Chapter 4 [ Part 5 ]
[ A/N: Can I just tag you all and dedicate my
story to you guys. Seriously. I know it isn't
obvious, but it makes me so happy to see you
guys appreciating this story.
My writing isn't really the best, but you guys...
are just so kind. I will try to update my story
every week. I know thanking you is not enough,
but thank you😭💖 ]
[Btw, this is where Chapter Four ends. Onto the
next part. Actual story will start now. :))) ]
==== Chapter 4 [ Part 5 ] =====
Jotting down the list of your classmate's attendance on a 1/4-sized sheet of paper, you instantly notice his absence again. Kielle will probably be absent for the whole week, judging the last time that you have seen him at the clinic, which is yesterday.
As a classmate of yours enter your classroom, you squint your eyes for a clearer perception. You recognize his face, but you're having a difficult time to recall his name since his presence's quite so easy to fade out in this room filled with various kinds of people.
"Um..." You tap on the girl before you. She turns around and smiles a friendly smile. You smile back. "Oh (Y/N)! What is it?" she asks you, willing to help you with your problems. You scratch the back of your neck while your cheeks turn pink. Well, it's embarrassing because you do not know your classmate's name even when it is already your third day here at school.
"Do you know who's that guy?" You point at the young man who has now began to take a sit in front of the Ms. Clythe's table.
"Oh, that's Hash Browns."
"Thank you." You immediately thank the girl as you jot down his name. Hash Brown, LATE, 7:33 A.M. Hmm. He's unlucky by three minutes. Actually this school has grace period. Classes actually start in 7:15; but because Grace period exists, you won't be late until it is already 7:30 A.M.
Arriving here after 7:30, then that would be the only the time the person would be marked late.
"Miss Clythe, here's the attendance." She smiles at you while you gently place the paper in her table. You later slides it in front of her as she takes it and signs it while your teacher says her thanks to you. Though later, your teacher lifts her up eyes and gives you that look — that familiar look.
No, she isn't planning to...
No, please no.
"Is it fine if I can ask you to do me a favor again, (Y/N)?" She asks you with that hopeful gaze. "Or would I trouble you if I do?? But I hope you're available because you are the only one I can trust with this." You swallow down the lump and questions her "favor" as you secretly ponder to yourself if you have became your teacher's errand girl. I hope not, you think to yourself, feeling quite troubled by what your teacher might label you as in her mind.
"It is of Kielle."
Kielle?! Your ears perk up. Will she make you check on him again? Clearly, your teacher really cares for the guy even when they kinda have a fight that first day. "Um— what is it of him, Miss Clythe?"
Miss Clythe sighs. "I— Can you be his friend, (Y/N)? I want you to be there for Kielle throughout his recovery. You see, I was the one who saw him harm himself. And he's really unstable..." Miss Clythe closes her eyes as if almost recalling the painful memory.
She then opens it again, kinda giving you a sad gaze. "I thought it would be nice for Kielle to have a friend. He'll probably won't do it again if he knows that he has others that are there for him."
You press your lips at her words.
Miss Clythe, she's really a kind teacher. "Okay. I will be Kielle's friend," you whisper, accepting her favor. Upon hearing it, her lips twitch into a smile. She gently places her hand on your head, later gently shuffling your (H/C) hair as if you are a child.
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