Chapter 5
Hello there~
So, at the moment, it seems like the votes are in Izuku's favor...because there's only been one vote.
But yeah, just comment if you want her to end up with someone, or if you want to see her interact with someone! There's no specific interaction with anybody at this point for those that have requested it. If they interact with anybody, it's based on reason and "coincidence". So essentially, some influence from the request of it goes with the plot.
Also, I haven't updated for so long because school had started, and I wanted to see what holes there were in my schedule that I could write in. I finally got used to it and figured out when I could continue writing the story. During some of the free time I had I read some books, but that's when I could only afford to do so for 15 minutes, and that happened only once every 3 weeks from the looks of it.
With that, let's start the story~
After Midoriya-san's little crying session, we both fell into silence. However, it wasn't a heavy silence this time. It was a comfortable one, and I don't think either of us minded residing in it. My small smile from before still rested on my face, and I inhaled deeply. I felt so much more relieved now, knowing that there was one person in class that wouldn't mean me harm. I let go of the breath I was holding, and turned to face the freckled boy. I observed that the small smile from before was still on his face, and that his posture was more relaxed.
"So Midoriya-san." I spoke, breaking the silence. He hummed in response, his eyes glancing at me.
"Do you want to be friends?"
His smile grew a little more at the inquiry, as he turned his head to face me fully.
"I-If we could...then yes." Midoriya-san agreed. I smiled widely as I nodded, and danced a little in my seat. Midoriya-san and I both laughed a little afterwards, seeing as my dance was awkward and really bad. We started to talk about random things for a little bit before deciding to head home. I picked up my bag that I had set down near the bed, and left the nurses office. I walked out the gates of Yuuei happily - not like Uraraka happy with skipping and stuff - but my happy, which only consisted of smiling to myself and walking. I probably look like a psychopath or something while I walk through the street.
Anyway, a little bit after I started walking, I realized that Midoriya-san was basically following me. I tilted my head back towards him, glancing at the green-haired student.
"Midoriya-san...which way do you walk to your house?" I inquired, making him stop in his tracks. He scratched the back of his head nervously.
"We live so close to one another! Why didn't we go to the same middle school?" I questioned loudly when we reached his place. Midoriya-san gained a small smile at my awe.
"It is surprising that you live a few blocks away from me...but I guess you were over the border for the school?" he guessed. I nodded in response.
"That would make sense."
"Oh, Kisaragi-san! Did you know that Kacchan lives a few blocks away from us?"
"I didn't. But now that I know...I feel the need to move away from him..."
"...Now you know how I felt for a majority of my life."
We both sighed in unison. Bakugou has been a pain in the ass since he was a kid apparently. Then again, that much is supposed to be expected.
"I'm gonna head home now. See ya' later Midoriya-san!" I bid, waving to him as I walked away.
"Bye Kisaragi-san!" he replied, walking up to his house door. I kept walking along the sidewalk to my house, thinking about tomorrow. Now that I have an ally in class, maybe - just maybe - I can make everyone change their view of me. Then again, why should I care? After another three years, I won't have to see them again...probably.
I sighed. I think just limiting my thinking to tomorrow would be good. There's too much stress lying ahead anyway.
Now what to do about that walking time-bomb tomorrow is the only other question...
I yawned loudly as I walked out of my house. It was a peaceful morning so far, but I think we all know that because of a blonde asshole that that fact may be subject to change. Like a car dealership. Always subject to change. Wait, what car would Bakugou be then? He'd have to be a shitty one for sure.
Maybe he would be a buggy! No, that's not it...but I know it has to be one of those small crappy cars! God...what was it!?! Wait, why am I even thinking about something so stupid!?!
I stopped at a nearby telephone pole, and stared at it before deciding upon my wise actions. I started banging my head against the metal pole, my forehead smacking it.
Get out of your morning phase Zero. Stop being an idiot.
After a good five minutes of head-smashing, I finally continued to walk. Or at least, I was about to until I saw Midoriya-san staring at me with a confused look on his face.
