Chapter 1
TW//: Foul language, mentions of a dead body (no gore, it's just there), alcohol consumption, gun mentions, mild violence.
If some of those count, hooray I'm not crazy.
You walk up the steps to the large Manor House, soft pants slipping your lips. As you walk closer to the manor, you begin to see just how large it is- its styling looks like it was from the medieval ages... or that's your weariness getting to you. Most likely the latter. It was a few minutes just to get here anyway. The grey-stoned bricks towered over you as you observed closer. The lights were on, casting out a soft orange glow to the surrounding area. You stood in front of a tree as you looked at your watch- "7:55"... at least you made it in somewhat on time. You look over at the garage, the dark brown shudders are shut. Why were you looking over there again? Who cares, here for the party your friend- who is the Mayor- brought you along to. You pan your eyes over to the entrance, ignoring the two laying lion statues beside the stone railings on the stairs and focus your eyes on someone in beige walking up the steps. They stop before the door, hands on their hips. You approach. They shook their head- an unknown emotion to the stranger standing in front of you, they turned their head to the side- before fully snapping around as they noticed you. The man seemed to be wearing a safari or explorer outfit. They had short, dirty blonde hair barely seen underneath a beige-coloured safari hat with a leather strap. He is also wearing a beige-coloured safari-or-something jacket with a white and red patch on the left chest- a badge possibly? and a winged crest-like metallic thing on the right side. Their jacket has black buttons and flap pockets on each side, under the possible badges and crest, or whatever it was, oh and a red bandana around his neck, underneath the jacket though. And from what you could see in the dim light of the pale grey clouded sky, they had tanned skin. They were staring directly at you with dark grey eyes... they were... a little intimidating. You'd rather not break eye contact to look at their whole body. Who knows? They could kill you right this second...
"Oh, bully! And here I thought I was gonna be the last guest to arrive. I'm Charlie J Burnham, but my friends call me the Colonel. You're welcome to do the same, should it please you. But, uh......after you."
Charlie, or 'Colonel' said as he gestured his arms out towards the door, you walk up the few steps to reach the door. The glass was frosted, with intricate details of... whatever the Hell that leaf-looking thing was. You step inside.
As you shut the door behind you, someone was immediately in front of you- you could see your friend talking with somebody else in the distance. This was a new person, a butler, it seems. They had a white undershirt on, with a black vest and black bow tie. They had fair skin, short chocolate brown hair and dark brown eyes. And a stubble beard.
"Ah, bonjour! Welcome to Major Manor. Your invitation, please."
They asked, they're the butler then. You hand over the invitation, the white envelope almost blinding in the bright light of the entryway, '(Y/N) District Attorney' labelled on the front just above the golden sticker that held the letters flap onto the paper. The butler took it with a white-gloved hand. You had a brief moment to look at the room- The hallway had a large, brown, wooden door that stood to your left. The white floor is polished and gleaming, and the walls are a soft white. Behind the butler, on the right, was a statue of... crystallised Lady Dimitrescu... okay then... back to the left. Further in, to the room behind the butler, on the left wall- all you could see was an ornate grey pillar with dark oak behind it. The floor in that room was two steps down until your feet hit the shiny, polished, and wooden flooring. Your friend, Jacob, and also the Mayor of the city you live in, was there. Behind him stood a black... something, you couldn't tell- but it was roughly three or feet from base to top, it had a desk stand of four small lamps atop with pairs of three candles at the sides of it. Beige curtains pulled open, only to show void behind the window that was there. You turn your attention back to the butler.
"Very good, very good. Right this way. Good luck at the table tonight. I shall fetch you a drink forthwith."
