Hey guys! So, I started reading Boku no Hero Academia, and I love it! I tried looking up fanfictions on it, but I only found three. So, a shout out to all of us Boku no Hero Academia fans! There's a fourth one!
It's all right Zero, you're gonna get in.
I had chanted this in my head for a countless amount of times now, and I knew I was ready, but I was nervous. Would I get into the hero section?
The tension is killing me! I kept walking ahead, the frigid air slowly trying to suffocate me by numbing my throat. Ugh, even the weather's out to kill me today.
I tugged my dark red baseball cap further down on my head, the tips of my malachite bangs coming into my eyes. I adjusted the gray utility belt on my waist, making it tighter. I looked down at my white bandaged hands. I had taped all of my fingers as an old habit of mine to keep from getting blisters on my hands when I used my katanas, which were strapped to my back in an X formation. I started double checking all of my pockets, making sure that my grenades and everything were there. When I was sure, I sighed in relief. I shoved my hands into my dark gray jacket pockets, closing the distance to my fate.
When I saw the door up ahead, I fought the urge to not run. I have to save my energy for later y'know. I took my hand out from my pocket and reached for the door, meeting with somebody else's on accident.
"Sorry, go ahead." I apologized immediately, making myself seem sweet. The blonde in front of me sneered at me before walking in. I frowned. Somebody clearly wakes up on the wrong side of the bed everyday.
I kept walking and eventually went to go to my seat, which was next to some glasses kid. I sat down next to him, and watched as he started glaring at everyone sharply. I sighed and looked forward, waiting for the introduction to start.
"Excuse me, but what is your quirk miss?" I heard someone ask. I turned my head to see the glasses kid look at me. I guess he asked.
"M-My quirk?" I stuttered out. Acting can always come in handy.
"Yes." he answered, pushing up his glasses.
"I-I'll tell you m-mine if you tell me y-yours." I bargained. He stared at me.
"If you're like this, you shouldn't be here." he told me bluntly. I grew angry as he turned away from me. Who the heck does he think he is!?! I'll show him during the entrance exams when he doesn't expect it.
"Welcome one and all to my live show!" I heard someone announce. I looked up front, noticing that it was Present Mic giving the introduction.
"Everybody say heeeeeeey!" he cheered. Everybody said welcome except for me. I decided to look around while he was giving more pleasantries, and I noticed that there was one green haired kid that was shaking in his seat next to the blonde kid I ran into earlier.
"So you meet up in the designated area, okay?" Present Mic stated. What? Then he started talking about how we would have to take down different machines to test our strength, and that we would be split up from the meeting place. Makes sense.
"Excuse me, may I have a question?" Glasses guy asked.
"Yes participant 7111?" Present Mic replied.
"On the handout, there are clearly four types of villains listed! Such an error would be the height of embarrassment for a top tier national academy of Yuuei's caliber! The reason we are here seated today is to become model heroes!" he shouted.
Glasses guy then quickly whipped around and pointed to the green-haired dude.
"Moreover, what's with you? Yeah, you curly-haired kid!" he shouted. The green-haired guy jumped in his seat.
"Can't you sit still for a're distracting! If you think Yuuei is some pleasure jaunt, then leave this place at once!" he yelled. People started snickering, and I snapped as the green-haired dude paled. The guy was a total prick!
"Oi, glasses kid." I said. People fell silent at my remark as he turned to me.
"My name is Iida Tenya." he told me.
"Like I give a crap." I hissed. He seemed surprised at me. Complete 180 attitude? Please, it's called acting.
"Are you in a position to go and demand people to get out of the damn room? No. The kid's nervous, so if he's shifting in his damn chair, then it should be a crime for you to ask a question." I snapped. I heard snickers and some hushed whispers.
"Excuse me?" he questioned me in a threatening manner.
"I know you need glasses for sight, not hearing you prick. Ask your damn question so we can all leave and not listen to you." I spat. This time I heard roars of laughter as he blushed in slight embarrassment and anger. Present Mic coughed a little, making everyone shut up.
"Thank you for that...enlightening speech participant 7112. Now, your question 7111?" he coughed.
"Yes, you said that there are five types of machines, but there's only four on here!" Glasses guy stated, holding up the sheet.
"Good question! Now, have any of you guys played 'Super Mario Bros.'?" he questioned. Three other kids and I raised our hands. He nodded his head and started explaining the fifth one. I'm glad I brought my grenades with me.
After he finished explaining, we were all herded into our different sections, with everyone stopping by a restroom to change beforehand. I didn't change at all considering that I wasn't in my school uniform when I got here. I just double-checked my arms, making sure that my hook-maneuvering gear was there. It's basically two projectiles attached to my arms that work like grappling hooks, but better because they don't only need a ledge. When we all were herded into our sections, I noticed I was in the same one as the green-haired one and glasses guy.
My thoughts were broken when the buzzer went off. I dashed off immediately.