"Oh...good morning there Midoriya-san." I said, giving a little wave. He sweat-dropped before waving back.
"G-Good morning to you too Kisaragi-san. Why were you doing that?" he questioned, pointing to the pole. I looked back to the pole, then back at him before the thoughts of Bakugou being a car came back.
"I...I was having weird thoughts." I said. He caught up to me, and walked beside me.
"What weird thoughts?" Midoriya-san asked. I pondered over telling him. Would he think of me as weird? He was my only ally in Class 1-A...ah, who cares!
"I was thinking about what kind of car Bakugou would be."
"I know, it's weird. But here's how I got to it..."
After I explained how I got to that, he nodded in understanding.
"Basically, you sometimes have idiotic thoughts in the morning and it leads you to think of things like this sometimes?"
"Yeah." I answered, scratching the back of my head. He cracked a small smile before letting out a snort.
"It's nice to see that you're not completely serious all the time." he chuckled. I looked at him in confusion.
"What, you thought I was an emotionless person or something?" I inquired, a small smile coming onto my face. He shook his head frantically, making me reassure him that it was just my way of joking.
"But yes, that's usually because of how everyone acts towards me. I guess it just became normal." I stated casually, shrugging off the odd look he shot me. We both fell into a comfortable silence after that. We were near the school, when I realized something.
"Are you okay with walking into school with me? Your friends might go and do the same thing that they do to me, to you." I questioned. This is the ultimate test. If he leaves me at the gate, then it proves that he truly doesn't want to actually be near me. That he isn't truly comfortable with me.
That he will abandon me when the time comes.
He didn't answer for a little bit. I stared at his freckled face, which looked over at me soon enough.
"I'm okay with that. And if they leave me just because I'm friends with someone else, it just means that they weren't true friends." he replied confidently, yet his eyes reflected worry. I can see through your're're forcing yourself...
I shot him a slight smile before patting his arm. He made the effort. He tried to force himself, and tried to mend his mistakes. I think he'll be there when I absolutely need him. I patted his shoulder, making him turn his head to me.
"I can see that you're a bit insecure about it. It's okay if you're not okay with it yet." I stated, my smile starting to turn fake. Back to normal Zero. Back to normal. He sighed in defeat.
"I-I'm sorry Kisaragi-san...I really am." he admitted, holding his head in shame. I raised his head to face me, my smile now completely fake.
"It's okay. Don't worry about it. Perfectly understandable. I'll see you in class then?" I questioned him. He nodded in agreement, queuing me to leave the boy alone and walk to class. As I walked along the outside pathway to the school, I saw that my other friends from 1-B were walking together. I contemplated catching up to them, but then I thought that I would look like I'm desperate.
I would look like I have to be dependent.
I sighed as I started to walk faster. I stayed out of the groups' sight, but remained behind them to the point that I could hear tid-bits of their conversations. I heard myself mentioned at some points in time. Eventually, I heard Tetsu-san asking where I was, and why I hadn't come yet. I took that as my cue to scare him by running up behind him, and yelling 'Boo' for effect.
Tetsu-san shrieked like a girl as Neito-san laughed mockingly at him. Ituska-san giggled as Ruri-san stood there in shock from the scare.
My lips twitched up slightly at the scene. Somehow, it feels so much warmer with all of them. I've never known this type of warmth...but it's so nice and comforting...
"Oh my Tetsu-san, I didn't realize you were that easy to scare." I teased, a slight smile on my face as I distracted myself from my previous train of thought. Tetsu-san blushed lightly, looking away as the blonde guy of the group continued laughing at his friend. I chuckled at them, looking over at Ruri-san's flushed face. The other blonde of the group noticed my gaze, following it with a teasing smile.
