Chapter 6
Hey guys! So, I rewrote the chapter because tbh, Todoroki turned OOC - completely my fault for being out of touch with any anime for over a year (hell on earth, by the way). So I cut out other parts that just wouldn't happen. I'm going back and making very few edits in the other chapters, but they're character description edits, so nothing major. Keeping the past author not though, because I want others to see it if they come across the story later on. So yeah...
But anyway! Besides the point. Some of you have commented about how it shouldn't be about romance and stuff, which is why I need to state this now:
Romance is never a main part in ANY of my stories. I want my stories to hold meaning for my readers and myself; romance can be included, but there is more than just romance that can connect a reader to a story and characters. I hope you all are enjoying reading this as much as I am writing it.
Also, people have started guessing Zero's dad right! I guess I did make it kind of obvious, but the backstory has yet to be revealed! >:3
With all being said and done, enjoy the story!
I sighed as I walked home from work. After running out of school today, it was nice to just walk for a bit. As I strolled, I saw the street lamps gleam off of what seemed to be something metallic. My eyes widened, and my instincts took over. I bolted in the direction of the sight, watching as the shadow started to slink away. I reached my arm out towards the shadow as it started to run, my mouth open to call out to him.
My call never reached, and by the time I reached the alley-way, he was gone. A wave of longing overcame me as my knees shook.
The one time I needed you...and you left me alone to fend for myself. I miss you...I always have for years...
A single tear fell down as memories with him flitted through my mind. Memories of a time when I was happier. I quickly wiped the drop of liquid away from my face as more of them threatened to spill. I took a deep breath, calming the ache in my chest.
Contain it Zero. You've gone through worse. It's just another lost cause for a friend and...for family.
I stared at the spot where I had seen him, and I realized that it was getting much later than I had initially planned. I gritted my teeth, irritated and sad as I walked home.
I should stop hoping for him to come home...
I sighed, attempting to ignore my previous thoughts as I walked. I turned a corner, and bumped into someone. I stumbled back, but regained my balance. Looking upwards, I found someone I never wanted to see. He was wearing his hero costume, with embers for eyebrows resting atop a vicious glare that was directed at my being.
"Don't get in my way you little punk." he stated, still glaring at me. A vein on my forehead popped.
Oh hell no, you did not just do that you ass-hat!
"Look here big guy," I snapped, causing him to cast his glare towards me yet again. "If anything, you got in my way! Why the hell don't you watch where you're going! You may be a hero, but that doesn't give you the goddamned right to act rude, you hear me!?!"
By the end of my reply, I noticed that there was someone standing behind him who was gaping at me. He had dual eye colors as well as hair colors - hell - even his quirk could be considered dual. You all get who I'm talking about by now, right? Yeah, I'm talking about Todoroki Shouto. The "hero" - Endeavor - stood before me, looking as pissed as ever. I decided to taunt him a bit, just to see what the hell would happen.
"You clearly have something to say flame-head! Why don't you just spit it out!?!" I spat towards the 'hero' in front of me. He kept staring at me before snorting.
"You think you're greater than me?" he questioned, an icy tone to his voice.
"On the contrary. You're my equal."
At my reply, Todoroki stared at me like I was crazy while the older's laughter boomed in the street. I raised a brow at him as he calmed down.
"I'm far more powerful than you, squirt. Get out of your dream world." he said pompously. My eye twitched.
"Regardless of how much power you have, you're just as mortal as everyone else. Or would you rather let power determine someone's worth? Because that's sure as hell what it looks like to me, and it disgusts me to think there could ever be a hero like that." I stated, my temper calming down as a smirk came upon my face. I looked him straight in the eyes, my gray ones meeting his green ones.
"What's your name?" he inquired, a sadistic gleam in his eyes as he looked down on me. Hell nah bitch, you ain't gettin' my name!
"I have no obligation to give my name to you." I replied instantaneously, trying not to blink as I continued to gaze upon him. Seriously, it's like we're having an overly aggressive staring contest here - sort of freaky - but it seems like I'm winning? Okay, besides the point here. He looked me up and down, as if my existence were a crime. I wouldn't be surprised if he was like the rest of Class 1-A in that aspect of thought.
"You're from UA, but you're probably not in the same class as my son. You seem much weaker than him." he noted, casting a quick glance towards his son. Now that I think about it, I do remember hearing about Todoroki on TV once...huh. Small world. But that really doesn't change anything, and although I would love to delve into this topic I have a fire to put out.
My smirk from before grew, my smug tone hitting him right where it hurts.
