Chapter 24 [ Part 1 ]
Long timeskip ahead, guys ‼️
To not make the pace of the story
as slower as it already, I am not
going to write (Y/N's) relationship
with Alessio in close detail
But if I do have some time to spare,
I'm planning to write a special chapter
that features at least glimpses of their
relationship progression.
For now, enjoy their current moments
as we still have to meet more y̶̱̙̐͠ä̷̭́̽ͅn̸̟̯͚̟̣̞̰͉̖̽͠d̴̻͗̅̊̉̈̕e̵̢̻̼̫̱͖̔̈́̊̂̓̇̆̅̄͜r̶͓͉͙̞̰̔̃̽̍̈́̂̑͑́ȅ̶̤̝̬͔͔̫̬̯̀̊̚s
===== Chapter 24 [ Part 1 ] =====
[ Timeskip ]
November 5, 2019
A couple of weeks eventually pass by.
Apart from the fact that your grades in one of your subject isn't doing that well these days, everything else in general is going fine for you.
Unlike before, your life is now more peaceful. No one dares to bother you anymore and if there ever was, you don't hear a word from them ever again. Your shields Alessio and Dante proving to be beneficial as with just one glare and that sends them all away.
Actually, scratch that.
You can't really say that your life was as peaceful as before, since you're no longer a single title holder. Not when you're in sweet relationship with a young man named Alessio.
Despite the massive confusion from the start, the relationship between you and him is strangely sailing well. In fact, you can even admit that it's flourishing to the point that you are now beginning to give in to his advances.
I mean, who wouldn't...
He's just so gentle, so sweet, and so loving to you.
You begin to zone out as you remember a scene from a few days ago.
The smell of sweets lingering in the air; you personally witness Alessio having an apron on as he presents you his baked cookies. He looks super stiff as he shoves you the wrapped box, and you can't help but slightly giggle. His face lightly glows red, and he just coughs as if to conceal his embarrassment.
Even when it's slightly burnt, you still like the cookies. Well, I mean, it— it is edible. Just burnt, so the taste might not be that exquisite. But even then, your heart is still incredibly touched as you can see the sincerity in his efforts to please you.
After all, you never really took Alessio as someone to bake sweets for his loved ones. Who knows, this may even be his first time baking.
Alessio stares hard at you tasting his cookies.
In all honesty, it took around a lot of times for him to bake at least a decent couple because for some reason, even when he's strictly paying attention to the recipe, the outcome still turns out worse— even with Peach's and Dante's assistance.
He almost thought that they were sabotaging him, so he eventually made them leave him alone. And then he baked another batch, this time it's slightly better; yet not in the most perfect quality. It's burnt. He baked again and again until the ingredients ran out, but he still ends up with burnt ones.
Maybe baking is not really for him. Even so, Alessio would still be willing to bake an infinity more if you love to taste more of his creations.
"My Queen, how is it?"
You struggle to ignore the somewhat bitter with a mix of salty taste, gulping it down your throat. "I— is this your first time baking? It's not perfect, but I like it." You smile as you close the box with its lid, intending to bring it back home and finish it there instead.
"You like it?"
Dante scoffs; brow furrow in disbelief.
Even when he knows that it taste horrible, he still shoves the cookie that you gave to him earlier to his mouth and swallow it to thoroughly reveal to Alessio the real aftertaste of his cookies.
It doesn't take a second before he coughs and spit it out. "God it's terrible, (Y/N). I can't believe that you manage to swallow that in. Do you have an impaired taste or something?!" He coughs on.
Alessio's eyes widen as he quickly retrieves the box from you, brushing off the insult of his inferior as he was completely focused on his dearest instead. Is it that bad? He did make sure that it would still be edible, even when it's slightly burnt.
You look at him in concern, watching how the black-haired man roughly pull the lid off the box and grabs a milk-chocolate cookie. When Alessio tries it, his face suddenly becomes unreadable.