The Butler said as he slowly brought you into the room, stepping out of the way and disappearing from view as you entered the area. Walking over to Jacob and whoever was beside him. Jacob was fancy today, his brown hair still short and not covering his face, but still hard to directly see his face even without the hair, tanned skin looking just slightly paler in the light. But now he was wearing his Mayoral suit, from this angle you can only see the black suit jacket and dress pants, the collar of his white undershirt, the small white flower pinned on the left side of his chest and fancy-shiny-whatever black, short-heeled dress shoes. He was talking to a person who was wearing a tan coat over a blue undershirt and a dark-greyish-brown vest with a possible yellow tie underneath the vest, and black pants. They have purple-dyed hair with small white flecks in, it that hit their shoulders. The bangs tucked back behind their ears to not fall into their face while listening to Jacob. Their skin is fair- or maybe it's just the lights. They're standing close to a couch, their hand on it. Jacob had noticed you as you got closer, his eyes lit up in recognition. He flashed a smile as he turned his attention to you. You can see him properly now. Black tuxedo, fake white flower pinned on the left, a black badge that said 'Mayor' on the right. White bow tie, white low-cut vest. A white handkerchief tucked in his right pocket, under the Mayor's badge. His green eyes shone with kindness as always, freckles dotted all over his cheeks and branching across his nose like small pale mud flecks on his skin. The purple-haired person left as Jacob turned his full attention to you.
"Oh! There you are, old friend. How are you settling into your new office?"
Jacob asked, but before you could respond kept on going... classic Jacob.
"Now I know it'll take some getting used to, but there's no one I would rather have alongside me to protect this great city of ours. Now, I'll see you at the table soon, but try not to rob me blind again. We'll catch up soon."
Jacob said, still smiling before walking away. Leaving you to take one last glance at the room you were in, a quick one, you didn't care too much about it anyway. The possibly living room had a grand piano, a fireplace, a large armchair, a side table with a lamp, and a coffee table, all in a spacious room with now cream-coloured walls from the lighting, ornate ceilings, and plush carpeting. You didn't care much to carry on observing as you walked to the next room. And there was yet another person with tan skin, probably the chef judging by their white chef's coat and hat, they had black trousers too. Their hair was long, black and very curly. They held a silver ladle in hand as they started grabbing a rectangular silver serving tray off of the dark wooden table, the table had ornate carvings on the legs. Cool. There were chairs with brown upholstery around the table, and directly above the centre of the said table was a large crystal chandelier that cast a soft glow. Behind the chairs was a sideboard, ornate grey legs branching their designs to connect. Three black thin, long and very weird vases sat on the sideboard beside another vase, a larger, shorter one, filled with various monochrome-coloured fake plants. Yet again, brown curtains on your left pulled back from the empty void outside. You approached the chef as he picked up the tray, and turned to you. His face was very, very unfriendly, harsh even.
"If you're looking for hors d'oeuvres, I'll get 'em when I'm good and ready!"
The Chef snarled in your face, turning and walking to the dark wooden doorway, with a lack of a door. You can catch a glimpse of a roughly two-foot-tall statue of the Chef on top of a counter but get distracted as the Chef turns back to you and shoves his ladle extremely close to your face. Brushing the tip of your nose, you stepped back a little.
"And stay out of my kitchen!"
The Chef said harshly before the Butler had now appeared, holding a flat silver tray with small margarita glasses on.
"Now, now. Let's not be rude to our guests."
The Butler said, standing two steps higher, and over out near the entryway- not in this dining room portion yet. You walked over to him, he looked at you.
"So sorry about that. Here's your champagne. Enjoy your evening."
The Butler said, passing over one of the glasses filled with the alcoholic beverage. You gave him a soft nod of appreciation as he left to go give out more of the champagne. Leaving you alone in front of a wooden staircase with a black and white patterned carpet leading up to the upper floor. The dark wooden handrail is adorned with a garland of flowers, and the walls are dark wood panelling. There is a large window with a diamond pattern on the left that was repeated with the two other windows up the staircase. There's also an armchair upholstered in a red and gold fabric and a small dark table. But you drift your eyes away from a simple chair to someone coming down the stairs, quick-paced steps.
"Welcome, welcome, one and all!"
It was the man of the house himself walking down those steps, Scott Auto-Sitas Major. That's why this manor is called Major Manor because it's his (duh). His cyan hair shone softly in the dim lighting of the staircase as it was pulled back from his face into a man bun, his dark blue eyes staring down at you as you walked closer. His red, silky gown flowed and wrapped around his body as he descended the steps, he slowed down a few steps up before hitting the ground, to not fall as he spoke. His skin was pale, and unblemished, like porcelain. No wonder this man was an Actor, an A-tier and worldwide known one at that, he's pretty.
