Chapter 8
Shirayuki P.O.V.
So the drinking had started around an hour ago some people had already knocked out but the six of us are going pretty steady there are technically seven of us but one isn't drinking. Just sitting there making everyone within a feet of her uncomfortable by clinging to a certain someone.
"So Shirayuki how have you been?" Mitsuhide says trying to make conversation, he has tried to do it multiple times but the princess keeps glaring at him every time he tries. So why not even make her more mad by responding.
"I've been pretty good, just a lot of work and training these past couple years." I say then take a sip of my drink again.
"Fighting right?" Kiki asks, setting her drink down softly on the wooden table. The question caught the attention of everyone at the table.
"Yup, fighting and a few other things that I had to do to be able to go around with Torou." I say honestly, none of this stuff could get me into trouble.
"If you don't mind me asking, what are you guys doing here?" I say and they look over to Izana for an okay, and he simply nods.
"Well there has been a problem with bandits in Clarines and Tanbarun, there's a certain clan that isn't backing down and they are causing trouble for the surrounding areas. They aren't ones to back down to royal hierarchy." Kiki says simply taking a sip of her drink.
"The Black Mist clan huh? They sure are something." I say shaking my head slightly finishing off my sixth drink.
"You know of them?" Izana says putting his drink down on the table, then he looks at me interested in what I was going to say.
"Know of them? She runs their clan." Torou says smirking, I look at her and narrow my eyes and punch her in the arm. "Owww what was that for!" She says looking at me with her eyebrows furrowed together.
"Oh no surprise there, the girl runs there clan and is trying to bring down the royal hierarchy. Only because she's jealous and angry because she didn't get what she wanted from Zen." The princess says then looks at me with a fake hurt face.
"It isn't like that." I say shaking my head.
"It isn't? How can we ever believe you, for the past few years we aren't sure what you have been doing!" The princess shouts.
"Maybe if you would shut up, I would!" I say doing a sharp exhale quickly.
"Enough Koneko. Shir- Yuki, please explain what you mean." Izana says smiling at me, surprising it was a very comforting smile.
"After the first four months of training I was farther along in it than the others were, I finished training around six months. After that I was tracked by the King of Tanbarun when he needed my help with Black Mist." I say then go to continue.
"Looks like you didn't do a very good job." The princess says snickering, I ignore her then continue with what I was saying.
"The Black Mist clan that is around now isn't the one that I dealt with months ago." I say and they looked confused.
"What do you mean they aren't the same ones?" Mitsuhide asked, eyebrows furrowed together in confusion.
"You see the Black Mist clan changes every year. Every year they have a certain objective they have to do if they can't complete it, then the clan will change people who have completed there objective that year. The Black Mist clan that I was working with didn't complete there's so the clan changed at the end of the year." I say thinking back to the time that it happened.
"The new Black Mist clan is more so....rude and not willing to listen so when I went about getting them to see me as their "Leader" I had to use a different tactic. A scare tactic, so I challenged their leader and I won, making me their leader. Their afraid of me so they won't step up to me. I've stopped them from doing major things." I say content.
"Yuki here could help you, there afraid of her so..." Torou says then lets it trail of as they think about it.
"I don't know, that would have to be up to Yuki and if she is willing to help." Izana says with his eyes locked on mine.
"Okay, I'm in." I say not breaking eye contact with a slightly smile gracing my lips. Then I hear a cough, I look over and see Zen fake coughing. I roll my eyes, I'm very tempted to make him even more uncomfortable by doing something.
It's something I wouldn't mind doing at all but I'm not sure about the other person and how they would feel about it. Hey, I may have changed a lot but I still do have manners and regards for other people's feelings.
~Time Skip~
It had been another few hours of drinking we had somehow all made a bet on who would last the longest. So far Zen, Mitsuhide, Obi, Torou, and Kiki were out and off to bed along with the princess, seeing as she goes everywhere Zen goes.
She had made the biggest scene when having to go to different rooms when sleeping apparently she does it every night. Since not being married and sleeping in the same room is seen as improper for royals.
Now it was Izana and I left, we had slowed down on the drinking and were talking. About Clarines, ourselves, and the people around us. It was calm and peaceful, most of the people had already headed to bed or knocked out earlier.
"Yuki, I know there's a different reason you left. Would you mind telling me it?" Izana says carefully. You know, why not.
"There was a different reason, I was just pushed to far so when I saw him cheat on me. It was the final straw I was done and I couldn't handle it." I say honestly looking down at the table avoiding eyes contact which was something I didn't do often.
I heard Izana get up from his seat, his foot step we're getting closer to me. Then he sat down in the chair next to me instead of across the table where he sat before.
"Your usually not one for running, but I feel that if something really did push you to far it must have been really bad." He says putting his pointer finger under my chin lifting it up for me to look into his eyes.
As my eyes meet his, I felt safe, calm even. Something that I hadn't felt for a very long time. I missed the feeling I just didn't realize it till now.
Without words we both started to lean closer, till we pressed our foreheads together softly. Our eyes were still connected, we found our selves slowly bringing our lips closer. Till you could almost feel our lips touching.
Then we couldn't take it anymore, we pressed our lips together. His hand slid up my arm then neck and was gently placed on my cheek as we kissed.
I brought my right hand up and gently placed it on the back of his neck while my left hand weaves itself into his hair. Just resting there not yanking or pulling.
He pushed slightly forward into the kiss taking dominance, then I pushed forward making us even. Moments later we broke the kiss, our hands still remained on each other but we were gazing into each other's eyes.
I don't know if it was the alcohol talking or what but I don't regret kissing him at all. I rather enjoyed it and would be happy to do it again.
Hello everyone! I hoped you enjoyed this chapter! And for those who ship Shirayuki and Zen, I'm sorry but I don't think that ship with take place in this story. Shirayuki and Zen aren't in a good place and I don't think Shirayuki would ever really trust Zen after that. But I do have the Rogue princess which can be which ever ship you want to be! But please no hate on the Shirayuki x Izana.
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