Chapter 10 [ Part 5 ]
==== Chapter 10 [ Part 5 ] ====
A hand suddenly covers your lips and wraps around your waist while you find yourself being pulled to the side just before you can even enter your classroom. Eyes widen— your body stiffen as your mind suddenly assumes it's that red-haired teen.
Getting ready to bite the hand, you are suddenly hushed. You immediately stop yourself from initiating your plan upon realizing that the owner of this voice is Dante..and not Ashes.
Making certain that you aren't going to scream, the teen finally drops his hold. You turn around and Dante puts a finger on his lips as if telling you to silence yourself. As your (E/C) eyes turn to the others, you see Peach giving you a lip smile.
"Hi," she mouths.
"Hi," you mouth back— though you are not aware why they drag you here. As you question why, Dante cannot help but roll his oceanic blue eyes on your cluelessness. Well, he couldn't blame you. You're totally unaware of what is going on. So instead gathering the answer from them, you look for yourself.
Peering through the window while you hide behind the wall, you almost gasp when his chocolate– brown eyes nearly lands on you. Of course, Ashes. He is, of course, waiting for you to appear and go home along with him.
What makes it more worse is that dad called you earlier. Dad has apparently allowed the guy to stay for the night because he has scheduled happy family bonding time or rather some anime marathon for you three.
With your heart beating so fast, you quickly step away from that window. "Ashes is there. What should I do? I don't want to watch some animes with him," you say, almost heavily breathing at the thought of your father suddenly drifting off to sleep... and Ashes taking that chance to cuddle you.
"Father wants him to stay for the night and watch anime with us," you softly answer, flustered. The man does not still seem to grasp it, but he does not dig further into the matter.
"Well, like always, we're going to escape you"
Dante places a hand on your shoulder. Your (E/C) eyes avert to Peach, and she nods in agreement to his words. You sigh. Well, of course you are going to escape from Ashes. Also you do remember making a promise to her cousin that you are going to be back to their house on Friday again.
"My stuff," you quietly murmur, saying your worries to your friends. Since all your stuff is inside the room; and Ashes is in there too... You're going to have a hard time dodging him. Dante doesn't seem troubled though. That man only looks down at his phone, checking the time. A small air is breathed out.
"Well... certainly that cunt would bring it to your house. That's nothing to be worried for," Dante assures you— almost making you laugh from what he has termed that red-haired man. But of course you shut your mouth, not wanting to be heard by Ashes.
"So let's go?"
Peach asks, not wanting to stay here any longer. You are hesitating, not really wanting to put your school stuff to Ashes's care; but it seems like you have no choice. He'll probably force you to join him again if he sees you. Soo, throwing a quick glance to Ashes, you nod to the white- haired girl's words after.
Peach smile and grabs your hand.
Running away with the man trailing behind your figures, there's Ely watching you guys from a distance. Envy is plastered on her face. Sadness and a little bit of betrayal. It's obvious that you prefer their companies much more than Ely's. But that's how it works. Space and distance.. those can totally make a crack in friendship.
She sighs and turns to her friend.
"Are you just going to let them go?" Mocha asks.
"Seems like she has someone anyways," Ely says as she shrugs you off from her thoughts and concerns. And just what Peach did to you, Ely takes her Mocha's hand and walks to the opposite side.
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