"Thank you for joining me on this auspicious evening. So good to be surrounded by such close and trusted friends."
Scott gestured at you once he said trusted. Wasn't that a compliment? Hah... okay enough, listening time.
"Now, this evening isn't all about the poker. It's not all about me. It's about you."
He specifically pointed at you when he said that, wonder why... this isn't foreshadowing, right?
"So drink up and be merry! Life is for the living! And who knows? I could be dead tomorrow."
Scott laughed as you downed your champagne.
He wouldn't die tomorrow. It was unlikely he'd die tomorrow. That would be stupid. Utterly stupid. Right?
Fuzzy, your vision was swirling and blurring as you vaguely balanced on the verge of fully blacking out on the alcohol. You can vaguely see your poker cards, the chips, anyone. You tried to look up but your head span as you observed the table.
The purple-haired one now had two bandanas on their head awfully, one red and one white. Crossing over each other, wrapping around their forehead to the back. They lost their jacket simply in their undershirt, vest, tie and hopefully pants, you don't want to look down. They were waving someone off, like a joke was just made.
Now the purple-hair is cheering as Scott does some... weird dance thing.
You see the purple-haired person's face from an extremely awkward angle.
You're giving Scott the middle finger as he simply laughs with his head down at the poker table.
Oh, great. You're watching as the Butler and purple-hair help Jacob do a keg stand.
You're in the kitchen, watching the Chef angrily stare at you while he cleans cups.
Jacob, purple-hair, and the Butler are playing beer pong now.
The Colonel has cards in hand, showing them off. Can't really read them right now, your vision is too blurry and spinny.
You're in the kitchen again, watching as the Chef cooks while angrily staring at you still.
Purple-hair is pointing at you and coming closer. Uh oh.
Purple-hair and Scott are laughing at the poker table. Why? You don't know. You keep blacking out.
Purple hair is showing off their cards as the Colonel aggressively stares them down. Very aggressively.
Oh yay watching Jacob, Butler and purple-hair beer pong again... the balls are thrown, you watch intently as they slowly fly by. Why's it slow?... you don't know. And you're too drunk to care.
Now the Colonel has purple-hair in a headlock. Uh oh.
Purple-hair is back to walking at you, their finger-pointing stopped as they continued at you with a possible scowl. You're too drunk to care.
The Colonel is still choking purple-hair as they try to escape.
Beer pong. Purpke-hair's of the cups fell off the knights arms. The other two balls went in.
The Colonel is holding a silver flask. The Butler has his hands up in 'no, I can't'. Purple-hair is drinking in the background. The Colonel throws the flask.
Purple-hair is close to you, a few feet away. What they doing? Dunno... oh wait- ARE THEY GONNA PUNCH—
You are now flipping off the Butler. To his confusion.
Wait... wait... gun? What? Huh? Hello? Is this Russian Roulette now?
Jacob, the Butler, are celebrating their successful beer pong shot. Purple-hair is sad at their failure.
Colonel is pointing a gun at purple-hair who has their arms open, almost asking to be shot.
Scott threw poker chips at your face. Ow.
Colonel now is pointing the gun to his head, purple-hair is still alive, laughing.
no wait purple-hair isn't punching you- OH GOD ELBOW— you hit the floor. Where you hit? Ah... uh... dunno... oh, Jacob's here now. He crouched down by you, face over yours, he looked concerned in drunk man. Softly patting the side of your face to make sure you're still alive.
...oh, bedroom. You're placed on a bed now. It's 1:30...
An alarm goes off, forcing you out of the unconscious state you where previously in. It's 8:30. You sit up on the bed and stretch slightly as you proceed to stand up, ignoring your surroundings as you slip out the door. You immediately see the Butler waiting for you. A tray with a glass on top, a murky white liquid in the glass. You where upstairs now, how did you get here... Ah, who cares. The flooring was a plush, white carpet. The walls still a cream colour. There's a small round glass table behind the Butler that had a white bowl-shaped vase with more fake plants in. A lamp chandelier hung above it. The brown curtains still pulled wide open, showing the blinding white void of day.