He was frozen for a few seconds before he turns to you with his most dejected, apologetic expression.
"Forgive me for letting you eat such bad quality, my Queen. I was in a haste to offer you my everything that I forgot you only deserve the best quality. I'm sorry to be of disappointment."
He hung his head.
"If you let me, I'll bake for you again, (Y/N)," he murmurs.
You stare at him, stunned.
The way he talks just takes you aback sometimes; but that's not your main focus right now. As you were also influenced by his low spirits, you only want to bring back his cheerful self again.
In contrary to Alessio's thoughts, you don't really care whether his cookies taste terrible. It's not even the worst you ate, so he shouldn't really be so forlorn about it. And even if it is, your feelings about his gift wouldn't change. You would still appreciate it, considering that it was his own hands that mix the ingredients.
"How about we bake the cookies together, Alessio. We can spend the day today. It's not like I have anything to do at home," you offer with a sweet smile.
The light in his silver eyes seem to return.
The moment you perceive that, you know that he's up for it. However, there weren't any ingredients available at home, so you and Alessio decided to go out.
Dante grumpily tags along with you as if he was forced, even when in reality he wasn't.
Even so— even when you're a bit annoyed with your other friend's behavior, the day ends well with you and Alessio becoming closer than ever.
He was really like a changed man.
Though he is still the same person who speaks so minimal oftentimes, the way he acts and shows his love can make someone's heart flutter.
It's like something that can be only seen in the movies. He makes you feel like you are ruler of the universe or rather the universe itself.
You just can't help but fall for him gradually.
But then there's your Dad.
He did not change his mind at all, and you don't really think he would. He's that stubborn and, well, over-protective with you.
Alessio already gave his apologies with his rude behavior before, but your dad wouldn't accept it as he instead uses that to try and break off your relationship.
As much as you love your dad, somehow you can't listen to him and break this relationship off. Maybe you're really starting to grow feelings for your boyfriend.
It's still weird how things come to be.
You blink your (E/C) eyes as you silently look over your boyfriend's almost perfectly sculpted features, seriously pondering just were you able to attain such a handsome person as your devoted lover.
Alessio seems to sense your gaze as his silver eyes meet yours with a touch of fondness; a small smile gracing his lips.
"My queen..."
Your face crumples as you then feel extremely flustered for a few seconds.
You will never ever get yourself used to being called that pet name; even when you completely adore it when he treats you like a queen. Calling you in such cheesy labels only makes you embarrassed.
Does he really have to? Huhuhu
You put some distance between your faces as you quickly sit up straight from your seat, leaving Alessio alone to lie down his table as he stares up at you with that smile from earlier.
"A—alessio, didn't I tell you to stop calling me that?" you stutter as you almost wish for the ground to swallow you in.
Your classmates have obviously heard him say that and now, they are all intently staring at you, listening. It makes you very nervous to be the center of attention so suddenly.
To be honest, you don't really have any idea what your classmates must be thinking about you; but ever since the bullying incident, it is safe to assume that your image in their heads must have already been tainted.
Maybe everyone thought of you to be a slut.
Julia said it herself; no one in this class likes you. Even the boys will now tend to avoid you— afraid that you will also seduce them. The girls will also hide their boyfriends away.
You suddenly feel down as you unintentionally drown in your innermost thoughts. And as your always attentive boyfriend, Alessio of course notices it.
The sudden change of atmosphere. The stares that people were sending you. He notices it all. Alessio frowns. Silver eyes dims as it glares at all of them, coldly warning them of the blood that might spill if they continue to look at you.
In an instant, everyone turns their gazes away.
While it's true that some people perceive you in a terrible light, it's not true that everyone ignores you because they hate you. Since the bullying incident, Alessio just doesn't trust the people around you anymore. It's not that he is possessive; he just doesn't want his beloved queen to be hurt again.
Same thing happened with Peach.