"Oh but you see, I am in his class. 1-A is the one you're thinking of, correct?" I answered, my smirk transforming into a Cheshire Cat-like grin. He looked to Todoroki, who nodded in agreement. I mentally noted that Endeavor seemed to be much more irritated with me at that point due to his eye twitching as he looked back at me.
"I don't like you - " he started off, looking down on me.
"Congratulations! Do you want a reward for it? Because I don't particularly care." I commented snarkily, my arms crossed over my chest. A vein on his head popped, eliciting a giggle from me. He's so easy to anger!
" - because of this attitude of yours. I deserve respect-!"
"Maybe your power deserves it, but you as a person do not. You're nothing more than a cranky old man who judges someones worth based on how powerful they are in comparison to you." I interrupted, my smirk falling as my voice took on a darker tone. My fingers drummed against my arm as I looked him straight in his eyes. My gaze never faltered as he lit a flame in his hand, only for it to promptly extinguish upon discerning no reaction. The fact that he indirectly threatened a citizen has only proven my point, and he knows it.
"Now, I have to go. I have better things to do than argue with someone as revolting as you." I bid, waving my hand as I walked past him. I glanced back at him, watching as his hand curled up into shaking fists at his side.
"You contemptuous brat! You'll never be a hero!"
"You're not the one who determines that ass-hat!"
I didn't bother glancing back as I walked off, sighing internally as I walked home. I seriously didn't want to deal with that bastard, not after what else happened today. Seriously, how did he even get to be a hero!?! We're expected to act like heroes, and yet he's supposed to be a hero to the people! How fucking ridiculous!
The minute I reached home, I decided that I had to cool down. And so, I sat down on the couch and grabbed my homework out of my bag. But, sitting at the coffee table, my thoughts wandered back to Endeavor, which only served to make me angry again.
Stop thinking about that fucking fireplace Zero!
I groaned, hearing my alarm clock blaring at me with torturously loud beeps. Ugh, school. I got out of bed and made my way to the bathroom, only to find myself looking like I just rose from the dead. My steel gray eyes seemed to exude exhaustion, and my wavy shoulder-length hair was all over the place. My gaze went to my left cheek, where I saw my beauty mark on my upper lip next to the corner of my mouth. The only thing that stays where it needs to be is on my damn cheek. Nice.
So, I quickly got ready; brushing my hair, making myself alive by making coffee in the morning that I could drink later, all that good stuff. So at the end, I was right on time to leave, and I actually found myself looking more alive as I tied my malachite hair up into a low ponytail behind me, my bangs falling slightly into my right eye. Looks like it'll need a trim. I quickly rushed out the apartment complex, my target for now being the school.
I was so close to the school, but then I found that Bakugou in the area. I rushed ahead, making sure not to be within the vicinity around him.
Idiocy is infectious after all.
When I made it to UA, I noticed that students were being stopped at the gate. As I got closer, I heard the name 'All Might' being tossed around. I guess this has to do with him being a teacher? Because the word teacher is mentioned by these people too. I sighed in irritation at the obstacle, attemptung to walk through the crowd of reporters unscathed. One of them stopped me - much to my displeasure - and aimed the mic at me.
"What do you think of All Might as a teacher?" he asked me, his eyes shining in delight. I stared at him with the face I was born with, then turned and left without a word. He muttered a profanity as I smirked.
God, I know I don't thank you for much, but thank you for letting me be born with a resting bitch face.
The reporter quickly but then gave up and moved on to the next person, who happened to be Bakugou. I didn't stick around for the blow-up soon to come, and headed straight inside. I spotted Itsuka-san soon enough, and ran straight towards her, a smile growing on my face. She was with Ruri-san and the rest of them, and I felt joy spread through my body at the sight of them.
"'Ello there." I greeted, falling into step beside Tetsu-san. He let out a small gasp at my sudden appearance, only to retort that he knew that I was there the entire time. I chuckled a little bit, leading him to rage about me scaring him randomly.
"You really do need to stop scaring him Ki-chan, or he'll have a heart attack one day!" Itsuka-san scolded, half serious and half playful.
"Aye aye Cap'n." I agreed, saluting a little bit. Neito-san sighed at my behavior while Ruri-san giggled a little, her blue eyes twinkling in mirth. Then a question came to mind.
"Ruri-san, what is your quirk? That is, if you don't mind me asking." I inquired as we walked. She jumped a little bit at my question, making me flinch. Maybe it's a sensitive topic?