"Ah, good morning. Hope you've had a good night's rest. I've prepared for you a seltzer with cocaine. Best thing for the morning after, if you ask me."
He gave you a joking wink after he passed over the glass before leaving. Jacob was behind him, standing at the railing before the stairs. Staring outside of the window. He suddenly turned to you, knowing your presence was there. He smiled at you.
"Ah, there's our little monster! You really knocked 'em dead last night. I haven't seen you go wild like that since our days at university. Good to let the beast out every once in awhile, eh, old friend?"
Jacob was smiling, but then it faltered. He glanced away before glancing back.
"Then again, I'm-I'm still not exactly sure as to what we're supposed to be celebrating here. I mean- it's good to have the old gang back together, but...out of the blue like this seems..."
Jacob stopped himself, returning back to his soft smile. Wonder what he would've said...
"Anyway, now is not the time to become conspiratorial. Life is ours to choose, as I always say. I have some work to finish, but I'll meet you at breakfast. We'll all catch up soon."
Jacob gave you a soft nod before walking away. You walk down the stairs, as your feet hit the cold wooden floor and you turn a short corner. You see the knight in all its armoured glory, you can't remember what it was for but... you know something was played with it. You turn around and walk on, unable to observe the new room you found other than there's a fireplace as something fell as lighting struck, thunder booming in the sky, flickering the lights. Scott fell with the lighting strike.
Scott's dead body.
It laid limp of the floor, mouth part slightly, staring straight forwards with a dead gaze. You didn't want to observe it. Oh my God...
"Did anyone hear that lighting?"
The familiar voice of the purple-hair called from near by, rounding the corner.
They exclaimed, in a white dressing gown. Their eyes stared at Scott's dead body in horror, shock. Lighting struck again. The Butler rounded the corner.
"Excuse me, did you hear light—OH MY GOD MURDER!"
The Butler exclaimed as well. Lighting struck. Immediately slipping by you to round the other side of Scott's dead body. Now the Chef rounded the corner.
"Did you—? MUUUURDER!"
The Chef exclaimed, their voice raised an octave, pointing at Scott's dead body. Lighting struck. Purple-hair grabbed your collar, bringing you close to their face.
"What the Hell happened here? Who's in charge around here?"
Purple asked before they let go of you, still close to your face.
"Trick question: that guy."
Purple pointed at dead Scott, you glance down at the body- the Butler was by Scott, their gloves hand on Scott's back. You look back at purple.
"And he's dead now, which makes ME in charge. So you better listen up good, bucko. 'Case you haven't heard, there's been a bit of a... killin'."
Purple glanced at the Chef, who's eyes where trained on the ceiling. Then glanced over at Butler, before back at you.
"And you're my prime suspect!"
Oh... are they a "detective" now? Better than calling them purple...
"So you better get to explaining right quick as to what, where, when and why you happen to be here upon this man's death!"
The "Detective" exclaimed, eyes focused on you sharply.
"Sir, the body is cold. He's been dead a while."
The Butler chimed in, standing up now. The Butler and the "Detective" store at each other for a second, the "Detective" chuckled.
"A likely story! That I happen to believe completely. All right, you're off the hook for now, but I'm a detective, and—"
The Chef jabbed the "Detective", intruding on their sentence.
"Oh, yeah? Prove your a real dick!"
The Chef snarled. What an angry chef... anyways. The "Detective" rolled their eyes, digging in their gown pocket and pulling something out.
"Here's my badge. Asshole."
The Detective spat back, showing off the shiny silver badge that they had. Even showing it to you as well... a hold line of pictures fell out, all connected to each other, all greyscale.
"Ah, those are my old partners. Don't ask me about them. Fine! I'll tell you."
The Detective snarled. You didn't even ask—
"Each one of them died. Each death more tragic than the last. A few of them even dies in ironically hilarious ways."
