Chapter 13 [ Part 1 ]
==== Chapter 13 [ Part 1 ] ====
Slowly stepping outside your bath room, you finally feel refreshed for the day. Yesterday has been terrible—so so terrible. Although no one really came to visit and disturb you, you were still fucking tortured by your cramps. The pain caused by your periods forced you to stay in bed all day. Your father pitied you. He brought you a lot of good treats last night. Chocolates. Chips. Candies. Oh gosh—! All the good stuff! Father was always like that whenever you have your monthly cycle.
Well anyways. Yesterday is yesterday. Today is Monday. That only means that we are going to go back to school again. Before heading out to the dining room to meet up with Dad, you prepare your necessities. But as you look back to the paper bag that your Dad gave you last night, you also think that maybe giving a few away would not hurt you.
Dad's jaw drops open when he sees your presence. Your father is obviously looking terrified with the large paper bag on your hand. " Honey, I think that is a lot of you to consume..." he stutters as he swallows that tiny piece of meat down to his throat. He fears that his only daughter might have gotten so affected by Ashes's incident. And now you're planning to binge eat and—
"Dad, what's with the face?"
Your father wipes off the dismay on his face. He goes to you, having the intention to take the paper bag; but you immediately stop him. "Hey!" you protest, taking a step back away from your own father. Your father, however, does not stop.. He is pretty much insistent in taking that paper bag of goodies away. "(Y/N), that is too much for you. You can't eat that all in one go."
You roll your eyes.
"Of course. I know that. These ones are for my friends! Since I realize that it's too much for me, I'm planning to give it away," you tell him.
Hearing that, your dad heaves out a sigh of relief. Thank goodness. You are mentally fine(?) Your father instantly lets go of your hand as he returns back to his seat. "Oh. That's sweet of you, (Y/N)." He fakes a smile, stabbing some pieces of meat with his fork. You eye him, feeling confused from what just happened earlier. What was he thinking anyways? Like I'm going to eat this by myself? Clearly you could not finish this by your own. You take yourself a seat in front of your father.
Quietly eating your breakfast, you are stopped midway when your father suddenly speaks up, "Hey. If you see Ashes. Quickly run, okay? I don't want you being with Ashes ever again. Don't ever try talking to him. And if Ashes tries to bother you, go kick him in his crotch. He truly deserves the pai—"
You gulp down the meat. "Geez, Dad."
"You hitting him with the bed lamp is already enough. I think he gets your words already," you assure your dad. Though, you feel guilty for the blow Ashes have gotten. Your father stares down at his plate and sighs, "But dear. Men are savage animals, okay. You cannot never predict what they're going to do next." He gently puts down the fork and knife. He looks at you with his eyes that match that shade of yours, only darker.
"I just want you to be safe."
"I understand..," you murmur as you eat the rest of your food. Your dad observes you eat your food in peace. Ah beloved daughter. Yes. He too feels bad for kicking that Ashes out from the house. But you first before choosing anyone else. And upon seeing him hovering you, he just couldn't tolerate Ashes's disdainful behavior. Of course. Dad warned him already. He warned Ashes already, but Ashes chose to commit the act.
Both of you and dad already in the midst of exiting the house, Dad– of course– does not forget to ask about the new strange-looking doorknob. " Do you have any idea what happened to this?" he asks while he locks the door behind you. You press your lips as you stare at the knob. You cannot never say that Alessio shot the knob before. Soo choosing to lie, you shrug. "Don't know. I have no idea."
Your father raises an eyebrow at you.
"I'm not stupid, (Y/N)."
"Did you really think I'll pick that kind of design for a doorknob?" you ask him. Your dad sweatdrops, but he doesn't hesitate to nod as a reply. You scowl at Father, gently slapping him in the arm. "Psh!!! Then that only means you don't know me, Dad!" you tell him as you childishly march to the car. Your father sighs, but that gentle smile is on his face as he does. Of course. Your father knows you, but seriously if it is not you; then— what's with the new doorknob.
You say out loud as you take a look at the time on your silver wrist watch. Your dad turns his gaze to you for a while before looking away. The silver wrist watch. The present from his deceased wife to you. He smiles sadly. He's glad that it's still with you. While he slowly enters their car inside the school's gate, he notices a couple of police cars lining up from outside. Weird, he ponders to himself.. He looks over you, but you are occupied right now with your phone.
Noticing his gaze, you look up from your phone. "Um, hey??" Your dad softly smiles as he presses the brake.. "We're here," he informs you, and you nod. "Oh okie!" Placing the phone inside your pocket, you get your bag. You also get the paper bag of goodies. "Thanks for the ride, Dad!" you happily say as you step out of your car. Your dad nods.
"Be careful," he says.
"Yeah, same to you," you happily tell your own father, eventually closing the car's door behind. As you arrive inside the school, you are surprised to see some police lurking around the place. You're confused. What in the world is going on in here?! As you stand there in your position, you fail to notice your friends coming toward your figure.
"(Y/N)!" Peach exclaims.