"W-Well, you quirk is - uh - it's..." she trailed off, looking somewhat embarrassed. She was fidgeting, looking around and scanning the students nervously.
"I-It's Element-tal C-C-Change a-and M-M-Manipul-lation." she said. I stared at her in awe. I didn't think she would have such a powerful quirk!
"So you're telling me you could change air to water, and fire to earth and all that?" I questioned, stupefied at the fact such a quirk existed. She nodded, a slight blush coming onto her face.
"What about secondary elements? Like poison?" I inquired further. I was met with rejection this time. I was in awe of her quirk as she blushed from - what I believe to be - shyness.
"That's awesome though! Why do you seem so embarrassed!?!" I exclaimed, finding the notion to be incredulous. She buried her reddened face in her hands, and turned away from me. We called out to her as she bolted towards the classroom in a flurry of bashfulness.
"I suppose I should head to class. I don't think Ruri-san would appreciate me chasing after her for the moment." I murmured, chuckling near the end. Itsuka-san giggled alongside me, while Tetsu-san nodded and Neito-san had a small smile on his face.
"Alright then. Bye guys!"
"Bye Ki-chan!"
With that, I was left alone again. I walked to Class 1-A, finding it to be filled with students who eyed me like prey, though some gave me much more...normal gazes. I walked to my desk, the stares growing more uncomfortable by the minute.
I reached my desk, only to find the oddest thing. There were less words that accompanied the beige surface of my desk than before. I still saw insults scribbled on there, but around a fourth of it was gone. I held back my smile, and merely brought out the designated spray and rag for my desk. I wonder what made them not write as much...
"Now then, it's time for you all to select your Class Representatives." the Yato-imposter announced. I sighed. Now if only he could get a teachers assistant that looks like Yukine...that would be perfect. And then an old dude to play the other God that Yato doesn't like. My thought process was interrupted by everyone yelling that they wanted to be the class reps, so - even though I was slightly irritated with that - I started to think about who I would vote for.
I had a person in mind for the position. I looked around the room, figuring that everyone would want to vote for themselves. I voted for Iida-san. He respects me to a certain extent, so I know that I'll have a better chance in case I get in trouble. He also knows that it's a rather important position, so this will work out a lot better.
I submitted my vote last, avoiding Bakugou's foot again as he stuck it out. When all the votes were tallied, Aizawa-sensei wrote down Yaoyorozu and Midoriya-san as both Class Reps. I was analyzing the results when I came across something weird. There was a vote next to my name, but I hadn't voted for myself. You could tell that there was a certain amount of shock in the room, even as others were raging about not becoming the Class Rep (Bakugou, for example). I searched the board, but only the names of others who were voted for were up there. That was when I noticed that there were two people not up there: Uraraka-san and Todoroki.
I know Uraraka-san would not have voted for me since she holds Midoriya-san in high regard.
"So you voted for yourself in the end, eh Iida?" Mineta questioned almost smugly. Iida-san seemed shocked at the results, his arms shaking as he held the desk. Suddenly, he stood up straight and splayed his arms straight towards the board.
"That's impossible, because I didn't vote for myself." he stated simply.
Talk about over-exaggeration with your arms, glasses freak.
They fell silent again, almost as if someone was murdered. Maybe it was an animal, like the Emu Wars that happened long ago in Australia. Or maybe it was Belarus finally hunting down one personification, and giving them a brutal death for looking at Russia. Lord knows how she murdered them, but it most assuredly was a barbaric one.
"Oh, Todoroki-san doesn't have a vote! That must mean that he voted for Iida-san!" Kaminari pointed out. Todoroki stared at them as attention was directed towards him.
"I didn't vote for Iida-san."
The second the words left his mouth, everyone - including me - gaped. It's possible that either Iida-san or Todoroki voted for me then! What the hell!?!
Dear lord save my soul, I - wait. I don't have a soul. Oops.
I straightened my face out. I think they're putting the pieces together now.
"So one of you voted for Iida-san!?!" Kaminari shouted in disbelief as he pointed at me and Todoroki.
"There's no need to shout the obvious Kaminari." I stated bluntly. He gaped at me as Mineta popped up.
"I didn't think you two would vote for someone else!" Mineta chimed in. I sighed. Clearly they need a lesson in who I am, but I can't give it today.
As they did the induction, I stared at Todoroki. Is it possible that he voted for me? Because last night would be a great indicator of him liking me if he did - another possible ally in this class of enemies.
"Eh!?! Someone voted for you!?!"
