Chapter 14 [ Part 9 ]
===== Chapter 14 [ Part 9 ] =====
Lying down in your bed while your (E/C) eyes are quietly staring up at the ceiling, your breathing is slow while you ponder to what has happened earlier. Truly today's hectic and strange. Until now, you still cannot help but think of unnecessary things. You shut your eyes as your face goes flushed, thinking of something. Geez, (Y/N)— you softly scold yourself upon suddenly recalling his gazes on you. You should better go sleep now and not fucking think of him. It takes awhile for you to succumb to sleep; though you soon manage to.
The next day. You are surprised to see Dante before you.. His oceanic eyes refuse to meet your own while the man roughly shoves your backpack to your hands. "Um, good morning?"
Dante doesn't speak any greetings as he proceeds to give you a paper bag. You're immediately aware that this tiny bag contains a gadget. You gently settle down your own backpack and begin to scrutinize the object, but you are surprised to see a brand new phone— an expensive high quality phone which is so totally not yours.
Your brows furrow as you try to return the phone to him again. "This...This isn't mine?" Dante's face crumples; a confused expression is revealed as he thought that you'll like the object. He shakes his head, refusing to take back anymore that small paper bag. "It is yours," he confirms, and you're of course puzzled.
"You bought me a new one?!"
"I did," Dante earnestly states, almost expecting a thank you from you; but he's left disappointed when you, with that worried expression, shake your head multiple times.
"You didn't have to buy me a new one.. That's why I left my phone to your care," you tell him, staring at his blue eyes. "I was hoping that you will have it repaired.." You softly sigh, and Dante frowns. You still want that trash? This one's pretty new and expensive. You don't like the phone. That, for sure. But Dante has already wasted his money and time for this.
"You should return this—"
Dante stops you with a scowl. "Just take this, (Y/N). It is my compensation for the day before." You silently press your lips with displeasure as you look down at the paper bag in your hand. "Also, a compensation for your phone. Last night, I threw it away because I thought you do not have use for it anymore."
Your eyes widen.
"What did you just say?!!!" you yell at him.Disbelief is written all over your face at his claim. He nonchalantly repeats his words again, and you almost want to scratch that face of his. You huff out, and you tighten your grip onto that small bag. You almost want to scream and cry upon hearing the terrible news. You press your lips and look down at the object again.
"You— can't you just try and give it back to me?" Your heart falls when he quietly shakes his head. This guy— With all his actions right now, you do not think that you want to see him for awhile now. He destroyed your own phone yesterday, and now he threw it away? You do not feel so good.
Dante didn't really expect you to be so affected by your phone. But you are truly horribly affected by his actions and decisions.. He apologizes, but you can't look at him straight in the eyes. Instead, he is asked to leave. You do not accept the paper bag and give it to him.
"I — I have something to do. Let's talk next time," you emptily say. You don't bother waiting for him to speak anymore as you close the door on his face. Dante looks down at the paper bag.. His eyes are cold for a second, apparently not liking how he's treated just now by you.
Though when he thinks about what happened again, he slowly realizes his mistakes later. The coldness is gone without a trace as he feels regret and frustation. He has promised to fix this, but it only seems to get worse. He exhales. Now, he feels terrible for not considering your feelings and lying to your face.
Hesitant to walk away, Dante departs soon. Although he sends one last look to your house before leaving. He can only hope that you won't stay mad at him for too long... Reaching his house, he sees Murder and Chaos about to leave. "Done?" he question, a tone of indifference in his voice.
Chaos emotionlessly nods as he continues walking. The other man, Murder, touches the bridge of his sunglasses with his right hand before he helps himself walk again.. Dante scowls at their backs before he enters their house. While he does so, he perceives Alessio welcoming him with a frown.
"Where have you been?" he asks as soon as he sees his inferior. Dante holds the object in his hand tigher while effortlessly telling Alessio a white lie."Just trying to fix something, Boss..."
His silver eyes slightly narrow, not believing his words; those eyes later land on the certain paper bag.
"And did you fix it?"
Dante shakes his head, sighing. "No, not yet anyways."
With those words, he begins to walk again. Entering his room— right after he puts down the paper bag— Dante makes himself sit on his bed.
He chuckles to himself, recalling the events.
Why did he even bother lie?
Dante is not that stupid and cruel. He did not throw your phone. That phone of yours is still being repaired. It will take two months; that's why he has decided to buy you a new phone for you to use it for those two months. But in the end, he lied and made you angry at him. He is really fucking stupid, he murmurs to himself while he rests his head on the headboard. Stupid.. since he does not really have plans to tell you that information. Dante smirks to himself and his thoughts.
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