Chapter 7 [ Part 3 ]
[ A/N: Yey! I finished writing another chapter
I realized that I have been updating daily.
Well actually since it's holy week now I have
the freedom to write. It's great! I think I'm
productive whenever I finish a chapter. But
sadly updates will be back to Friday and
Sunday by next week.
Oof, I hope that I'll be able to publish a lot
more chapters while it's still my break.]
==== Chapter 7 [ Part 3 ] ====
Finally, it is Friday.
It is the one and only day you have always been waiting for; actually, you're waiting for the weekend after Friday and not the actual Friday. You can't believe yourself that you manage to survive the first week of school year. It's fun, but this week is also weird as hell. It's nice that you met Peach, but it is sad that you and Ely got into a fight.
Then there's also Alessio. He's somehow mysterious but can be nice. Dante, the guy who seems to be warming to you now— I hope that means a good thing. And Ashes... the first guy who confessed to you this school year. That gesture of his is flattering, but you think that his love for you is quite too early and strange.
You couldn't accept it.
You aren't even sure if you can be friends with him since that happened. Thankfully, Dante is there to distract him. You are able to run away. But because of Ashes's actions, you are late or better yet absent. since you've decided to tend to Kielle who has just woken up from coma. You're happy that he is now fine, yet you're also still feeling pity because Kielle's not the same anymore. You do hope that his mental state will return to normal.
Anyways, you only decide to return to class after lunch. Thankfully, Nurse Olivia is kind enough to make you an excuse slip. Ms. Clythe, your advisor, is also kind to not mark you absent in her class since she understands your reason. She is the one responsible after all who assigned you to Kielle to be his friend.
Anyways, since that shooting happened yesterday... You have actually heard that Dante and Ashes are both given suspension for today. You feel bad a bit, considering that Dante has done that for you. But you're also feeling a bit relieved because Ashes won't be present today. Although you are also quite confused, you did hear Dante got shot yesterday.
But you're glad that he's safe.
You did notice the small band aid on his cheek, so that must be the result from the gun.
It is however strange that Dante has received that. He's lucky. But at the same time, it is weird for a student to bring a gun to school when it is not clearly allowed. It could even expel the person. Wait, Dante also brought some gun! Your eyes widen, suddenly feeling concern. Though it goes back to its normal size when you also realize that he has only been given suspension. Thank goodness. If he gets expelled, your guilt would surely devour you.
Right now, you are feeding Kielle his food. Since he's rather being so stubborn and wouldn't accept any food being held by anyone else, you're forced to spoon feed Kielle again. You swear, he's like a child or something. Peach watches the interaction between you guys. That platinum blonde haired girl cannnot help but ship you along with her cousin.
It's just the scene is so cute! Peach internally cooes.
"You should go practice feeding yourself," you tell Kielle, and Kielle only blinks his golden eyes while he chews his food. The young man clearly doesn't hear you. Or maybe he does and is just pretending.
His feeding tube has been taken off already, yet his poor head is still wrapped in white cloth. Although the young man seems doing fine, you do not think that he's alright enough for him to start going to class. Kielle's mute and totally unresponsive.
"Where's Alessio?" you ask Peach after silence dawns within the room, taking note that you have not seen him with Peach earlier in the morning. Peach stays silent for awhile, then Peach shrugs.
"I think he's been called by his mother."
"She's the owner of this school," Peach mumbles. Your eyes widen upon the new discovery. You have seen the owner at times, and she is really pretty and nice... Wow. You didn't expect that; but thinking it now, Alessio and Mrs. Nikolaise do have the same last name.
You gently shove the spoon to Kielle's mouth. "I didn't know that." Peach softly giggles. "Everyone's shocked when they heard that. His mother is so different. She is kind and caring while Alessio and his father are—"She stops with a smile.
"Why? I think Alessio's kind."
"He is kind, but he can be heartless at times," The girl mumbles. You turn your gaze on her, questioning, but Peach does not expound any longer her words. A pout displays on your face, yet she only giggles. Heartless? Gazing back at Kielle, you observe him eat. You might have found him scary at first, but you do not think that Alessio is that type of person.
You feel a tap on your arm.
You blink your eyes. Kielle taps you continuously as if urging you to feed him again. You laugh a little and do what he wants you to do... "I am hoping that you won't make me your maid in the future, Kielle."
He stares at you. Peach grins. "Oh, no worries, (Y/N)!!! Cousin will not make you his maid. He'll make you his bride instead," she teases you, resulting your cheeks to burn deep red.
"Haha, but you do look good together," Peach happily remarks, sending you that wink. Those words and her actions only brought you to a very more flustered state. You swear to yourself that you are going to give her a punishment later.
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