Tetsu-san seemed surprised, just as everyone else at the table did. Their teacher decided that we should all stop sitting in the room, and - well - now we're at the canteen.
"I was surprised too. Especially considering the possibilities of who voted for me." I explained, taking a bite of my rice.
"Who voted for you?" Itsuka-san questioned, a smile on her face. "They're an obvious sign that Class 1-A might be warming up to you!"
"To be honest, I have no fucking idea." I stated bluntly.
Just like I don't know how the fuck I'm still alive at UA.
"Of course those cowards in 1-A wouldn't be able to announce who they voted for." Neito-san mocked, only to be chopped in the neck.
"We don't hate 1-A." was her usual, simple response to his commentary about my class.
"So Tetsu-san, you're sure that -"
"Security level 3 has been breached! Please evacuate as soon as possible!"
We looked at each other, wondering what the heck this was.
"It means that someone has broken onto school grounds." Neito-san informed us, seemingly calm as he hurriedly gathered his things. Tetsu-san was springing up with his things already, stuffing his face at the same time. I peered out the window near us to have a hint of the threat, only to find the press, but no one else.
"Guys! Stop! It's just the press!" I called out to them. Tetsu-san didn't seem to pay attention until Itsuka-san chopped him on the head. Ruri-san seemed to be getting anxious with her surroundings as Neito-san chuckled at the scene, as if he knew about it all along. I sweat-dropped.
Clearly we're going to kill each other before anybody else attempts to.
"Alright, we need to get everyone else to calm down first!" Itsuka-san announced, her voice filled with resolve. Oh my, it seems like she might try to do this with her Dying Will! Oh, I wonder what type of dying will flame she would have? And I could see her as Dino Cavallone's younger sister also in an AU -
Stop. Thinking. Of. Other. Things.
"Alright, so how should we do this?" I questioned them, making sure that the bandages on my hands were secure. They seem to be just as firm as ever.
"Ruri-chan, please transform the air into ice at the doorway. Neito-san copy her quirk and reinforce the ice with your own power. Ki-chan, make sure you can get Ruri-chan up to the front. Then Tetsutetsu-san, I can throw you up to the doorway and you can use your loud voice to tell everyone the situation. Good?" she instructed.
"Yes!" we agreed. I quickly picked up Ruri-san bridal style, then found my way to the beginning of the crowd. I jumped on a nearby table, ready for what was to come.
"Focus on your power Ruri-san, I've got you!" I said, jumping off the table and onto a nearby students head. I quickly jumped off of their heads, making my way to the doorway. Right as the first few students were about to exit, an ice wall came up and blocked the way. We took the temporary shock of the students to get on top of the doorway. The ledge was narrow, causing me to have to concentrate a bit more on balance. Iida-san slammed into the wall next to us somehow and stuck there. We both sweat-dropped as he greeted us enthusiastically.
Sorry Tetsu-san, I'll have to do this part of the plan.
"Everyone, shut up!"
My shout had made a good portion of the student body pay attention apparently since they stared at me with a bewildered gaze.
"Look out the windows! It's only the press! Calm down and act like respected students of UA! This is not how a hero should act!" Iida-san yelled, desperation in his voice.
"Unless you all want to embarrass yourselves and the school, then calm the hell down! If you want to be a hero then act like one! You all did not come here to act like a bunch of brats!" I hissed loudly. The students straightened themselves out, much to our relief.
"Thank you. Now then, Ruri-san, please put down the ice wall. I believe they are calm now." I requested.
"G-Got it!" she squeaked, letting it down.
"Ki-chan! Can you make it down here!?!" I heard Tetsu-san question from below. I looked down, finding Tetsu-san and the others waiting below.
"I can, but I need to get Iida-san down as well. Can you catch Ruri-san, Tetsu-san?" I inquired, shifting my arms slightly.
"I've got her!" Tetsu-san called, holding his arms out to catch her. I looked over at the small girl in my hands, who seemed rather afraid. I extended her at arms length.
"You'll be fine, alright?" I told her. She nodded, her bright blue eyes dilating in fear as her small form quivered. I let her go, and she fell straight into Tetsu-san's grasp. I sighed in relief, quickly grabbing Iida-san by the arm and peeling him off the wall. He was incredibly light to the point that I felt like floating. It's a good thing the staff allowed me to keep my form of airborne travel. I adjusted the aim towards the floor, then let it shoot and latch into the tile. I quickly pressed the button to the left side of my belt, holding onto Iida-san as we shot to the ground at an intense speed.
