Chapter 1 [ Part 4 ]
===== Chapter 1 [ Part 4 ] =====
A girl trips on her feet just close before you. Her instant noodles, which she holds, drops with her simultaneously. Spilling out its very hot contents.Your (E/C) eyes widen. Immediately you drop onto your own knees and help her stand up from the mess.
"I suggest you stay away from her unless you want to be bullied too," Some senior guy unhelpfully advices when you tear your eyes from the girl and turn to look at those culprits who are responsible of this. They appear to be a group of three seniors.
Your friend Ely quickly hurries to your side and tries to pull you away from the girl. You are still shocked.. Did some guy just threathen to bully you? You quickly pull away from Ely's grasp and persist in helping the bullied.
"Ely, let me be!" you yell at your friend then face those seniors with glaring eyes. Though they may be stronger than you, that does not give them the right that they can just bully the weak.
"I'm gonna report you, guys," you say to them.
To your surprise, they only laugh. "You're such a wimp. Reporting us won't do you any good," the tallest of the group speaks with that smug grin, "Yes. The authorities may give us detention, but that is it. We'll still continue bullying losers."
"Loser!" Some teen with lots of freckles drawls at you, even daring to stick out a tongue as a sign of mockery. What the hell, you mentally swear. You did not like the treatment you are receiving from those seniors. They're quite weird too, appearing to be pleased with their own disdainful behaviors.
"(Y/N)," your friend whispers, pleading.
You ignore your friend's pleading as you glare at those seniors. They are really testing your patience. You walk towards them, and the red- haired guy in the center gets taken aback by your boldness. The guy takes a one step back, only finding himself to be stepping on someone's foot.
Before he knew it, he is thrown to the ground.
Your eyes widen upon the new existence. It's him. His blank silver-steel eyes meet yours before distastefully giving the fallen guy a look. Later, at those dirty shoes. Alessio's silver eyes darken.
The man doesn't have to send out an order anymore. His inferior is very much aware of what he should do. Dante eyes narrow at the stranger, gritting his teeth and curling his fists.
Dante, without a warning, runs toward that clueless man and throws a damn strong punch on his face for each and every seconds. Your hands fly up to your lips. (E/C) eyes widen. The sight in front of you's brutal, and you wonder why no one is stopping it. Where are the guards?! Where are his so-called friends?
"He's going to die," your friend Ely exclaims, horrified.
You turn to the other seniors, but they couldn't be found anymore. They're pretty much the losers when they can't even protect their friend from these two scary people. As you avert your eyes to the girl you helped earlier, you see her walking towards the handsome guy with a big smile. They know each other? you think.
But you do not have time to remain on that thought. You still have to stop some crazy guy from killing the "bully." Though it is kinda satisfying to watch, this is still wrong. You calmly walk towards the blonde haired guy. Dante's about to land another punch on the guy's so bruised face when he felt a hand stopping his raised arm.
"Hey, stop. You're gonna kill him."
His oceanic blue eyes glare at your (E/C) ones. "Yes. I'm really gonna kill him, so stop ho—" he growls then stops. Taking in your appearance, Dante realized that you're the girl from earlier. He internally smirks. "Oh well well well. Aren't you the one who bumped Boss earlier?" You let go of his arm when you're certain that he won't hurt the poor man anymore.
He tries to get closer to you while you slowly take a step back, weirded out by his sudden change of attitude. Boss? you wonder to yourself. Then it dawns on you that he was talking about the black- haired man. As if automatic, your (E/C) eyes take a glimpse of him.
He's still with the girl. She's talking to him, but he's just ignoring her. Your brows furrowed, confused, but before you know it, he noticed you. Your cheeks are dusted pink. You turn away from him.
He's really handsome, you can't help but praise his looks in your mind.
Not even completely aware that the man in front of you right now is opening his bag.The guy known as Dante is about to get his gun from his bag and give you the bullet you totally deserved.
And you're surely gonna be dead after this.
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