You shared a glance with the Chef as the Detective spoke. What the Hell?
"Which made it all the more tragic. But hey, you look like you're up to the task. You're my new partner."
The Detective said. You shook your head aggressively, HELL no. Fuck no. Nuh uh. The Detective only laughed.
"That's what all my old partners used to say. Right before they died."
The Detective paused their words. You look over at the Chef who was just as confused and scared for your own safety as you. Uh oh.
"All right. Hand me the fingerprinting kit behind you, partner."
The Detective gave you a wink, you spun around to the green, velvet couch. Looking at both ends. There was nothing there... you turn back around. The whole scene now has caution tape around it, the Detective was back in their clothes and not the gown. Holding a small black rectangular box in hand. The Butler to their left and Chef to their right. The Butler seemed to be thinking as he had his arms crossed. Deep thinking.
"Thanks, partner."
The Detective said, throwing the box on the white sheet that now covered Scott's dead body. The Detective crouched down and peeled up the sheet, looking at the body, the Chef peered in to. You slipped under the tape as the Chef got up, looking over to the door-less doorway- Jacob walked in, his face immediately turned into confusion, his brows furrowed.
"What the Hell happened here?"
Jacob asked, you pan your eyes to the Butler who's mouth opened, to speak, duh.
"Oh! Mr. Mayor. I'm so sorry. There's been a murder."
The Butler said. Thunder struck again.
"A murder? Who?"
Jacob asked, his voice softer than usual from the mild shock. Thunderclap.
"It's Scott."
The Chef said with a shrug, the Detective stayed crouched by the body.
"I'm afraid he's telling the truth. Scott's been... killed."
The Detective said, still crouched by the body.
"Why? Who would do this?"
Jacob asked, gesturing to the covered body of Scott's.
"That's exactly what me and my new partner here are here to find out."
The Detective got up, gesturing to you before putting their hand on their hips. You didn't want to be their partner. Shut up purple hair.
"Um, excuse me. I feel like we should call the authorities for them to handle this matter."
The Butler chimed in, a slight frown on his lips as he spoke to the Detective.
"Look, buddy. As far as you're concerned, I AM the authorities."
The Detective said, taking their badge and turning to the Butler to show him the badge, the pictures fell out again. The Butler raised a hand but lowered it, looking away.
"The fact of the matter is, I believe the killer is right here amongst us in this very house. With that freaky lighting storm outside, none of us would get very far, anyway. So, in the meantime, we're stuck here. But I'm going to get to the bottom of this."
In the time of the Detective's words, they had folded the pictures up and put their badge away. You hate being their partner, though nothing happened yet. The Detective basically shoved possible death down your throat.
"The rest of you, get back to your rooms, hunker down, and pray to God you're not next to be murdered"
The Detective said. Thunder again. God, that storm's persistent...
"I'll...I'll check up on our other guests."
The Butler said, before walking away.
"I'll get back to cooking. All this death made me hungry."
The Chef said, walking away as well. You focus your eyes on the stunned Jacob.
"I...I-I need to talk to the Colonel about this."
Jacob said, glancing at you while slowly backing away. Staring at Scott's covered dead body... he turned halfway, giving one last glance before turning fully and walking off.
"All right, partner. It's time to get to work. Judging by the temperature of the body that I measured rectally, which is obviously the most accurate way to get the inner body temperature of a corpse. That's a fact, totally procedure. Don't tell anyone I did it. I am sure Scott was killed around 1:30 a.m. last night."
You where crouched down with the Detective as they paused, before they shot up into a standing position. Pointing their finger at you.
"So what where YOU doing at 1:30 a.m. last night?"
The Detective asked. You where in bed. You can remember the hazy vision of the clock. You sleep with your eyes open.
"I'm going to ignore the strange fact that you sleep with your eyes open. But it checks out."
The Detective lowered their hand, you stood up.
"So, we need to figure out where everyone was and what they where doing around that time or, at the very least, who saw Scott last. You need to get out there. See if you can piece together the story of what happened last night. I'll stick around with the body and run more... tests."
