Chapter 22 [ Part 3 ]
===== Chapter 22 [ Part 3 ] =====
Zoning out as you thoughtlessly scribble your answers on your paper; you have your mind flying onto somewhere else. To be precise, it's someone else. This someone else who goes by the name Alessio Nikolaise.
His hair so dark that it appears to absorb any light that graces it. His silver eyes that were oftentimes dull and empty but now shine its brightest when he is in your company.
You won't even bother to deny it— the fact that Alessio's the most handsome man you have encountered in this life of yours and can be considered the nicest if you ignore his very cold and asocial personality.
It's truly a wonder how you managed to befriend such person.
He's such an anomaly, that he almost doesn't seem real. It feels like he came straight out of a romance book that most teenager girls would love to read. His character that most people would prefer— Handsome, cold, yet secretly gentle. Definitely the male lead type.
And you, ah yes...
You're definitely not the female lead type.
Far from it.
Your stupid character feels like an unnamed extra instead as you don't really have the qualities that makes you appealing to anyone. Yet with everything strange occurring in your life right now, you feel like you have become those undeserving (Y/N) in those X reader fanfics.
You wonder what happened for Alessio to be so sweet to you all in a sudden?
He wasn't always this close to you before. Even during the previous times you hang out with all of them. You rarely have a conversation with him and if there was, you would oftentimes only receive short replies from him, as if he wasn't really that interested in you.
Your relationship with him before was just so different. It felt more fragile and can only be compared to that of an aquaintance.
But ever since he was transferred to your class, Alessio became more approachable— to you at least— as if that guy finally considered letting you in his life.
And then, a few weeks passed.
Be my queen, please.
Blood gushes up your cheeks, and you take a break from answering your test.
Why in the world did he say that? You haven't seen him for quite a while, and the first time he did when he came back was profess his love? What?
You take in a deep breath of air, trying to brush off those thoughts, as you place your entire attention again on your quiz. When your eyes land on your answers though, you immediately let out a yelp.
4) True
5) False
6) Alessio
7) Fal—
"Ah, fuck!"
You loudly cuss as you quickly grab the correction tape beside your paper to correct the mistake you did. Beside you is your teacher who, of course, managed to hear the word of profanity from your very mouth.
She glares at you.
With no one in the class except them, it's clear that it came from you.
Her arms crossed; she gives you a displeased look.
"Are you not yet satisfied, Ms. (L/N)? I allowed you to take my test for you not to behave in such a manner. Do you want me to take that back again and instead give you a zero?" she warns, and you instantly mumble an apology under your breath as not really having the intentions to offend her.
You were really just very surprised by the name you've unconsciously written on your paper.
Returning your attention to the quiz, you let go a sigh as you mentally reprimand yourself for your idiocy.
Now that happened; it's highly likely your teacher will take note of this event and lower your conduct grade.
Ah, good job for that, (Y/N), you bitterly praise yourself. You shouldn't have taken a nap in the first place; maybe you wouldn't have been distracted, and this wouldn't have happened.
Pursing your lips in a straight line, you eventually occupy yourself in completing the test.
After accomplishing the paper, you proceed to depart the room The gloomy atmosphere surrounding you was almost discernible to the point that it caught the attention of other people. None approach you though, which was fine.
You don't really care.
You just want to go home.
However, as you're on your way to leave this hell of an establishment, you manage to catch a trace of a blonde hair in the corner of your eye. Your tired face breaks into a smile; even when the guy has most of his face covered, you can recognize him in a blink.
You run to him for a greeting.
"Dante! You are finally back!" you happily exclaim as you were quite relieved to see him.
While you have been getting closer with Alessio the past few weeks, you've also grown closer with this young man right here.
Among your friends, Dante was the only one whose still stayed the same. An asshole. Yet he can also be kind if he wants to.
From your enthusiastic welcoming, a smile lights up his face for a second before it quickly gets replaced with a frown.
Of course you don't see that quick change of expression as it's concealed behind his face mask; but it's clear to you that he doesn't share the same enthusiasm with you when he roughly flicks your forehead and glares.
"Are you fucking stupid, (Y/N)?!" he curses, not caring whether he has just been heard by others. "What in the world did I hear just now?! I thought you're better than this. You..."
He purses his lips upon recalling that proud smile over his Boss's face. Irritation simmers within him. He really has the urge to punch the man's face earlier.
It couldn't be, but Alessio said it himself. But that's almost impossible. For you to accept his confession so quick; that is so highly unlikely.
Dante wished he heard your conversation earlier, but he was far annoyed earlier to pay attention.
Even so...
You told him youself that you like Kielle..
But why...
"What are you talking about, Dante?!"
You look at him, completely taken aback by his actions. He looks so mad, but why?! "Did something happen?" you ask, starting to get concerned by the way he is acting right now.
Dante lets out a frustrated sigh as he tries to clear out his mind. Maybe he's just overthinking things; there's no way (Y/N) would accept Alessio.
You're not a whore. He knows that you won't latch onto someone else just because they have a pretty face. Dante purses his lip as he feels guilty for a second for actually allowing himself to entertain such false rumors of yours inside his head.
Taking in a deep breath, he places a hand on his temple as he forces himself to apologize. "I'm sorry for reacting like that. I just heard something..."
You squint your eyes. "Something?"
Dante looks at you with his oceanic- blue eyes. "Well, I heard that you—" His words instantly stop upon seeing him from the distance.
His silver eyes are focused on him and you, darkening the longer he sees you both together.
The expression on his face is something new, and it's definitely more hostile than ever. His jaw clenched while his hands curled into fists. A dark atmosphere engulfs his figure as he glares at Dante.
"Dante?" you ask.
The man snaps out of his trance before he settles his attention on you again. He forces out a chuckle while taking a step back from you.
Damn it. Fucking damn it.
"Well, he's here." Dante gives you a sardonic look while releasing bitter chuckles. "I mean, your boyfriend is here," he rephrases.
Your (E/C) eyes widen, completely stupefied by his odd statement. Before you can even question him in what in the world is he talking about, Dante walks away with his hands in his pocket.
You were about to scream for his attention, but someone suddenly embraces you from behind. Your whole form stiffen from the touch. Quickly, you attempt to push whoever that guy is.
"Alessio!" you yelp.
"(Y/N), I'm done waiting," Alessio gently smiles at you while he places a hand on your cheek as always. "Can I call you my Queen now?"
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