Chapter 24 [ Part 2 ]
❗️Heads up, (Y/N)s ❗️
Filler ahead!
I would say, its a cute one 😚
Basically was originally
written to satisfy me lol
===== Chapter 21 [ Part 3 ] =====
Blond hair tousled in the air; Dante for the fifthieth time of the day leans his mouth to the stainless steel faucet as he violently washes off his dirtied mouth.
The image of him locking lips with that gynophobiac cunt constantly flashing in his mind— what makes it worse is that fucking stupid kiss was witnessed by everyone and especially you.
Embarassing. This is really so embarrasing!
He aggressively taps on the soap dispenser, drawing more soap than he ever needs.
His mind withdrawn from reality as he was too focused on the shameful scenario. His thoughts refuse to accept that such an incident had actually occured.
Dante was so deep in his reverie that he didn't even realize that he had been pushing the button for a quite a time until his hand couldn't contain anymore the slippery formula.
He uneasily looks at the spilling content over his hand as if contemplating. There was some strange silence for a second. Then as if he finally decided on something, he forces out an exhale.
He embedded those words deep in his mind as he finally decides to pretend that memory didn't exist.
He made his one last attempt; pressing his soap-filled hand toward his lips, he diligently scrubs off any remnants of impurity that might have been left.
He was already in the midst of wiping the water off his mouth with his arm, when someone entered the restroom, recklessly pointing a finger at him.
"Oh, it's that gay kiddo!" the cunt cries out.
He immediately halts in his movements.
Eyes quickly narrowing, glaring at the newcomer through the mirror. A stranger; someone so irrelevant that Dante couldn't even gain a hint of familiarity from viewing his ugly face.
The student zips his lips as if the error of his actions just dawned on him. He quickly tries to avoid the man's fury, running towards one of the cubicle.
It was merely one second after closing the door that a loud bang resounded throughout the room. The foolish boy was fortunately able to dodge the punch that Dante had just inflicted on the wooden frame.
"I am not gay!" he screams.
Disgust vividly expressed in his face; Dante didn't censor the anger he felt at that moment. The decision to forget everything suddenly evaporates; the memory once again consumes him to the point that it leaves him in a fit of fury.
He cursed and cursed to the student and to the world out there. He slams his hand on the door repetitively, wanting to break in and give that stupid cunt a beating.
However, the cubicle remains closed.
It eventually drains his strength that Dante finally stops and rests his hand instead on the wood. His breathes in, breathes out. He looks hard at the door with a firm expression.
"I... am not gay," he repeats yet again, murmuring.
Inside a pretty much abandoned classroom, we have Dante once again having his rampage moment.
The frustrated man kicks out a table or two as he remembers once again that fucking scene. Crazy! Really crazy! People kept calling him gay when he's otherwise straight.
A total fucking straight like a ruler.
While he never had a girlfriend in his life, Dante knows that he's a complete straight young man because he likes ▓▓▓.
His face turns pink, and Dante immediately kicks a chair to stop that face from appearing again in his mind. "Ahh! Fuck it! This is so annoying!"
His heart suddenly beating so fast, like it has been doing these past few days, but Dante doesn't want to believe this shit of a feeling.
"Fuck! Fuck! FUCK!"
The door then opens, creaking as it is gently pushed by a certain (H/C) haired girl— which is, of course, you. You sneak a peek in and finally see your friend.
A tiny smile slips out your lips, and you allow yourself in; but then a frown instantly dawns your face when you see the state of the room he's in.
Well, didn't he make quite a mess..
Your friend angrily kicks and kicks whatever objects that are in his way— not noticing you yet— as if he is very submerged in his thoughts to even realize someone else's presence in the room.
You're actually thinking of waiting for Dante to calm down, but you decided not to when you realize that he might just never stop.
While he is in the midst of rampage, you place a hand on his shoulder. Quite bravely actually, since there's just a high chance that he might hurt you back.
Well, Dante is about to elbow you right on your chest when he siddenly has a glimpse of your face.
His heart almost stops.