A few seconds away from the ground, I pressed the button again, allowing me to land on the ground safely with Itsuka-san steadying me almost immediately upon landing. Uraraka-san quickly jumped in, tapping Iida-san and allowing him to fall onto the ground with a thump.
"Nicely done." I complimented the duo, who smiled at the remark.
"You did great as well Kisaragi-san." he returned, his hand going into a salute motion while he was on the ground.
What is with your arms!?!
"Yeah! You looked super cool Kisaragi-san!" Uraraka-san squealed out with the usual light blush on her cheeks. Classic Uraraka-san...
"Oh - uh - thanks." I replied, feeling mildly embarrassed. "But all the thanks goes to the other four here from 1-B. Without their quirks and plan, we wouldn't have gotten the students to stop running."
"Don't be so modest Ki-chan! You were the one that noticed it was just the press anyway!" Itsuka-san exclaimed, whacking me on the back with a playful grin.
"Yeah! Without that we wouldn't have calmed down and thought of the plan with you!" Tetsu-san jumped in, a grin on his face as he also whacked me in the back. They actually would have noticed because of Itsuka-san who also made the plan, but they seem dead-set on me taking some portion of the credit. I wonder why...
"Well...alright." I murmured, looking towards Iida-san who had now stood back up. Ah, at least I can get back to class now. I felt my mood lighten at the sight of Neito-san teasing a tomato-faced Ruri-san steaming at the ears. I chuckled at the sight before glancing at the others.
"Let's head back to class then. I'm sure the teachers will have a riot with this." I noted, receiving agreement almost immediately from the others. As we walked back, I couldn't help but ponder about why or how the press could break down the wall. They wouldn't have a reason to break down the UA wall since they wouldn't want to be banned from reporting here. The only reason the wall would have been destroyed then is because it wasn't them, but something pre-planned by someone else. If it really is an attack, then UA would want to keep it on the down-low, and prepare us accordingly. But how?
Before my thoughts could continue, I was already back in class, watching as Midoriya-san shook out of anxiety in front of said class with Yaoyorozu standing beside him.
"All right president, start us off." Yaoyorozu instructed, receiving a shocked jolt from Midoriya-san.
"Uh, let's start the initiation ceremony for the class president, but before that, I need to say something!" he announced shakily before calming himself, casting a glance over to Iida and then me. I held up a thumbs up from my lone spot in the back as encouragement, receiving a smile and nod in acknowledgment.
"In the end, I think that Iida would be the better man for the job." Midoriya-san started off, his dark green eyes looking reflective. "With the way he was able to unify everyone, Iida becoming class president is the right choice."
Well, I can't exactly argue with that considering that he received my vote.
"He's got a point!" Kirishima piped up, his sharp teeth showing in his grin. "He made a great show back there! I wouldn't have minded Midoriya either, of course!"
"He reminded me of those emergency exits." Kaminari noted with a smile.
"Just get on with it." Aizawa-sensei growled in his weird worm form. Huh. I should just call it WWF - a lot easier honestly.
"Go 'Emergency Exit Iida!'" some of the classmates cheered. Some casted glances towards me, a knowing look on their faces as if there had been disservice done towards me. I didn't really care for it anymore because like I thought before - they can kiss my hot ass from hell. Lord knows I scraped my knee while climbing out anyway.
That's why instead of being irritated, I clapped for Iida-san and watched his speech with a small smile on my face. To be honest, I'm just happy that all of my friends are safe, and that the problem didn't turn into anything bigger; can you imagine the lecture we would get? What a pain in the ass that would be.
Right after the induction, class continued again, but I couldn't focus. My mind kept drifting back to what happened earlier. Who would have wanted to attack? It was clearly meant either as a declaration or a warning. I need to watch the areas I'm in and make sure of anything suspicious. Dad wouldn't have appeared in the alleyway so blatantly last night otherwise, I'd like to think.
There's no way he orchestrated the attack though - he wouldn't do something this drastic. I glanced over at Todoroki, watching as he concentrated on the board. Maybe he saw something suspicious as well yesterday?
I waited, pondering how to ask him when the bell rang, ending my train of thought. I quickly gathered my things, ready to leave and question Todoroki when a voice broke through my thoughts.
"Kisaragi, stay back. I need to talk to you." Aizawa-sensei ordered. The crowd of students gave me mixed looks as I walked to his desk, waiting for the others to leave. I suppose I'll have to question Todoroki later. I shifted my gaze towards Aizawa-sensei, who stared at me with both worry and curiosity.
