h e l l o , h o o m a n s !
hi, if you're reading this, then me is still alive hahaha. and im to provide y'all some of my trash XD cuz i cant do new updates for my stories.
well , im currently in the loop //nana in the background: screaming for help.
anyway, i just want u know that im still writing hahaha.
in fact, im revising my story, The Identity of the Sinful Miracle. oh yeah, just to inform y'all *whisper* i sUbMitTeD a ManUsCrIpT iN a PuBlIsHiNg CoMpaNY ! how presumptuous of me XD yes, i did submit a manu last seven days ago. idk if it's worthy, pero sana'y palarin hahahha. and i've been working for it, approximately two months now. yep, for two months (or less). it's a hard work im wheezing.
oh btw, 'revising' is not the word. 'rewritting', yes. and i have rewritten the 70% of the whole story hahhaha. lots of changes: the plot, storyline, names, deleted some useless chapter, ages, grammar, writing style, emotions, settings, timeline, information, and anything in between. so im hoping that the pub company will appreciate my effort XD cuz nowadays, popularity is over quality.
it's just disheartening to see that ppl (readers) dont appreciate unpopular writers, only those on the top. che.
just imagine if your readers would give all of their effort to inspire, motivate, encourage, make you smile every day, every hour, every minute, every second, every millisecond . . . whatever. that would be nice, dont u think?
HAHAHA not really nagging my readers, but yeah, im trying hard to live, so i need someone to encourage me too lmaooo joke. anyway, u won't read this naman eh, so i'd just sob on the corner.
and . . . imma end this nonsense now. i just wanna remind y'all that although it has taken me weeks to rewrite tiotsm, im still not done. XD im a human too, my brain (if i rlly have a brain) had drained eventually. but worry not, im almost through. at least 92% done. it most likely takes me another two weeks to finish it, cuz my imagination is gradually slipping out of my fingertips and i dont know what to do with my most useless brain, imagination, creativity, and self. i wish i have the passion to finish it all.
so after finishing it, imma try to finish The Hide and Seek Game (see? even the title is very lame), bc it's almost done hahahahah i could visualize its ending already. //BUT BRAIN-CHAN IS NAGGING ME TO WRITE A SAKUSA KIYOOMI FANFIC AND I WANNA DIE.
i hope i'd get a brain transplant, bc i hate my current brain for whinning at me like this.
okkeh, thats all. bye bye. i hope you're keeping yourself somewhere safe. you'll get through this. stay safe and hydrated.
anyway, i'm leaving you the words of the chance gabriel cain
maybe im just an ungrateful little siht
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