The Detective said, bringing their hand up, folding all fingers except two and deeply sniffing them... what the Hell. You quickly walk away. Ducking under the tape to a place nearby, shrouded in shadows. A crack of a door was open. You—
"Oh, how can you be so flippant?"
Jacob's voice suddenly said from the room, almost angry... almost. You walk closer, peering into the gap, you see Jacob's silhouette faintly shone in a soft blue sliver.
"Flippant?! I'm taking this matter very seriously."
Someone else said... the Colonel?
"Oh, don't give me that horseshit! I know you hated him but...goddamnit, he reached out to you!"
Jacob stated. Wait- the Colonel hated Scott...?
"Oh, what do you want from me, then?"
The Colonel asked back, very unbothered by the whole situation.
"Wh- I want you to care!"
Jacob stated, his annoyance increasing more.
"Just because I'm not weeping like a child doesn't mean that I don't care."
The Colonel said with a scoff. Jacob was silent for a few seconds.
"I can't believe you. You come find me when you pull you head out your ass!"
Jacob spat. You flinched, Jacob rarely yelled, it's always a little shocking when he does. Jacob turned and walked to the door, stopped and stepped back for a second before slamming his hand through the crack and shoving the door open. Jacob's face was a flat line of pure annoyance...
"Excuse me..."
Jacob mumbled, you stepped backwards to let Jacob go by, you'll let him rest. Before entering the room Jacob was previously in, a theatre. This manor has a damn theatre. The floor was a full red, seats where faux leather and black. You took a sharp left in the dimly lit room to see the Colonel lounging in a black armchair. Windows behind him, the brown blinds shut. One of those circular lamp lights on the ceiling.
"Jacob, I don't—Oh!"
The Colonel paused, standing up.
"Ah! Good to see you again! You where quite the rapscallion at last night's festivities! But you're probably here to help the detective with their "investigation of murder.""
The Colonel threw their hands in the air for those-air quotes. Thunder struck.
"Anyway. I'll help you, I'll tell you what happen to our dear friend Scott."
The Colonel said.
""Oh, look at me! My name is Scott Major now! Forget all my friends or the people who helped me along the way; just look at my money! Oh, I need to pay people to be my friends! Ha ha ha! You like me? Too bad! Oh, glug glug! Oopise poopsie! I can't hold my booze. Gotta go off to the little boys' room. Who wants to join me? I'm gonna go there upon my stairs. MY house has more than ONE staircase. Oh, look at me and how great I AM! Oh no! I'm falling! Aaaah! Dead.""
The Colonel "explained" mockingly, doing over the top actions for it too.
"And that's what happened. Probably, anyway. So, if you need to corroborate this story with anybody else, just be on your way and investigate the entire house. Go now, I'll be here when you're done."
The Colonel said, waving you away with one hand. You turned around and started walking to the door- before the Butler popped in. Ushering you with him.
"Come with me. I need to show you something."
He said. You trailed behind, back through the crime scene. You look away for a second and now your in a new hallway, a window to a shrub the to a window behind the Butler. Sunlight streaming in its pale rays against the cream walls. You and the Butler walked on.
"Now, if you're looking for answers, there's really no mystery at all. There's not a single detail of this house I'm not privy to. And not a single guest I have not personally vetted."
The Butler said, occasionally glancing back at you. All of a sudden he stopped and snapped a turn to you, you stepped back in shock.
"Now I warn you: what you are about to see is not for the faint of heart. A domain of evil this is..."
The Butler said, leading you down two short steps to a staircase to a lower level. You can see the grey stone walling of the level below just appearing on the staircase, like the stones on the manor walls outside.
"But in we must go."
The Butler stepped to the first step- before completely backing away and opening a gate.
"You first."
He said. You looked down the staircase, then back at the Butler. You descend anyways. Stepping down into the coldness bellow the manors main floor. You step all the way in... it was just a wine cellar. A few barrels in the darkness. Under the pale, orange light of a celling lamp where two ornate chairs next to an also ornate table. You look over at the holder wine bottles, for the vast amount of shelves, there where only thirteen bottles. This wasn't bad... you look down. The grey slate floors— oh there's a broken bottle on the floor. The Butler came rushing in with a dust pan and broom... yes, a broom.