Since she screamed at you and hurt you, Alessio doesn't permit her to hang out with you anymore. Peach can only agree, completely understanding his reason.
Peach loves you.
It was true that she was mad at you that time, but she's not the type to hold her anger for so long. In fact, that anger was only reserved for that day. She had already completely forgotten it and wanted to apologize, but then she realized that she does not deserve to talk to you anymore.
And so, she distanced herself away. Willingly.
But the white-haired girl never left you alone. She never did. She sincerely cares for your well-being. When Julia dared to bully you, she would always send Gerald off to protect you from those bitches.
You snap out of your thoughts when Alessio embraces you, circling his arms around your waist as he presses his face on your stomach.
"Alessio!" you exclaim, surprised, stuttering once again by his actions. The certain man just hmm-ed under his breath as he quietly relishes your body warmth.
• • • • •
Slurping on his cup noodles while he watches the couple that is a few tables away, Dante's only companion is this gynophobic Chaos. The man did not really want to hang out with this guy, but he doesn't even have a choice! His Boss wouldn't want him to destroy their date.
His blue eyes harshly glare at the brown haired man who then would once in awhile cower when female students get a bit too close to him.
"Can you fucking stop that? You kill people for a living, but you're scared of girls?!" The man has enough; he just grabs Chaos' collar and aggressively pulls him close to him.
Chaos and Dante glare at each other...
Their faces are just a few millimeters aparts from each other. Blue clashes Green. The atmosphere between them is something filled with anger and strong dislike.
That intense sight does not go unnoticed by the people.
Everyone's attentions are instantly drawn to them during that very moment, wondering if something is going on between the two men.
Peach who is with Gerald observes them, amused.
"Interesting..." Peach draws out a tiny grin from her face, sending it to her black haired friend. "I never knew that Chaos and Dante look good together."
Her beautiful face that usually carries a sad look to it is, for once, beaming— which makes Gerald feel relieved. Hearing her laugh after, the former playboy falls for the thousandth time. Gerald suddenly embraces her, taking her aback.
"I love you," he confesses.
Peach bites her lips, seeming to hesitate. Then she slaps him on the back of his head as she glares at him. "Love? Again? Seriously? Whe are you going to give up?! I don't have plans to be your toy."
The blue-eyed girl then forces him to let go, pushing him off her. Poor Gerald. He has no choice as he can only give her a look filled with sadness.
"You're not a toy, Peach. I'm serious about this."
Gerald murmurs for the nth time, but he only gets brushed aside again by his cold lady.
You who also noticed the unexpected commotion gently pushes Alessio's hands off you while you turn your eyes to Dante and Chaos.
And yes, you already know of Chaos's existence and how he has been watching over you the whole time Alessio and Dante are gone.
Although you wanted to befriend him, you couldn't since he's scared of you— or females, in general.
Observing Dante and Chaos..
just being so close to each other, you cannot help but feel flustered for them. It is kinda romantic if you choose to ignore the glares that they are currently throwing at each other.
Alessio tries to take back your attention again, placing a hand on your cheek to turn your face to him— for those eyes of yours to look at him and only him.
You are quite stubborn, however.
You gently pushes his hands off as you are too occupied having a glimpse of that strange scene. Your eyes are wide and filled with curiosity.
Dante and Chaos dangerously glare at each other, never retreating— even when they are already being observed by everyone in the cafeteria.
Unknown to them, a smirk lies on someone's lips; a malicious thought suddenly lit up on his mind
And then...
The thought is taken into action.
Luis Mansanas, the class clown of your section, suddenly runs towards them.
Placing his hands in the back of each of their heads, the bastard slams their heads to each other with that playful smirk.
Dante and Chaos meets halfway; their lips touching for a long time.. Their glares instantly vanish as they look at each other, wide-eyed, completely astonished by the sudden turn of events.
What the fuck
... is everyone's thoughts at that moment.
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