"Woah! A three pointer straight off the bat!" I heard. My head whipped around and saw some of them excited, but hesitant. I rushed while taking out my katanas, a ching coming from sliding them out of their sheathes. I activated my hook-maneuvering gear, and latched onto the building next to the machine. I made the hooks unlatch and go back into their holders, as I then jumped onto the wire and ran along it. Why hasn't anyone gone for it yet!?!
I threw a grenade at it, aiming for the chink in its armor to go and blow up. It went in, and then the robot blew up. I saw people staring at me as I made my hooks go out again, latching onto another building. I launched straight at a 2-pointer and aimed for its head with my katanas. I beheaded it, the sparks flying from it's head as I swung/slashed at it, releasing my latches simultaneously before shooting them out again like Spider-man.
I am officially a majestic fucking eagle.
I kept doing my little swinging thing until I came upon a group of 3 of them. I hesitated as they started coming towards me. What could I possibly do? Other people will come here! I looked down from the fake lamppost and found my way out of this. I dropped myself down like a rock climber and started cutting down the lamppost. I was sweating bullets already, and this is just making it worse.
"Heave-ho!" I yelled, letting the lamppost crash down into one of the robots with a bang, earning me another 2 points. Grr, I only have 27! I took out two more grenades and threw it at the other two, and watched their heads blow up. Gives me another 5 points, so 32? That's pretty good!
"3 minutes and 14 seconds left!" I heard Present Mic announce. Maybe it's not too good. I launched my hooks into a building to the right of me and went to the roof, looking down onto the ground. I spotted a pair of them to the left of me, so I ran and started jumping onto telephone pole wires and roofs. I put back my katanas and took out two grenades, throwing it at the robots from the roof as I jumped. One managed to get into the chink and blow it up. The other one? Not so much.
"Damn it! Watch where you're throwing your explosives!" I heard someone rage as I made my projectiles shoot at the robot. It latched on and I shot forward, releasing at the last moment and activating the spikes in my sneakers by slapping them on the sides so that I could latch onto it. I landed with a thunk on it and ran, dodging a bullet or two. Then I took back out my katanas and beheaded it, throwing a grenade in for extra measure. I then jumped from there and latched myself onto another nearby building, bracing my legs for impact. I landed against the wall, a jolt of pain coursing through my legs for second before the adrenaline took over. How many is that now? 38?
I quickly went up the building, my fingers digging into the crevices. By the time I got up, my fingertips were sore and hurting like hell. I started panting. Damn, am I already this tired!?!
I was about to jog off in search of some more when I noticed that one of the thwomp ones had been activated. I watched as the green-haired kid jumped up and smashed it down in one hit. Super strength? I watched as he fell down screaming, and started getting my projectiles ready. I was about to go after him, when I saw her touch him and save him.
They both then collapsed safely onto the ground, with the green-haired dude struggling to reach Uraraka from what I could tell.
"And that's the end of the round folks!" I heard Present Mic announce abruptly. My heart stopped. I-It's over? But I can still go on!
I shook in anger. I can't believe this! I didn't train myself until I was bloody just for this!
"38." I whispered dejectedly to myself. I could feel the fire in me get smothered. How? Was I not fast enough? Strong enough? I bit my lip in anger. People with quirks...they have it so damn easy! I jumped down to the ground while using my projectiles as support. When I landed down on the ground safely, I felt a tap on my shoulder.
"Yes?" I questioned gruffly.
"You're hurt dear. Do you want me to help you?" an old woman questioned. I turned to look at her, my eyes widening at the realization of what I had done.
"Ah no, but thank you. And sorry about before, I'm just a little bit upset." I apologized.
"No, it's understandable." she replied before leaving. I sighed and turned to walk away, putting away my katanas. I can't believe this...
I went home after that to go and wait for the letter to be sent to me, detailing my loss and failure. I had put in that I don't have a quirk anyway, so I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't accept me. I guess all that's left to do is wait...
No more than one week later on the fated day, I sat up in my bed. I stared at the wall ahead of me blankly. I decided to train everyday like usual, but I raised the amount of exercises I did. I got up and got ready for the day, when I heard something slip in. I froze for second. An intruder? I opened the cabinet in my bathroom and took out a gun that I had latched onto door of it. I silently closed it, clicking the hammer back.
I creeped up to the wall before the door, my gun at the ready. I counted to five in my head and whipped around the corner. I stilled when I saw nobody there. Just a letter. I sighed in relief.
"Now, just who are you from?" I questioned to myself as I squatted down and picked it up. I saw the symbol up close and my eyes widened. It was from Yuuei!
"Holy crap." I muttered to myself. I broke open the envelope immediately. I carefully took it out and started to read:
Dear Kisaragi-san,
It has come to our attention that you have no quirk, but that you have scored a 47 on the entrance exam.
47? I only got 38 points from the robots though!
38 from the "villains" and 9 from rescue. Considering the fact that you are striving to be a hero despite your inability of a quirk makes us stunned and in awe. We would love it if you would attend! The first day of school is a week from now!
Good luck!
From, Mr. Principal
I couldn't breath for a second. I got into Yuuei? I got into Yuuei!
"Yes!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. Now to get ready for the week ahead!
Well...this sucked ass. See ya!
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