"AVERT YOUR EYES! I'm so sorry you had to see this! Master would be so displeased! If only he where still alive!"
The Butler sobbed loudly, a lot. You backed away before fully turning around and walking up the stairs. You blink and now your in the kitchen... how do you keep doing this. Anyways. You walk closer to the chef, cutting something aggressively. The counters where a polished dark grey marble, cabinets and cupboards an oak. The walls a cream colour like the rest of the house. But not the time for looking, time for talking. You walk closer as he slammed the knife with a full body motion. But as you came just a few feet apart... the Chef turned to you, knife pointed at you, ladle pointed out. He still has the ladle. But OH GOD KNIFE-
"I thought I told you to stay out of my kitchen!"
The Chef snarled. You backed up a few steps, away from the angry man with a knife and a ladle.
"Oh. You're helping that dick with his little investigation, huh? Well, I might look like a sweet and innocent man, but some people with short lifespans might think otherwise. I can't imagine why, can you? Last night, after I got rid of all the evidence...of that delicious meal I prepared, and wiped down all the fingerprints...from those filthy dishes. And sopped up all that blood...I retired to my room at 1:00 a.m. and left my little buddy in charge, like I always do."
The Chef used the knife to point at that statue of them you seen yesterday. He walked over, you only stepped closer. They softly kissed it's cheek. What.
"He sees everything. Why don't you ask HIM what happened last night?"
The Chef backed away as you stepped closer. Looking into the eyes of it... camera footage. It showed the room Mark died in, but on October 10th at 1:08 a.m., not helpful. And it's too dark to properly see. Next. The front entrance, October 9th 1:03 a.m., there was a mirror you didn't see coming in but that's not information. Next. Another view of the front entrance, October 8, 1:36 a.m., nothing. Next. October 7, 1:13 a.m., don't know where you're at but you can faintly see the Detective and Scott talking.
"Astral!" -Scott
"Scott! Good to see ya." -The Detective.
They shook hands.
"Great to see ya. Look, I'll cut right to the chase. Chef, butler, good?" -Scott
"Chef's an asshole, but he's clean. Uh...butler, he's a new guy. Also an asshole, but also clean." -The Detective
"Well, I wouldn't want it any other way." -Scott.
The footage cut there, completely cut. No more. You backed away from the statue, you looked around for the Chef... no where. You walked on, through the door-less doorway. You looked left, and pushed the glass door open. Stepping outside. Standing on a light grey stone patio area with a stone railing far away. There is a large lamppost over by the railing, black base that held several lights. Trees where behind this railing. You moved onwards. Walking around the small bend, you see Jacob, pacing. Shaking his head slightly. A gazebo was in front of him but who cares. Jacob turned and noticed you, he gave a soft sigh and walked over to you.
"Look, I'm sorry that you saw that argument with the Colonel. I lost my temper, it wasn't right and...he must be in shock. The Colonel's and eccentric; it's his best quality and his worst. But he's my friend, was Scott. I know I'm supposed to be a leader in this scenario, but I can't help but feel lost! I've known Scott for years, since we were kids! And he's just gone? I don't have any answers right now. I just need to be process all of this. We'll talk soon, but I need to think."
Jacob said, before turning away and walking off.
"Hey! Partner!"
The Detective's voice caught you off-guard. You spun around to them, they where crouched behind shrubbery.
"Get over here, now! Hurry up!"
The Detective, or Astral, said, waving you along as they hurried off. You quickly followed behind. You're not gonna believe this; I can barely believe this! The body: it's gone. It just fucking disappeared. Look!"
The Detective ushered us along. Back into the house, back to the crime scene. They aggressively pointed at the previous spot the body was at. But nothing was there. Only a white tape outline of where it used to be. You walk closer, going around it. How did it... disappear...?
What the actual fuck?
(And that's a wrap for Chapter 1.)
(This series is not off my own creation, the original concept is from Markiplier in his WHO KILLED MARKIPLIER? series. The credits off this creation go to him.)
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
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