He quickly halts the action that he's just about to execute, almost stumbling backwards as he hastily retreats.
"Is that really your first kiss?!" You cannot help but give him a smile of tease while deliberately ignoring the fact that Dante almost elbowed you on the chest.
Dante glares at you, but it's not the typical glare that he always used to ward people off him. This glare for you is more gentle and tender.
He averts his blue eyes to the ground and angrily, loudly denies "no!"
Dante refused it; he refused to believe that his first kiss is taken like that and in the most embarrasing manner, all because of that fucking Luis!
And no, he won't fucking let you know!
You couldn't help but pfft at his reaction.
Lies, you grin.
With how he's blushing so hard, it's obvious that kiss from earlier is his first kiss. Well, he can lie; but he can never really change the past. With how his poor lips are so swollen and red right now, Dante must have tried to scrub that memory off.
You squint your eyes as you happen to notice some blood on his lips. I think he overdid that scrubbing.
Dante snaps out of his thoughts when he feels something brush his bottom lips. It gave him a tingling sensation, simultaneously making his heart accelerate than its normal pace.
His oceanic-blue eyes widen when he sees you so close to him. Your thumb, gently touching his lip, while you carefully inspect the damage he self-inflicted.
"You are really so reckless, Dante."
You heave out a soft sigh, shaking your head. "Now look at what have you done. Your lips are bleeding, and you don't even know it."
You look up at him; your (E/C) clashes with his blue irises. The teenger looks at you, almost appearing dazed by how beautiful your eyes are.
"Then tend it," he whispers.
Dante doesn't even fucking know where he even got the guts to say those cheesy words. But he just stays in that position as he affectionately looks down at you with all these strange emotions swirling inside of him.
Ahh, it's just soo strange. He's not annoyed this time; in fact, he's just feeling happy right now.
Your face immediately scrunches at his words as you retreat your hand, taking a few steps backwards away from this weirdo.
"Ya know what? How about you tend it yourself! Stop wasting my time; I still have to go to class. I just came here to check on you."
You're about to leave the room when you're surprisingly and suddenly pulled back to your friend.
He catches your wrist, never wishing you to leave him. "(Y/N), tend me. Please," Dante whispers, which of course shocks you to the core.
Dante almost never said please. You never see him beg; and this one is definitely a first!
You look over your shoulder, seeing him give you that strangely desperate look. From such a sight, you can't help but nod.
[ Timeskip ]
Icy compression being pressed on his lips.. He just stares at you while you do your job. A quiet ambiance settles in the room, and Dante just can't help but suddenly smile at a memory.
When the corners of his busted lip just curved up for no reason, you instantly stop tending to his damn injury.
You grant him a glare, somehow having the feeling that this friend of yours is intentionally doing this to annoy you.
Dante though doesn't really intend to annoy you; he just genuinely wants you to treat him and nothing more.
"What are you smiling at?!" You scowl at him when the blonde haired guy continues to unusually smile.
Ah, this is really fucking weird! Why in the world can't he stop himself from smiling? He casually sighs, looking away from your (4/10) face.
Ah yes, your face— Dante still finds it rather average, but he did say though that you are special.
Maybe that's why he can't help but smile. It's odd how you still look so-so to him, but ever since you guys have gotten close to each other, there are times that he cannot help but stare at you.
Before, it wasn't like this.
"I remembered trying to kill you here," he quietly replies, still somehow dazed. A memory visited him, and he recalled the time that he tried killing you.
It was this place; this very exact place where he did that attempt. Even after you just treated his injury on his back, he still dared.
His hands were strangely shaky at that moment he pointed that gun at you. He was even perspiring. Dante felt fear, but he wouldn't admit it at that moment.
He greatly hated you, but it's odd how he couldn't muster the energy to click the trigger.
[ Flashback ]
"Do you want me to shoot you?"
You intentionally press the icy pack again on his back, causing him to wince. "Seriously! I will shoot you after this."
