Happy Halloween guys !!!! I'm Spider-Man tonight cx it's our first Halloween with my stepsister and we are all superheroes. It's gunna be great. Tell me your plans !
I had forgotten to tell Dean that today was a minimum day so he wasn't there to pick me up. But it wasn't a very long walk so I didn't bother calling him for a ride.
When I walked in I saw something that surprised me. My parents were yelling at each other. Dean and Cas rarely argued, and when they did, they made sure I wasn't around to see it. So, this yelling they were doing scared me.
"Oh, I do nothing here?" Dean's voice was louder than Cas'. "That's why I work all damn day, every fucking day. I'm sorry being a mechanic doesn't pay enough to buy you a fucking beach house and a Mercedes. You worked Tuesday through Thursday, from noon to six. So don't you fucking tell me I don't work."
"I never said you don't work. I'm just saying let's see who does more for this house, or for Kennedy, or for this entire family!" They hadn't heard me come in so I hid in the front hallway to listen to what they were saying. I felt juvenile in doing so but I couldn't help myself.
"For Kennedy? sure, Castiel, let's see who does more for Kennedy. Who takes her to every therapist or doctor appointment? who took her to every eval when shit was going on with court, for both when we first got her and everything with Azazel? who took her down to the fucking police station to report what he had been doing to her?" Dean was roaring now and silent tears were falling down my face. "Tell me, Cas. Tell me!"
"You know I can't stand to do those things! I just can't. It hur-"
"It hurts?" Dean interrupted him with a humorless laugh. "Cas, you're a father. Part of your job is to be hurt. Kids are supposed to break your heart and eat your food. How do you think she feels? You don't think she's hurt? You need to suck it the fuck up and be a father. I'm hurt too, dammit." I heard something shatter on the ground. "But, fuck it."
And then I heard footsteps coming my way. It was too late for me to hide. Both my parents were now standing in front of me with surprised eyes. Dean looked at the ground, "I'm sorry, Dee." he pressed a kiss to my forehead then stormed outside and drove off.
I looked at Cas with tear-filled eyes and he quickly wrapped me in a hug and I began to sob in his arms. I barely choked out asking him what happened.
"Kennedy... we didn't want to worry you... me and your father have been arguing quite a bit the past few weeks. It's nothing big. Today... today things kind of spiraled out of control." he led me to the couch and I laid across his lap and tried to calm down my sobs.
"Is it because of me?" I whispered.
"Of course, not," Cas smoothed my hair. "It's just... different. We aren't teenagers anymore. Everything was so much easier in high school. We had no real responsibilities. It was all fun. Now we have jobs and a mortgage and it's stressful... I just... I don't know if we can go back to how we were." Cas was crying now.
"Will he come back?" I sniffled. The majority of my friends came from homes with split parents. Cindy didn't even know who her dad was because he left when her mom found out she was pregnant. But I couldn't imagine that.
My dads were the only symbol that love lasts that I had anymore. Even Sam and Nikka had separated for almost a year when I was ten. Nobody seemed to stay together anymore and I wasn't sure what I would do if my parents split.
"Of course, angel. He'll come back. I still love your father and he still loves me. And we both love you very much. Everything will work out."
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