"Ruri-san is easy to scare too apparently." she noted aloud, causing Ruri-san to squeak a little. We all laughed as we made our way to our respective classes. This little bit of time with them always makes me feel so much better. But then the dreaded time came yet again, making my smile fade away slowly. I bid the group a quick farewell of sorts before walking into class. I was met with the stares of spectators yet again, the scene never-ending. I merely walked to my desk, attempting to shake off the stares. Usually I'm able to, but today they seemed a lot more intense.
What's up with them? Maybe they set up a trap for me at my desk? I arrived to my desk, skeptical of the object before me. It had marker stains on it, with words I would rather not speak nor read. I investigated my desk, but found nothing. I was about to touch my chair when I heard a little snicker. I paused my movement, pulling back from the chair. I quickly squatted, my shorts underneath my skirt covering whatever could have peeked out previously. I went under my desk, and found some of the screws loose. Well, I can't sit for now.
I looked under my desk after that, finding that no screws were loose. I got out from under, and set my stuff down on top of my desk, leaving myself enough room for me to sit atop it. I jumped onto my desk, situating myself in a comfortable position as Aizawa-sensei walked into class. He stared at me as I crossed my legs, one over the other.
"Kisaragi-san, why are you sitting on top of your desk?" he questioned me, an eyebrow raised at the scene in front of him. I smiled, jutting my thumb to the back of me.
"It seems that somebody decided to unscrew parts of my chair. I myself don't have a screwdriver on me, so I wasn't able to screw it back in myself. They didn't unscrew this however, so I sat on top of it." I explained. He sighed, waving his hand and dismissing the issue. I smiled to myself as I took out a notebook from my bag, and got ready to take notes for the day.
I had expected something to happen, but nothing did. That is, until lunch time came. I got up from my desk, grabbed my things, and decided to start walking to Class 1-B. I wasn't even halfway out the room when I heard someone shout my name. I decided to ignore it, but my arm was grabbed when I reached the doorway. I craned my head behind me, finding Iida to be the one grabbing it.
I wrenched my arm out of his grip.
"What do you want?" I asked coldly. To be honest, I didn't actually care about what he wanted; I just wanted to leave and eat. Iida cleared his throat, pushing up his glasses a little bit. I stared him down, his dark blue eyes meeting my gray ones. He seemed to be intimidated by the way I was looking at him.
"Well, I was wondering where you go during lunch. We don't really expect you to go anywhere since-"
"I see what you're getting at. But I eat lunch with Class 1-B since they actually respect me. They are the only people who are willing to back me up. To me, they are the people who are true heroes. The majority of you aren't. Not with your outlook." I interrupted, my muscles tensing. I was getting ready to take out my katanas in case, which I don't think he noticed.
"Forgive me Kisaragi, but why would we be less of heroes than they are?" he inquired, just a bit of anger in his voice. Oh what a joy it will be to explain this.
"Simple. I'll ask you a few questions, and you'll answer yes or no. Agreed?" I requested. He thought it over for a minute, then nodded in agreement. I sighed.
"Tell me Iida, do you want to save people because they can't save themselves?" I questioned straight off the bat. He thought about it for some time after that, before nodding.
"So going according to this, are you thinking that heroes are the only people that can save them from anything?"
I was met with a "yes."
"So are you - in a way - only saving the people because you feel pity for the fact that they cannot protect themselves?"
He didn't answer that time, and the class - whom had fallen silent at our conversation - seemed to be deep in thought. It was pin drop silent, and at this, I sighed in disappointment.
"You don't have an answer, I see. I expected as much. You see, there's a difference between you and I, Iida. And that, is the reason why we want to save people. I want to save others because their lives are just as important as the next." I started, which seemed to catch the attention of the entire class. I kept my eyes on Iida, who broke out of his trance and stared at me.
"They're just as important as any hero, any family member, any friend, any child, and any person in this world. I want to save people because even though we can all save ourselves from things, sometimes a person needs help because not everybody can handle everything themselves. I save people so I can see their lives continue because we all are - essentially - on the same level as one another. I save them because I value their lives, not because of pity of the fact that they cannot get themselves out of every circumstance. Nobody is invincible - not you, not me, and not the next person." I continued, watching as Iida's eyes seemed to reflect shock at what I said.
