Chapter 10
"Well, you definitely need help doing whatever. And you seem trustful, so.. I'll help! Let's go to U.A!"
"People would catch us and send us to jail or something if we do that!" Montaro hisses.
You smirk. "Chillax bruh, I've got it."
Montaro raise an eyebrow. "How?"
"Well, see, when I fell into the store, I met Mina, Mina Ashido and invited her back to my place to read some fanfiction." Montaro slapped himself on the forehead. Hard.
He sighed and starts to mutter to himself. He eventually shuts up.
"Anyway, Blback to the story. Then, after that, she invited me to U.A, so I chilled with Mina and Hakagure, asked Kirishima for directions and went home. Then I went to school, met you and here we are."
"Oh. Oh! Oh! That's good, so we can go in there now, right?!" You nod. "Mhmm! Let's go!" You and him walk to U.A.
"This is nice." You comment, the evening sun beating down your back.
"Yeah, it is. But I'm too excited for this! Let's hurry up!" He grabs you by the hand and drags you away, you quickly catching up.
"Hey, hey! Lemme just-" You adjust your position, allowing you to be next to him. "There we go! Now let's go!" You arrive there, gasping for air.
"Damn it, I should start exercising more..." You groan. Montaro simply hum in agreement. The both of you walk in. Luckily, the security guard remembers you and lets you and Montaro pass, giving the both of you a TSA approved pat down then giving you both a thumbs up. Thanking him, you head straight towards Class 1A's dorm. All a sudden, Montaro starts to shake. You look at him, worried.
"Dude? Dude, you okay?" He took a deep breath and answered.
"I'm fine. I just remembered something."
"Totally. I get that feeling all the time and you're like... Crap! I forgot my essay today or something."
He nods in agreement quickly. You both have reach the door.
"Now, who's gonna knock, me or you?"
"Me." He reached up and knocked the door softly. Nobody replied, but a loud yell caused the both of you to enter.
Bakugou and Kirishima laid on the floor, faces only inches apart from each other. Mina was standing in front of the doorway, taking pictures and silently squealing.
After a while, you clear your throat, turning everyone's attention to you. "So, Mina, what did you do?"
At this sentence, Bakugou got it quickly, yelled 'F*** you' and left, leaving Kirishima on the floor.
"Excuse me, are we going to well them or not?" Montaro interrupts the silence.
"Oh, yeah, before I forget. This is Montaro, a friend of mines." He waves. "Nice to meet you."
"So, what happened, Kirishima~?" You tease. Hell is going to come to him.
"N-nothing." He denies, even though he knows the both of you saw the whole thing.
"Please explain Kirishima. I go... easier when it comes to my ships." You explain.
"Oh. Well, to put it, em... We were doing sit-ups when he suddenly came, sat on me, and.. yeah." He looks at everywhere but not you.
"Oh. That's great!" You shake him. "Now, you get your cough crush cough! Good job!"
"I mean, it is pretty good, considering he made the first move. Now you just have to continue the cycle and pretty soon, you could be dating. So, this would be a pretty good time to make a move, Kirishima." Montaro suggests. You look at him with wide eyes, and so does Mina.
He's one of us.
"Anyways,do any of you know where the... I mean, Mr. Aizawa's class is?" Montaro ask.
"2nd floor, the one with the huge door that says 1A." Mina replies.
"Thank you !" You say, grabbing Montaro and ran out of there.
You arrive at your destination and rap on the door. As expected, a tall man with big under eye circles answered. "Yes?" He notice you.
"Oh. You? What do you need help with anything?" He asked.
"Yep, it relates with my friend here, but it's a private case. Can he talk inside with you? Because I only met him just yesterday, he does not trust me enough to talk to me about his issue. So, can he?" You ask. Mr. Aizawa nods. He and Montaro steps inside the class while you wait outside, far far away from the door.
After a while, Montaro and Mr. Aizawa walks out.
"Hi. How'd it go?"
"Wanna go back?"
You wonder what's wrong and decide to ask. "Montaro, what's wrong?"
"You know, when I get back home, are my parents going to get mad? Be disappointed that I disappeared without a fight?"
"Of course not! Ya know, I just met you for a day, but I feel you're going to be a great person in the future! This is just to a trial kind of thing. So just believe in yourself, okay?"
He nods hesitantly. "C'mon, don't be like that, ya slug!" You encourage.
"Slug, really?"
"I don't know how to cheer people up, but that's my best! Hmph!" You turn away, a bit mad.
He laughs. "You're weird."
"Damn right I am! Watcha gonna do about it!?"
"Correct answer! Now let's have a sleepover."
"But our homework..."
Oh yeah. I forgot."
"So, homework first, then sleepover?"
"Sure! Besides, you don't really have a place to stay don't you?"
He nods. "Then, let's go!"
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