks up and sees your smile on them.
He calms down.
Dante takes note of that—of course.
He never forgets to observe the effect you have on his Boss, always making certain that what he assumed is right. And what he's doing is exactly right... (?)
Dante winces as he feels a sting.
Your cheeks turn red upon being discovered hugging Ely. You hope that they didn't cringe by that. Well, Dante. He almost cringed; but you seem really happy, so he let that off. Peach, on the other hand, is not feeling the cringe— but she has felt a wave of emotions.
"Are you— are you guys friends again?" she whispers.
"Yes!" you tell her, smiling.
That one word. That one word almost makes her want to tear up and cry and plead for you to not leave her. But oh. Peach does not do that. She smiles a fake smile and turns her blue eyes to Ely.
"Hi," she says.
Ely fakely smiles back. "Hey."
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