Chapter 11 [ Part 6 ]
This chapter is filled with freaking Kielle.
since we kept writing about Ashes
Okay, baby time to shine ✨
actually this may be my favorite chapter.
==== Chapter 11 [ Part 6 ] ====
Throwing the golden-eyed Kielle a suspiscious look, you still feed him his (F/F) pizza. You do know that he could eat by himself now, but somehow he's acting strange. He doesn't touch his food. Instead when you are busy talking to his cousin, he would call for your attention by tugging your arm. Then you would notice him; and he would eye the box of pizza after to say his wants.
And what Kielle wants; he wants you to feed him. That sounds like a brat, but the poor Kielle isn't really a brat. Maybe he's just not in the mood? The tip of the pizza is almost touching his lips, but he stares at you first before quietly taking his first bite.
"You like it?" you ask
He nods then opens his mouth for a little more bite. The suspiscious look has wavered since his adorable manner has won you over. He's pretty cute when Kielle just acts like this.
Spotting the mess on his lips, you stand up, about to get some box of tissue that is resting on your study table. A hand suddenly prevents you though; and it's Kielle. The man looks at you with shimmering golden eyes. A little confused, you assume that he wants more pizza. So you place the pizza before his lips again, but he just blinks at you.
"Huh?" You tilt your head.
"Seems like he likes you so much." Peach widely grins. "Cousin doesn't want you to leave." This scheming girl. Your friend is at it again. Both your cheeks has become slight pink. You shake your head; and you almost throw Peach a playful slap. Thanks to Kielle however, you're stuck with him.
He does not want to let you go. "Kielle," you tell him, trying to pull your hand away. He only blinks his gold- colored eyes at you as if your words are unheard. Your friend giggles while chewing her pizza. It's a no secret. Peach ships you with him!
"Fine." You give up, huffing.
"Peach, lend me a hand over here. Reach that tissue for me," you tell her, very irritated. Peach is about to, but a cruel idea lights up in her mind.. She smiles and slowly chews her food. You give her that strange look when no actions are done by her. She just has that grin plastered over her face as if intending to irritate you.
"Peach," you drawl, shooting her a look of daggers.
"Wipe that yourself." Peach winks at you, causing your cheeks to darken. "Cousin surely wouldn't mind. Kielle likes you anyways. Hahahaha!!!" Peach laughs, but that sounds like an evil laughter.
You glare at her and try to lunge yourself at your friend. However Kielle! You look at Kielle, and he looks at you with those empty golden eyes. Somehow that look— it melts your heart; so you softly sigh out and give up. He only lets go of your arm when he is sure that you won't leave him again.
But that mess!! Your heart thumps; he just looks like a freaking adorable kiddo. You'll wipe it later. We cannot wipe it with our own hands. So instead of accepting the white-haired girl's suggestion, you proceed to feed him. Peach pouts, quite disappointed that you didn't wipe his lips with your hand. That scene would probably be very romantic if you only did so.
Well, whatever—
Peach's eyes shimmer when she sees Kielle not accepting that pizza anymore. You're beyond confused when Kielle does not. He looks at you with a quiet look. Peach takes it as an opportunity to assume something out of it. "Cousin might want you to feed yourself instead of him now," she brightly says.
Your eyebrows furrow. "What are you say—"
Peach gasps, immediately covering her mouth as Peach does so. "Oh my gosh! Cousin is nodding!" You narrow your eyes; but when you see it for yourself, you almost freaking have a heart attack. Your cheeks turn red when Kielle gently pushes the pizza back to you. You throw a quick look at the pizza then back to him.
"Oh—" you are speechless. "Um— thank you."
Kielle nods.
Peach smiles so wide. Her heart's quickly racing for the sight of you guys. "(Ship Name) is sailing!" she squeals. You roll your eyes at your childish friend, yet a smile on your face betrays the irritation you are trying to pull off. Tsk. Kielle isn't even aware of what he's doing. Like he. He's still sick, right?
You turn to Kielle who now looks at the wall mirror. He blinks his eyes at his own reflection. You realize that his lips are still messy; so while he is occupied gazing at his image, you take it the chance to walk to your study table. While you mentally count one, two, three as you quietly take the tissues, something stops you.