You roll your eyes at his statement or more like empty threats. As if Dante would really plan to kill you. Bleh. Dante and you are friends now. And since you're good friends with him, you have even decided to skip on your MIL subject just to tend his bruises.
"Go. I dare you," you tell him.
Dante retrieves his gun out from his jacket beside him. You're almost having the urge to laugh when Dante is shakily aiming the gun to you.
It's really weird how he brings his gun to school; is he even a licensed owner?! Well, either way, you aren't really afraid of him.
You just stare at him; a smile is on your face
[ Flashback Ends ]
"Trying to kill me, huh..." you thoughtfully mutter. You remembered that, but you didn't really think that Dante would dare kill you that moment.
You guys are friends; why would he?
It's very obvious that he was just joking at that moment. "You call that an attempt. Are you kidding me?!" You laugh as you cannot help but playfully slap him on the arm.
He breaks out of his trance, dumbly nodding.
"I'm glad that I didn't," Dante murmurs before suddenly breaking out into a fit of pleased laughter.
"I'm so fucking glad that I didn't. Since I found out that you are nothing like the rest, (Y/N). You make me happy. I lik—"
The guy suddenly stops, slapping his hand over his lips as he looks at you, wide-eyed.
"Psh. You're talking like you really wanted to kill me.." You give him a scowl before later letting a smile grace your face. "But yeah, even when you're annoying. I also like you, Dante."
"You like me?!"
His oceanic blue eyes that are already wide gets even wider if possible. You slightly narrow your eyes, quietly wondering to yourself if you were not supposed to like him.
"Duhh, since we're friends?"
"Oh, friends..." Dante snorts.
"Why?! Is there something I don't know?" You raise an eyebrow at him while you cross your arms, sending a gaze full of suspicion at him.
Dante's face turns red; but unlike before wherein he keeps looking away like a bashful kiddo, he does not back down from the staring contest and intensely stares back.
But this is a fucking torture!
Looking at your (4/10) face feels like hell for him!
It's not because you are not pretty, but it's because he just suddenly wanted to kiss you at that moment.
Your lips are so enticing him with those beautiful, innocent (E/C) eyes! Ahh! Well fuck it! He was suddenly driven by courage; an "unknown" force pushes him to act on his desires.
Dante suddenly smacks his lips on yours.
And fuck, it's soft.
Just like what he has always thought!
He wanted to taste your lips for a very long tim—
"What in the wor—!" You try to speak out, struggling to get this beast off you, but since Dante's physical stronger than you, you couldn't.
The guy forces himself on your lips, seeking to explore all the sweets as he finds himself falling more and more into this moment of ecstasy.
"(Y/N)... I... like... you..."
Luis Mansanas gives a dirty look at Dante after hearing some words and ahem coming out of his lips.
Seems like this Dante guy isn't all scary as he appears to be; he's just like the rest of the boys— having wet dreams and all.
Suddenly, Luis gives out a smile and whistles, kicking the unconscious student away from with him, as he turns to his friends.
A smug light in his eyes.
"See! I told you, guys. I can handle it." He smirks while his other friends starts to applaud for his wits.
Ever since Dante punched him for that small prank, Luis learned his lesson and came prepared this time. With a baseball bat in hand, Luis didn't give Dante a chance to hurt him again, immediately smacking the bat on him when he arrived to get his revenge.
Luis hit it so hard with the intention to make him drop down unconscious.
Thankfully, Dante fell so easily. Luis didn't have to hit him again.
"Are you sure he's okay??" (Y/N) Ia murmurs, feeling concerned, as she happened to witness the scene first-hand.
Luis nods so nonchalantly; a mischievous grin slipping off his lips. "Don't worry, (Y/N). He's fine. Very fine in fact. Can't you see that he's even dreaming lewd dreams of you?!"
(Y/N) Ia's face turns deep red as she timidly looks over this handsome man.
Her heart almost bursting out from her chest whenever she hears him call for her. Ah, Even though Dante offended her that day, (Y/N) Ia couldn't help but find him her type.
[ A/N: i cant help but like dante even if he's a red flag🚩😭]
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