"That's why I know that Class 1-B is better than you. They have respected me since the start because they have viewed me as an equal since the start. They - the people who can see me and others on an equal level - are the ones who deserve to be heroes, because they can see how important anybody is. And thanks to you, now I only have twenty minutes to eat. I'll see you later." I finished, turning to walk out the door. I could've sworn the mood in the room changed then, but I quite frankly could not have cared less. I walked straight towards Class 1-B after that.
I reached there in a minute tops, taking a less time to get there than before. I quickly pulled up a seat, and time seemed to fly by fast as I wolfed down my food, and talked with the others. The warm, fuzzy feeling came back again, and yet...I didn't feel as happy as before. A sense of dread had overcome me. Was what I said over there really going to affect me the rest of the year?
I snapped out of my thoughts at Tetsu-san's call. I directed my gaze towards him as he stared at me with worry.
"Your chopsticks are broken." he pointed out. I looked down, finding them to be snapped in half. I stared in shock at the two broken pieces of wood. Am I really that stressed over it? The group quickly started asking whether or not I was okay, to which I replied with something that made them get angry at Class 1-A.
"They completely misunderstood me, and will not stop trying to pick at me. They always go so far, and more than hurting, I feel so irritated now-a-days that whenever I think about it, I get kind of angry." I answered, which had fueled their anger, and Neito-san's further dislike for Class 1-A. I then noticed that I had five minutes left, so I quickly gathered up my things and left, bidding them a quick 'see you!'
I made it back to class in time, a small smile on my face as I was about to open the door. I paused for a second. My smile fell when I realized that my friends were away from me, and that I was stuck with these filthy excuses for human beings...except for Midoriya-san and maybe Uraraka-san. They're not filthy. I walked into class, and made a bee-line for my seat. My hands fisted and unfisted as I walked back to my desk, ignoring the rest of the people around me.
The rest of the day went by without a hitch, and I started to feel like something horrible was going to happen because of it. As soon as the bell rang, I started a mad dash for the door, but I didn't get further than a step out of it before getting grabbed by the back of my shirt, and yanked back inside by the glasses freak himself. He seemed to look sad, surprisingly. I gaped.
Has he found out that he's a tsundere!?!
"Kisaragi-san, you have opened my eyes to what I may have been doing wrong. For that, I thank you! And I'm sorry for how I have treated you! It was unbecoming of me to have treated you in such a manner!" he shouted, bowing down to a perfect 90 degree angle.
...Damn, I thought he would have realized it by now. But really, what precision the tsundere has, even when bowing! As to be expected! He has done the Asian community proud!
The thought made a smile come onto my face slightly, but it disappeared. He didn't straighten back up, which I frowned at.
"Iida-san, please straighten up. There's no reason to bow down to me." I stated bluntly. He straightened up, looking at me with wide eyes. I raised an eyebrow at his expression.
"Is something wrong?" I questioned.
"Y-You used an honorific!" he exclaimed, as if the act itself was ludicrous as he pushed his glasses up.
"And?" I asked, crossing my arms around my chest.
"You don't usually do that!"
"That's because you did something I can respect. I only give respect to those whom I see fit to receive it."
My response had apparently put him in awe again, which got me really irritated. There's nothing so awe-inspiring about me to be honest. I sighed in irritation before walking off again, casting a glance at the rest of the class. The minute I was out of the class, I started to run for my life. I should get to work as soon as possible.
I'm already getting to work on the next chapter guys! Not to worry, I'm completely back on track now! I hope you all enjoyed it! Was it good? Bad? Tell me!
I really wish I had written more in there, but the next chapter will be better! I promise! It will add more plot to the story than what the manga/anime does! Because her past comes up...try guessing her father. You'll probably see who it is at like, Chapter 11 or 12 depending.
Anyway, time to go work on the next chapter!
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