Or rather someone stops you.
Your heart stops.
His voice — Is that his voice?! You stiffen as you, wide-eyed, look down at the three tissues that are held by your right hand. You do not turn around, not yet and not now. Soo familiar and not so familiar. The last time you heard his voice is your first day of your school. You feel some thing in your stomach, and it doesn't feel so good. Your heart almost stops when he calls for you again. "(Y/N)," Kielle says.
No hate. No anger. It even sounds like smiling(?)
Not only you are surprised, Peach also is. You can hear your friend gasp. You can hear her happiness while she calls Kielle. "Cousin! Cousin?! Oh my gosh! You could talk now. Do you— do you—" You let go some air that you're not aware that you are holding. After composing yourself, you turn around
— and see him smile?! Kielle's smiling at you. Smiling very wide. Your face heats up, and you wonder why he. Why he is smiling at you right now like something has happened? You cannot stand his smile, and you turn to Peach who's embarrassedly blushing for you. What? A confused look adorns your face. Peach does not bother answering what's up; so Kielle answers. Kielle answers, chuckling.
"(Y/N), you have ketchup on your pants.."
He points, still chuckling. And you are confused. Quite confused with his sudden change of personality... Quite confused with his words. Quite confused with his every thing. So slow to take his words in, you just gape at the golden-eyed boy.
Peach softly blushes for you.
Not wanting to embarrass her friend any more longer in front of her strange cousin, she snatches her small pink bag, takes the napkin, and walks over to you. "What he meant is that you have that red stain on your pants," she whispers to your ear.
And everything finally dawns on you. Your eyes widen, and you almost fucking scream at the embarrassment. A gasp instead leaves your lips. Quickly taking the napkin from Peach, you shamefully run to the restroom. But not before you get your jacket that is lying on the swiveling chair.
Fuck, you murmur to yourself.
With the door shutting close, Kielle and Peach is alone inside your room. A smile is still lingering his face. No signs of actually going away. Peach, on the other hand, turns her attention to Kielle, curiously wondering if her cousin is truly fine. The way he is acting right now.. He isn't acting the Kielle he should be, but he is acting like Kielle— the Kielle she knows before...
"Peachie, what's wrong?"
Kielle turns to her cousin with a concerned look. Peach almost gasps but is able to stop herself.. She presses her lips as she look down at her lap... So Kielle... her sweet cousin is back. "I'— I'm fine," she softly murmurs. He smiles, hearing her reply.
Kielle smilingly says while shuffling her hair. While that happens, there is Ely peeking by the small space of your slightly opened door. She has come to visit you and well surprised you with a spaghetti she has made for you.
Well, actually.. When Ely arrived at your house, she's so confused why your door's broken. Ely let herself in. Not because she wanted to, but to make sure that you're fine. But boi. You are fine, truly fine. Ely feels her own heart getting broken again; and she is very sad. Truly, you do not need her anymore.
You have them; you have them already.
Ely steps back and turns around, leaving your house— unannounced. Why would she even bother telling you? After all, you do not care. While Ely goes away, Peach spots her departing figure through the open little space. However Peach doesn't care. She just looks away from your friend with a smile as she focuses back on Kielle. "Kielle?" she says.
Kielle rolls his eyes.
"I thought you're supposed to call me Kie, Peachie."
"Tsk, Kie then," the girl says with a smile. Everything's going fine. Everything's finally going fine for her. You. Kielle. Alessio. Peach cannot stop smiling until it hurts. She is happy. She is finally one-hundred percent happy. Kielle is finally back, and he doesn't seem to remember those dark times in his life; and that's good. That's good. Peach doesn't want her cousin to get broken again. She wants him smiling like before.
"I miss you, Kie," she tells him.
"Hmm. Me too."
"Are you gonna take longer, (Y/N)," Kielle yells to you. You roll your eyes within while you tie the dark colored jacket around your waist... "Shut up," you mutter under your breath while you silently ponder to your self.. how you're going to face your friend's cousin. Damn it. I'm freaking scared, you tell yourself; but you still push the door opens.
Kielle's bright smile is the first thing you see. And you blush for the hundredth time of the day.
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