"Hey!" You wave at them. Alessio of course nods. Like always. Dante says "hey" back, and Kielle— oh Kielle. Kielle softly says his greeting back to you.. You notice Dante rolls his oceanic blue eyes. He seems really very hostile to poor Kielle. You only blink your eyes before suddenly finding yourself being embraced by the white haired girl.
"Um, okay."
You embrace back, not really feeling the awkwardness anymore, because you're already used to Peach's hugs. "Are you okay now?" she suddenly asks, "Does uh the cramp still hurts?" You blush from her question, really wanting to fucking hit her in the stomach. Damn! This girl!! Does Peach really want to embarrass her again?! Biting your lips, you pull away from the hug. "N—not anymore," you stammer.
Peach tries opening her mouth again, but you instantly speak out. You couldn't have her continuing that topic again. Not when they're in front of males. It's fucking embarrassing.
"By the way, what's with the cops?"
Dante lazily tilts his head to the two cops standing very close to them. Since he's a member of a mafia gang, he clearly should be terrified, right? But no. Cops?! Dante rolls his eyes.They're nothing to them. The gang could easily squash them with their foot. "Have no idea. Just know that they're not for us."
You raise an eyebrow. "What?"
Peach fakely coughs. "Of course! The cops are not for either of us. We're just students. We don't commit uhh crimes! Maybe the most terrible thing a normal student could do is cheating."
You grant her the 'what the fuck' look. Peach is totally acting suspiscious right now. Yeah, sure. You certainly suspect that they are all gangsters, but—but did Peach, Alessio, and Dante commit a crime that made the cops come here?
You snap out of your thoughts when you see the silver-eyed Alessio suddenly begins to walk. What even more surprising is that he is heading towards the cops. What? "You need any help, kid?"the fat cop asks right as soon Alessio is front of them. Alessio gives you first a quick look before he says his words, emotionlessly asking the reason why the cops are there. The cops laugh. Both of them say that it isn't his business to meddle in, but they eventually say the reason.
"Missing kids," the thinner cop says, "They have been missing for days now." Alessio nods while your (E/C)-colored eyes widen from the news. Missing kids. What.
You have never heard reports regarding missing student from this school. "Well, anyways. Be careful. We don't really have any clues if those teens are still alive or not. Whether they're mainly kidnapped or killed. But to me, they're probably dead," the cop nonchalantly says, "It's impossible since there are no news about them for four days now."
Dante rolls his eyes, having an idea what the police are talking back. Certainly they are talking about the teens Dante has killed last Thursday night. Well not his fault. They were the first one who approached him. Tsk. The cops would never find their bodies since he has already sold their bodies to a fucking cannibal. Dante chuckles under his breath.
Kielle looks at him, confused.
"You think that's funny?" Kielle asks him, causing the blonde haired man immediately to stop. Of course the dumbass... He has no idea what kind of world he was living in before. Dante smirks. "Yes, I find that funny. Why? Do you have something to say?" He says those words, almost arrogant in a way.
Kielle opens his mouth, but you beat him to it. "Dante!" you reprimand him with a look of daggers. "That is not funny at all." Dante suddenly gets taken aback by your interruption as he fails to take notice that you' ve been listening in to their not-really-a conversation.
Of course. Dante is always prideful as hell. He doesn't back down. Not even to you. "Well, okay. That is your fucking opinion." He rolls his eyes after, irritating the fucking hell out of you.
Kielle helplessly looks back to Dante then you. You're about to retort back when Alessio suddenly steps in. A harsh glare that is directed to the inferior while a warm hand that is placed on your arm."Apologize" he darkly mutters to Dante. You are surprised but also relieved as Alessio is able to stop a verbal fight from forming over both of you and Dante.
Dante clicks his tongue but mutters his sorry. You also mutter back your apologies. Dante does not feel those negative feelings at you anymore when you said those. Dante sighs. Well, Dante is not mad at you. Just at that dumbass.
Clearly using you as his shield. Kielle's nothing when you're not there. Even their boss doesn't care for him anymore because he's totally empty. He has lost those passion; those anger. Those emotions that made Kielle become what he was before. A cold monster. The only reason why he's still here is because of his cousin. The bitch pleaded to Boss the night before. Alessio. Dante doesn't understand the reason why Alessio allowed the dumbass to stay.
Boss should have thrown him; he's useless.
Boss should have.
Dante angrily glares at Kielle's back who is now being dragged away by you. "(Y/N)'s so sweet, right?!" That bitch in the background cooes as she watches them too. "She brought us some food!" she giggles as she shows those treats to Alessio.
Alessio nods.
Dante tears his blue eyes from the fucking dumbass and snatches the paper bag from Peach without even saying any warnings to her. "We're gonna be fucking late from class if we continue to stay here, Bitch," he curses as he walks away from them.
Peach scowls at him but follows. Mentally cursing how fucking asshole Dante truly is.. Alessio silently follows behind them too as always. The cops watch them before focusing their attention to others. Ah teenagers. They're always like that. The police shrug off the conversations they just heard as they wait for the authorized people to arrive, so they can finally begin the investigation. Mrs. Nikolaise arrives sooner, looking worried, as she shows herself up.
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