"It's come to the attention of the principal that you're living alone even though you're 15 - explain." Aizawa-sensei demanded. I felt my eyes grow slightly wider in surprise. I didn't think he would ask about that. Then again, it was bound to happen, but I didn't think it would be this early. Though, why are they questioning it now? This is a legal issue - it should have been brought up before!
"There wasn't enough room in the orphanage I was housed at before, so they moved us older kids to other areas. I wanted to stay in my area, but there were no other orphanages nearby. The police and I came to a deal: I would still be up for adoption, but I could stay in an apartment and be set up with a job. They decided to check up on me once every two weeks to make sure. So yeah...why do you ask?" I explained, eyeing him warily. Aizawa-sensei seemed deep in thought before he sighed in resignation.
"I needed to know since I need parental permission for something we're planning in a few days. You had put down your phone number twice, so we had to clear it up." he answered, shoving his hands in his pockets. "I'll talk to the police about it."
"Alright then Aizawa-sensei. Anything else?" I inquired, receiving a shake of a head. I turned on my heel to walk out when I heard him call for me to wait. I paused my gait, turning around and directing my attention back to Aizawa-sensei.
"You did good today Kisaragi." he stated simply before going back to work. I felt my lips tilt upwards ever so slightly at the positive reinforcement.
"Thank you Aizawa-sensei." I replied, turning back around and walking out. My heart was warmed by the happiness I felt. It feels nice...being appreciated. I chuckled at thought. I suppose that is why I can't seem to give up hope for my dad - because he appreciated me just as much as I appreciated him.
I wonder when it all went wrong?
I paused right before I walked out the gate, examining the remnants of the door. From the looks of it, it wasn't done with blasting jelly; too conspicuous, and the burn marks aren't concentrated on the debris. Then...C4's are probable. My eyes narrowed at the thought as I observed the burn marks near the door's edges. Definitely a C4. But C4's are only for military use, so it was villains that blew up the door; well-known ones probably if they could get their hands on it.
While I would love to stay uninvolved, this has already piqued my interest. I'm sure I can get answers out of All Might or the Principal, but that will have to be an answer for another day. I was about to inspect it further when I realized that if I did than I would be late for work.
Cue me running like a banshee out of hell.
"Sensei, when will you teach me aikido!?!" the young boy beside me whined at the front doors of the training center I worked at.
"When you can finally reach a black belt in tae kwon do." I replied, only to receive another whine of frustration. I chuckled as he started talking about how much cooler aikido was to tae kwon do. It was then that I noticed a lady standing across the street, waving to me.
"Aside from this, your mom is here. I'll see you tomorrow." I said, receiving a nod and frantic waves as he ran to his mom across the street. I sighed, a small smile on my face. At least all of my students are safe.
"Of course someone as pitiful as you works here." a familiar voice proclaimed. I craned my head to the side, finding Endeavor with Todoroki yet again.
"Of course someone as revolting as you would wait around the corner for over a half hour before approaching." I retorted with a smile on my face. I saw a vein on his forehead pop as Todorki smiled at the comment. the expression dying almost immediately.
"Look runt, I don't want you anywhere near my son, got it? I don't need him infected with your weakness." he informed me, a frown on his face.
"He won't be infected that easily by my weakness, as you'd like to put it. After all, he hasn't been infected by your asshole of a personality yet."
More fire erupted from his eyebrows as I grinned at the sight. Oh, he's too stupid~
Todoroki was smirking, though I could see his lips waver as he tried to contain himself.
"Listen you little shit -"
"I'm sorry, I don't understand the language of assholes. Could you translate for me Todoroki?" I requested, a grin on his face. He managed to wipe away his smirk in time for Endeavor to glare at him, only for him to look back at me. He curled his hand into a fist, anger emanating from his buff figure as he glowered.
"You're going to regret ever meeting me you damned runt." he growled, steam flowing out of his ears as he walked away, Todoroki following him. He glanced back at me coldly, as if in quick analysis before turning back around. I suppose this means that he'll try and ruin my reputation with other heroes. Damn, I should have thought of that in advance. But...I have quite a few cards up my sleeves~
I hummed at the thought as I whirled around, and started my walk home to get started on training. It is already 19:00, and I don't want to stick around to see anybody else before I get home.
I hope I can get in another episode of Youjo Senki tonight.
Word count: 5834
But now I can get a move on with the rest of the story. Mwahahahaha!!! I think I made it really obvious who her "Dad" is now...but idk.
Was it good or bad? Anything that needs work? Let me know!
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